Generative AI

To Train, Fine-Tune, Prompt Engineer or Not is the Question!

This session discusses the three main approaches to using large language models (LLMs): training, fine-tuning, and prompt engineering. Training is the most time-consuming and expensive approach, but it can lead to the best performance. Fine-tuning is less time-consuming and expensive, but it can still lead to significant improvements in performance. Prompt engineering is the least time-consuming and expensive approach, but it can be less reliable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Training:

    • Training LLMs requires a large dataset of text and code.
    • Training can take weeks or months, depending on the size of the dataset and the model architecture.
    • Training can be expensive, depending on the hardware used.
    • Training can lead to the best performance, but it is not always necessary.
  • Fine-tuning:

    • Fine-tuning LLMs requires a small dataset of labeled data.
    • Fine-tuning can take hours or days, depending on the size of the dataset and the model architecture.
    • Fine-tuning is less expensive than training, but it can still be costly.
    • Fine-tuning can lead to significant improvements in performance, but it is not always necessary.
  • Prompt Engineering:

    • Prompt engineering does not require any training data.
    • Prompt engineering can be done quickly and easily.
    • Prompt engineering is the least expensive approach to using LLMs.
    • Prompt engineering can be less reliable than training or fine-tuning.

This session concludes by discussing the trade-offs between the three approaches to using LLMs. The best approach depends on the specific task at hand and the resources available.

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