This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
Lots of financial losses are caused every year due to credit card fraud transactions, the financial industry has switched from a posterior investigation approach to an a priori predictive approach with the design of fraud detection algorithms to warn and help fraud investigators.
This case study is focused to give you an idea of applying Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) in a real business scenario. In this case study, apart from applying the various Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) techniques, you will also develop a basic understanding of risk analytics and understand how data can be utilized in order to minimise the risk of losing money while lending to customers.
The loan providing companies find it hard to give loans to people due to their inadequate or missing credit history. Some consumers use this to their advantage by becoming a defaulter. Let us consider your work for a consumer finance company that specialises in lending various types of loans to customers. You must use Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to analyse the patterns present in the data which will make sure that the loans are not rejected for the applicants capable of repaying.
When the company receives a loan application, the company has to rights for loan approval based on the applicant’s profile. Two types of risks are associated with the bank’s or company’s decision:
The data contains information about the loan application.
When a client applies for a loan, there are four types of decisions that could be taken by the bank/company:
In this case study, you will use Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) to understand how consumer attributes and loan attributes impact the tendency of default.
This case study aims to identify patterns that indicate if an applicant will repay their instalments which may be used for taking further actions such as denying the loan, reducing the amount of loan, lending at a higher interest rate, etc. This will make sure that the applicants capable of repaying the loan are not rejected. Recognition of such aspirants using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) techniques is the main focus of this case study.
You can get access to data here.
Importing Necessary Packages
# Filtering Warnings import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') #Other's import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import plotly.graph_objects as go pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 300) #Setting column display limit'ggplot') #Applying style to graphs
Here, we will use two datasets for our analysis as follows,
Let’s start with reading those files, we’ll start with df1,
df1 = pd.read_csv("application_data.csv") df1.head()
Source: Author
Source: Author
Data Inspection
Before starting Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) procedures we will start with inspecting the data.
Source: Author = True)
Source: Author
Here, by giving verbose = True, it will give all the information about all the columns. Try it and see the results.
Source: Author
By describing (), you will get all the statistical information for the numeric columns and get an idea about their distribution and outliers.
Handling Null Values
After all the data inspecting, let’s check for the null values,
(df1.isnull().sum()/len(df1)*100).sort_values(ascending = False).head(50)
Source: Author
As you can see we are getting lots of null values. Let’s analyse this further.
null_col = df1.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending = False) null_col = null_col[null_col.values >(0.35*len(df1))] #Plotting Bar Graph for null values greater than 35% plt.figure(figsize=(20,4)) null_col.plot(kind='bar', color="#4CB391") plt.title('List of Columns & null counts where null values are more than 35%') plt.xlabel("Null Columns",fontdict={"fontsize":12,"fontweight":5}) #Setting X-label and Y-label plt.ylabel("Count of null values",fontdict={"fontsize":12,"fontweight":5})
Theoretically, 25 to 30% is the maximum missing values are allowed, beyond which we might want to drop the variable from analysis. But practically we get variables with ~50% of missing values but still, the customer insists to have it for analyzing. In those cases, we have to treat them accordingly. Here, we will remove columns with null values of more than 35% after observing those columns.
Let’s check how many columns are there with null values greater than 35%. And remove those.
label = list(null_col.index.values) #Making list of column names having null values greater than 35% df1.drop(labels = label,axis=1,inplace = True) #Droping those columns
After removing null values, check the percentage of null values for each column again.
null = (df1.isnull().sum()/len(df1)*100).sort_values(ascending = False).head(50) null.head(30)
Let’s handle these missing values by observing them.
