DataHour: Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting

DataHour: Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting

20 Mar 202315:03pm - 20 Mar 202316:03pm

DataHour: Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting

About the Event

Deep Learning can be an effective technique for time series forecasting, especially for large-scale datasets with complex patterns. Deep Learning is a type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to model and solve complex problems. It has been applied to time series forecasting and has shown promising results in terms of accuracy and ability to handle large scale time series data. 

DARTS which made the time series forecasting easy has strong support for deep learning models. These models can be trained on large amounts of data and can learn complex patterns in time series data, making them well-suited for massive scale time series forecasting. However, deep learning models can be computationally expensive to train and may require significant amounts of computational resources, especially for large datasets.

In this DataHour Kundan will explain how to perform TSA using Deep Learning covering the following points in detail:

  • What is Time Series Forecasting
  • What is Deep lLearning
  • Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting
  • Overview of different Deep Learning Open-Source packages for Time Series Forecasting
  • Demo using different Deep Learning Models (RNN, N-BEATS, Transformer, LSTM and more.)

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About the Speaker

Kundan Karma

Kundan Karma

Engineering Manager at Microsoft, USA

Kundan holds a Master's degree in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence and is pursuing Pd.D in Data Science (from National University, USA). He is presently working with Microsoft as an Engineering Manager. He has 17+ years of software experience. He specializes in Data Science, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Time Series Forecasting, Azure Cloud Platform, Azure Machine Learning, Azure synapse, Microservices, Azure Kubernetes services, and other technologies. Kundan spoke at several internal (Microsoft) and external conferences on various topics related to Machine Learning, Data science, Azure, IoT, Kubernetes and others.

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