DataHour: Customizing Large Language Models GPT3 for Real-life Use Cases

DataHour: Customizing Large Language Models GPT3 for Real-life Use Cases

05 Oct 202213:10pm - 05 Oct 202214:10pm

DataHour: Customizing Large Language Models GPT3 for Real-life Use Cases

About the Event

The world of LLM models is dominating the technology life’s of industries. Various  cutting-edge projects are executed in the industry (past / ongoing and futuristic ) using Large language models GPT3. 

In this DataHour Anustup will cover all about LLM starting from defining fundamental definitions of LLM and highlighting important mathematical understanding to explaining real-life examples.He will also explain the real life project based on customizing GPT3,  Learning path for LLM Models and finally  how you can kick start your  career in AI with opportunities.

Prerequisites:Understanding of Python programming and interest in AI with good fundamental math 

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About the Speaker

Anustup Mukherjee

Anustup Mukherjee

AI Engineer at Newton School

Anustup Mukherjee is presently working as an  AI Engineer at Newton School, building the next Ed Tech revolution with the power of AI.Former to this he was an Intern at Samsung, Google Tensorflow, WRI, IIT Patna & IIT Bombay. He has 10 + years of experience of working with companies of India and Silicon Valley to develop AI solutions. He has also worked with MHRD India.He is a Presidential Award winner  for AI contributions towards National Building.

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