df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_YEAR.fillna(df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_YEAR.mode()[0],inplace = True) #AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_YEAR df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_MON.fillna(df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_MON.mode()[0],inplace = True) #AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_MON df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_WEEK.fillna(df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_WEEK.mode()[0],inplace = True) #AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_WEEK df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_DAY.fillna(df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_DAY.mode()[0],inplace = True) #AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_DAY df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_HOUR.fillna(df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_HOUR.mode()[0],inplace = True) #AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_HOUR df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_QRT.fillna(df1.AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_QRT.mode()[0],inplace = True) #AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_QRT df1.NAME_TYPE_SUITE.fillna(df1.NAME_TYPE_SUITE.mode()[0],inplace = True) #NAME_TYPE_SUITE df1.OBS_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE.fillna( df1.OBS_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE.mode()[0],inplace = True) #OBS_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE df1.DEF_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE.fillna( df1.DEF_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE.mode()[0],inplace = True) #DEF_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE df1.OBS_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE.fillna( df1.OBS_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE.mode()[0],inplace = True) #OBS_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE df1.DEF_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE.fillna( df1.DEF_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE.mode()[0],inplace = True) #DEF_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE df1.CNT_FAM_MEMBERS.fillna(df1.CNT_FAM_MEMBERS.mode() , inplace = True) #CNT_FAM_MEMBERS df1.DAYS_LAST_PHONE_CHANGE.fillna(df1.DAYS_LAST_PHONE_CHANGE.mode()[0],inplace = True) #DAYS_LAST_PHONE_CHANGE df1.EXT_SOURCE_2.fillna(df1.EXT_SOURCE_2.median() , inplace = True) #EXT_SOURCE_2 df1.EXT_SOURCE_3.fillna(df1.EXT_SOURCE_3.median() , inplace = True) #EXT_SOURCE_3
Checking null values again after imputing null values.
We didn’t impute OCCUPATION_TYPE because it may contain some useful information, so imputing it with mean or median doesn’t make any sense.
We’ll impute ‘OCCUOATION_TYPE” later by analyzing it.
If you observe the columns carefully, you will find that some columns contain an error. So let’s make some changes.
If you see the data carefully, you will find that though these are days, it contains negative values which is not valid. So let’s make changes accordingly.
As you can see all the columns starts with DAYS, let’s make a list of columns we want to change for ease of change.
day_cols = [i for i in df1 if i.startswith('DAYS')] day_cols
df1[day_cols]= abs(df1[day_cols])
print(df1['DAYS_BIRTH'].unique()) print(df1['DAYS_EMPLOYED'].unique()) print(df1['DAYS_REGISTRATION'].unique()) print(df1['DAYS_ID_PUBLISH'].unique()) print(df1['DAYS_LAST_PHONE_CHANGE'].unique())
Some columns contain Y/N type of values, let’s make it 1/0 for ease of understanding.
df1['FLAG_OWN_CAR'] = np.where(df1['FLAG_OWN_CAR']=='Y', 1 , 0) df1['FLAG_OWN_REALTY'] = np.where(df1['FLAG_OWN_REALTY']=='Y', 1 , 0)
Let’s check the distribution for columns having categorical values. After checking for all the columns, we get to know that some columns contain ‘XNA’ values which mean null. Let’s impute it accordingly.
df1.CODE_GENDER.value_counts() df1.loc[df1.CODE_GENDER == 'XNA','CODE_GENDER'] = 'F' df1.CODE_GENDER.value_counts()
Let’s impute these values. let’s check whether these values are missing at random or are there any pattern between missing values. You can read more about this here.
Here we observe that wherever NAME_INCOME_TYPE
is Pensioner there only we have null values in ORGANIZATON_TYPE
column.Let’s see count of Pensioner and then we’ll decide whether to impute null values of ORGANIZATION_TYPE
with Pensioner or not.
df1.NAME_INCOME_TYPE.value_counts() #Check the counts for each in NAME_INCOME_TYPE
Source: Author
column. So the value is Missing At Random
with Pensioner as most of the null values for OCCUPATION_TYPE compared to Income type variable values we found that “Pensioner” is the most frequent value almost 80% of the null values of OCCUPATION_TYPEdf1['ORGANIZATION_TYPE'] = df1['ORGANIZATION_TYPE'].replace('XNA', 'Pensioner') df1['OCCUPATION_TYPE'].fillna('Pensioner' , inplace = True)
Source: Author
We have some columns which have nominal categorical values. So let’s impute them accordingly. You can read more about this here.
df1['AMT_INCOME_TYPE'] = pd.qcut(df1.AMT_INCOME_TOTAL, q=[0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.95, 1], labels=['VERY_LOW', 'LOW', "MEDIUM", 'HIGH', 'VERY_HIGH']) df1['AMT_INCOME_TYPE'].head(11)
df1['AMT_CREDIT_TYPE'] = pd.qcut(df1.AMT_CREDIT, q=[0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.95, 1], labels=['VERY_LOW', 'LOW', "MEDIUM", 'HIGH', 'VERY_HIGH']) df1['AMT_CREDIT_TYPE'].head(11)
Let’s Bin ‘DAYS_BIRTH’ column by converting it to years based on various “AGE_GROUP”
df1['DAYS_BIRTH']= (df1['DAYS_BIRTH']/365).astype(int) # Converting df1['DAYS_BIRTH'].unique()
df1['AGE_GROUP']=pd.cut(df1['DAYS_BIRTH'], bins=[19,25,35,60,100], labels=['Very_Young','Young', 'Middle_Age', 'Senior_Citizen']) #Binning
Again check the datatypes for all the columns and change them accordingly.
