DataHour: A Beginner's Guide to Natural Language Processing

DataHour: A Beginner's Guide to Natural Language Processing

11 Apr 202313:04pm - 11 Apr 202314:04pm

DataHour: A Beginner's Guide to Natural Language Processing

About the Event

The NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) is the go-to library for Python NLP (Natural Language Processing). It is used for preprocessing text data for further analysis, such as with ML models. It aids in the conversion of text into numbers, which the model can then work with. There are many features where NLTK helps like - Tokenizing , Stemming, Lemmatizing , POS Tagging , etc. 

In this Datahour, Akash will explain the various features, libraries and methodologies of conversions used in NLP from basics. 

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About the Speaker

Akash Kothari

Akash Kothari

Associate Data Scientist at Deloitte

Akash is a Data Scientist with 4+ years of experience and with a strong background in software engineering who has experience working with a wide range of data pipelines and databases, including unstructured ones. He is proficient in predictive modeling, data processing, and data mining algorithms, as well as scripting languages, including Python and Java.

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