DataHour: Constructing Machine Learning Pipelines using Scikit-learn

DataHour: Constructing Machine Learning Pipelines using Scikit-learn

15 Mar 202315:03pm - 15 Mar 202316:03pm

DataHour: Constructing Machine Learning Pipelines using Scikit-learn

About the Event

In this DataHour, explore with Anuj the various ways to construct the machine learning pipeline using scikit-learn. He will walk you through the different use cases where you can enable an end to end machine learning pipeline that involves data cleaning, preprocessing and modeling steps. Moreover, the way to chain all steps of the workflow together for a more streamlined procedure for code construction will be explained in detail.

Enthusiasm of learning Data Science and basic understanding of machine learning and python programming. 

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About the Speaker

Anuj Dhoundiyal

Anuj Dhoundiyal

Data Scientist at IBM

Anuj is currently working as a Data Scientist in an MNC and holds a total 6.5 years of experience in the field of AI and Machine Learning. His expertise lies in Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning (DL).

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