By checking the data types we found the following columns to change their data types.
df1['NAME_CONTRACT_TYPE'] = df1['NAME_CONTRACT_TYPE'].astype('category') df1['CODE_GENDER'] = df1['CODE_GENDER'].astype('category') df1['NAME_TYPE_SUITE'] = df1['NAME_TYPE_SUITE'].astype('category') df1['NAME_INCOME_TYPE'] = df1['NAME_INCOME_TYPE'].astype('category') df1['NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE'] = df1['NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE'].astype('category') df1['NAME_FAMILY_STATUS'] = df1['NAME_FAMILY_STATUS'].astype('category') df1['NAME_HOUSING_TYPE'] = df1['NAME_HOUSING_TYPE'].astype('category') df1['OCCUPATION_TYPE'] = df1['OCCUPATION_TYPE'].astype('category') df1['WEEKDAY_APPR_PROCESS_START'] = df1['WEEKDAY_APPR_PROCESS_START'].astype('category') df1['ORGANIZATION_TYPE'] = df1['ORGANIZATION_TYPE'].astype('category')
After observing all the columns, we found some columns which don’t add any value to our analysis, so simply drop them so that the data looks clear.
Outlier Analysis
Outlier detection for any data science process is very important. Sometimes removing outliers tend to improve our model meanwhile sometimes outliers may give you a very different approach to your analysis.
So let’s make a list of all the numeric columns and plot boxplots to understand the outliers in the data.
numerical_col = df1.select_dtypes(include='number').columns len(numerical_col)
fig , axes = plt.subplots(nrows=7, ncols=5, constrained_layout=True) # Plot Configuration fig.subplots_adjust(left= 0, bottom=0, right=3, top=12, wspace=0.09, hspace=0.3) for ax, column in zip(axes.flatten(),numerical_col): #Using For loop sns.boxplot(df1[column],ax=ax) #Ploting
You will get a 7×5 boxplot matrix. Let’s have a look at a very small portion.
Observe the plot and try to make your own insights.
have outlier values having children more than 5.AMT_INCOME_TOTAL
is very slim and it has a large number of outliers.AMT_CREDIT
is larger as compared to the First quartile which means that most of the Credit amount of the loan of customers are present in the third quartile. And there are a large number of outliers present in AMT_CREDIT
is slightly larger than the First quartile and there is a large number of outliers.AMT_GOODS_PRICE
is larger as compared to the First quartile and all have a large number of outliers.DAYS EMPLOYED
is very slim. Most of the outliers are present below 25000. And an outlier is present 375000.CNT_FAM_MEMBERS
, we can say that most of the clients have 4 family members. There are some outliers present.DAYS_BIRTH
don’t have any outliers.DAYS_EMPLOYED
are very slim and have a large number of outliers.FLAG_OWN_CAR
: It doesn’t have First and Third quantile and values lies within IQR, So we can conclude that most of the clients own a carFLAG_OWN_REALTY
: It doesn’t have First and Third quantile and values lies within IQR, So we can conclude that most of the clients own a House/FlatBefore we start analysing our data, let’s check the data imbalance. It’s a very important to step in any machine learning or deep learning process.
