DataHour: Building Multi-Stage Reasoning Systems with LangChain

DataHour: Building Multi-Stage Reasoning Systems with LangChain

01 Nov 202312:11pm - 01 Nov 202313:11pm

DataHour: Building Multi-Stage Reasoning Systems with LangChain

About the Event

Why does this session hold significance for you, and what can you expect to gain from it? We've comprehensively addressed these aspects. Commencing with the necessity to create a template for prompts and generate a diverse range of prompts using distinct inputs, we move on to the importance of establishing critical LLM chains for the seamless linkage of prompts and language models.

Furthermore, we delve into the creation of sequential chains comprising multiple LLMChains, enabling multifaceted reasoning analysis. Lastly, we explore how the utilization of langchain agents can facilitate the development of semi-automated systems featuring an LLM-focused agent, particularly beneficial for tasks such as conducting internet searches and analyzing datasets.

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  4. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
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  2. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  3. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space

About the Speaker

AnudeepSri Bathina

AnudeepSri Bathina

AI research assistant at University of Massachusetts

Anudeepsri Bathina, an accomplished technical lead and developer with more than 8 years of experience. Anudeep is driven by a passion for converting complex data into actionable business insights through the potent combination of Big Data Engineering, Cloud Technologies, and AI.In the course of his career, Anudeepsri has amassed expertise in various programming languages, such as Python and Java, and demonstrated proficiency in RDBMS, with hands-on experience in SQL Server. His mastery extends to Big Data technologies like Hadoop, Hive, and the Spark ecosystem, enabling them to address large-scale data processing challenges.

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