Target0 = df1.loc[df1["TARGET"]==0] Target1 = df1.loc[df1["TARGET"]==1]
The Imbalance ratio we got is "11.39"
Let’s check the distribution of the target variable visually using a pie chart.
count1 = 0 count0 = 0 for i in df1['TARGET'].values: if i == 1: count1 += 1 else: count0 += 1 count1 = (count1/len(df1['TARGET']))*100 count0 = (count0/len(df1['TARGET']))*100 x = ['Defaulted Population(TARGET=1)','Non-Defauted Population(TARGET=0)'] y = [count1, count0] explode = (0.1, 0) # only "explode" the 1st slice fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.pie(y, explode=explode, labels=x, autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True, startangle=110) ax1.axis('equal') # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle. plt.title('Data imbalance',fontsize=25)
Defaulted population is 8.1 % and non- defaulted population is 91.9%
.Ratio is 11.3
We will separately analyse the data based on the target variable for a better understanding.
plt.figure(figsize=(15,8)) plt.subplot(121) sns.countplot(x='TARGET',hue='CODE_GENDER',data=Target0, palette = 'Set2') plt.title("Gender Distribution in Target0") plt.subplot(122) sns.countplot(x='TARGET',hue='CODE_GENDER',data=Target1, palette = 'Set2') plt.title("Gender Distribution in Target1")
66.6% Female
clients are non-defaulters while 33.4% male
clients are non-defaulters.57% Female
clients are defaulters while 42% male
clients are defaulters.plt.figure(figsize=(15,7)) plt.subplot(121) sns.countplot(x='TARGET',hue='AGE_GROUP',data=Target0,palette='Set2') plt.subplot(122) sns.countplot(x='TARGET',hue='AGE_GROUP',data=Target1,palette='Set2')
Source: Author
Middle Age(35-60)
the group seems to applied higher than any other age group for loans in the case of Defaulters as well as Non-defaulters.Middle Age
group facing paying difficulties the most.Senior Citizens(60-100)
and Very young(19-25)
age group facing paying difficulties less as compared to other age groups.Organization’s Distribution Based on Target 0 and Target 1
plt.figure(figsize=(40,5)) plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 80 plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 80 # Plot Configuration plt.rcParams['axes.titlepad'] = 50 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=2) sns.set_context('talk') fig.subplots_adjust(left= 0.09,bottom=1,right=3,top= 12,wspace=0.5,hspace=0.3) plt.subplot(121) plt.xscale('log') # For Target0 sns.countplot(data=Target0,y='ORGANIZATION_TYPE', order=df1['ORGANIZATION_TYPE'].value_counts().index,palette='Set3',hue = 'TARGET') plt.title("ORGANIZATION_TYPE Vs Target 0") plt.subplot(122) plt.xscale('log') # For Target1 sns.countplot(data=Target1,y='ORGANIZATION_TYPE', order=df1['ORGANIZATION_TYPE'].value_counts().index,palette='Set1',hue = 'TARGET') plt.title("ORGANIZATION_TYPE Vs Target 1");
Business Entity Type 3, Self-employed, Other ,Medicine, Government,Business Entity Type 2
applied the most for the loan as compared to othersIndustry: type 13, Trade: type 4, Trade: type 5, Industry: type 8
applied lower for the loan as compared to others.Creating a plot for each feature manually becomes a too tedious task. So we will define a function and use a loop to iterate through each categorical column.
def categorical_plot(var): plt.figure(figsize=(40,20)) plt.rcParams['axes.labelpad'] = 50 plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) sns.countplot(var, data=Target0, palette = 'Set3', hue='TARGET') plt.xlabel(var, fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") #Target 0 plt.ylabel('Non Payment Difficulties', fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=30) plt.yticks(rotation=360, fontsize=30) plt.rcParams['axes.labelpad'] = 50 plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) sns.countplot(var, data=Target1, palette = 'Set1', hue='TARGET') # Target 1 plt.xlabel(var, fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.ylabel('Payments Difficulties', fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=30) plt.yticks(rotation=360, fontsize=30)
Let’s create a list for all categorical columns.
categorical_col = list(df1.select_dtypes(include= 'category').columns) # Removing 'ORGANIZATION_TYPE','CODE_GENDER','AGE_GROUP' because we have already taken up the isights from above plots categorical_col.remove('ORGANIZATION_TYPE') categorical_col.remove('CODE_GENDER') categorical_col.remove('AGE_GROUP') categorical_col #Checking after removing columns
for cat in categorical_col: categorical_plot(cat)
- Most of the clients have applied for
Cash Loan
while very small proportion have applied forRevolving loan
for both Defaulters as well as Non-defaulters.
- Most of the clients were accompanied while applying for the loan.And with few clients a family member was accompanying for both Defaulters and Non-Defaulters.
- But who was accompanying client while applying for the loan doesn’t impact on the default.Also both the populations have same proportions.
- Clients who applied for loans were getting income by Working,Commercial associate and Pensioner are more likely to apply for the loan, highest being the
Working class category
.- Businessman, students and Unemployedless likely to apply for loan .
- Working category have high risk to default.
- State Servant is at Minimal risk to default.
- Clients having education
Secondary or Secondary Special
are more likey to apply for the loan.- Clients having education
Secondary or Secondary Special
have higher risk to default.Other education types have minimal risk.
- Married Clients seems to be applied most for the loan compared to others for both Defaulters and Non-Defaulters.
- In case of Defaulters,Clients having single relationship are less risky
- In case of Defaulters, Widows shows Minimal risk.
- From the bar chart, it is clear that Most of the clients own a house or living in a apartment for both Defaulters and Non-Defaulters.
- Pensioners have applied the most for the loan in case of Defaulters and Non-Defaulters.
- Pensioner being highest followed by
have high risk to default.
- There is no considerable difference in days for both Defaulters and Non-defaulters.
- Clients having Medium salary range are more likely to apply for the loan for both Defaulters and Non-defaulters.
- Clients having
income are at high risk to default.
- Most of the clients applied for Medium Credit Amount of the loan for both Defaulters and Non-defaulters.
- Clients applying for
credit are at high risk of default.
def uni(col): sns.set(style="darkgrid") plt.figure(figsize=(40,20)) plt.subplot(1,2,1) sns.distplot(Target0[col], color="g" ) plt.yscale('linear') plt.xlabel(col, fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.ylabel('Non Payment Difficulties', fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") #Target 0 plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=30) plt.yticks(rotation=360, fontsize=30) plt.subplot(1,2,2) sns.distplot(Target1[col], color="r") plt.yscale('linear') plt.xlabel(col, fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.ylabel('Payment Difficulties', fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") # Target 1 plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=30) plt.yticks(rotation=360, fontsize=30);
Let’s check the required columns for analysis.
For Target 0
plt.figure(figsize=(35,14)) plt.yscale('log') #As the values are too large, it is convinient to use log for better analysis plt.xticks(rotation = 90) sns.boxplot(data =Target0, x='NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE',y='AMT_INCOME_TOTAL', #Boxplot w.r.t Data Target 0 hue ='NAME_FAMILY_STATUS',orient='v',palette='Set2') plt.legend( loc = 'upper right') #Adjusting legend position plt.title('Income amount vs Education Status',fontsize=35 ) plt.xlabel("NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE",fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.ylabel("AMT_INCOME_TOTAL",fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=30) plt.yticks(rotation=360, fontsize=30)
plt.figure(figsize=(25,10)) plt.yscale('log') #As the values are too large, it is convinient to use log for better analysis plt.xticks(rotation = 90) sns.boxplot(data =Target0, x='NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE',y='AMT_CREDIT', #Boxplot w.r.t Data Target 0 hue ='NAME_FAMILY_STATUS',orient='v',palette='Set2') plt.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 1),loc = 'upper right') #Adjusting legend position plt.title('Credit V/s Education',fontsize=35 ) plt.xlabel("NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE",fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.ylabel("AMT_CREDIT",fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=30) plt.yticks(rotation=360, fontsize=30)
Source: Author
plt.figure(figsize=(30,12)) plt.yscale('log') #As the values are too large, it is convinient to use log for better analysis plt.xticks(rotation = 90) sns.boxplot(data =Target1, x='NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE',y='AMT_INCOME_TOTAL', #Boxplot w.r.t Data Target 1 hue ='NAME_FAMILY_STATUS',orient='v',palette='Set2') plt.legend( loc = 'upper right') #Adjusting legend position plt.title('Income amount vs Education Status',fontsize= 35) plt.xlabel("NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE",fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.ylabel("AMT_INCOME_TOTAL",fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=30) plt.yticks(rotation=360, fontsize=30)
plt.figure(figsize=(30,12)) #As the values are too large, it is convinient to use log for better analysis plt.yscale('log') plt.xticks(rotation = 90) sns.boxplot(data =Target1, x='NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE',y='AMT_CREDIT', #Boxplot w.r.t Data Target 1 hue ='NAME_FAMILY_STATUS',orient='v',palette='Set2') plt.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 1),loc = 'upper right') #Adjusting legend position plt.title('Credit V/s Education',fontsize=50 ) plt.xlabel("NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE",fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.ylabel("AMT_CREDIT",fontsize= 30, fontweight="bold") plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=30) plt.yticks(rotation=360, fontsize=30)
Source: Author
Define a function for bivariate plots
def biplot(df,feature,title): temp = df[feature].value_counts() # Calculate the percentage of target=1 per category value perc = df[[feature, 'TARGET']].groupby([feature],as_index=False).mean() perc.sort_values(by='TARGET', ascending=False, inplace=True) fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=("Count of "+ title,"% of Loan Payment difficulties within each category")) fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=temp.index, y=temp.values),row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=perc[feature].to_list(), y=perc['TARGET'].to_list()),row=1, col=2) fig['layout']['xaxis']['title']=feature fig['layout']['xaxis2']['title']=feature fig['layout']['yaxis']['title']='Count' fig['layout']['yaxis2']['title']='% of Loan Payment Difficulties' fig.update_layout(height=600, width=1000, title_text=title, showlegend=False)
Distribution of Amount Income Range and the category with maximum % Loan-Payment Difficulties
biplot(df1 ,'AMT_INCOME_TYPE','Income range')
Distribution of Type of Income and the category with maximum Loan-Payment Difficulties
biplot(df1 ,'NAME_INCOME_TYPE','Income type')
Distribution of Contract Type and the category with maximum Loan-Payment Difficulties
biplot(df1 ,'NAME_CONTRACT_TYPE','Contract type')
Distribution of Education Type and the category with maximum Loan-Payment Difficulties
biplot(df1 ,'NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE','Education type')
Distribution of Housing Type and the category with maximum Loan-Payment Difficulties
biplot(df1 ,'NAME_HOUSING_TYPE','Housing type')
Distribution of Occupation Type and the category with maximum Loan-Payment Difficulties
biplot(df1 ,'OCCUPATION_TYPE','Occupation type')
You may be wondering here why I haven’t attached screenshots here. Well, plot the charts and try to give insights based on that on your own. That’s the best way to learn.
Distribution of CODE_GENDER with respect to AMT_INCOME_RANGE to find maximum % Loan-Payment Difficulties using pivot table
table= pd.pivot_table(df1, values='TARGET', index=['CODE_GENDER','AMT_INCOME_TYPE'], columns=['NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE'], aggfunc=np.mean) table
Source: Author
Let’s check correlations in the data visually. For that make a list of all numeric features.
numerical_col = df1.select_dtypes(include='number').columns numerical_col
Source: Author
Let’s use pairplot to get the required charts.
Source: Author
are highly correlated variables for both defaulters and non – defaulters. So as the home price increases the loan amount also increasesAMT_CREDIT
(EMI) are highly correlated variables for both defaulters and non – defaulters. So as the home price increases the EMI amount also increases which is logicalAMT_CREDIT
are highly correlated for both defaulters and non-defaulters, which might not give a good indicator for defaulter detectionNow, let’s check correlations using heatmaps.
corr0=df1.iloc[0:,2:] corr1=df1.iloc[0:,2:] t0=corr0.corr(method='spearman') # t0 - Corelations distibuted according rank wise for target 0 t1=corr1.corr(method='spearman') # t1 - Corelations distibuted according rank wise for target 1
Source: Author
targets_corr(data=t0,title='Correlation for Target 0')
is inversely proportional to the DAYS_BIRTH
, peoples belong to the low-age group taking high Credit amount and vice-versaAMT_CREDIT
is inversely proportional to the CNT_CHILDREN
, means the Credit amount is higher for fewer children count clients have and vice-versa.AMT_INCOME_TOTAL
is inversely proportional to the CNT_CHILDREN
, means more income for fewer children clients have and vice-versa.AMT_CREDIT
is higher in a densely populated area.AMT_INCOME_TOTAL
is also higher in a densely populated area.targets_corr(data=t1,title='Correlation for Target 1')
Source: Author
This is the analysis of current application data. We have one more data for the previous applications & have to analyse that also. Consider that data and do the analysis. Try to give insights.
Now that we have understood and gained insight into the dataset ie performed an Exploratory Data Analysis, try to use ML algorithms to classify fraudulently. So let’s summarize what we have learnt in this case study,
Find the link to the source code here.
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