DataHour: Everything You Need to Know About Numpy

DataHour: Everything You Need to Know About Numpy

20 Dec 202213:12pm - 20 Dec 202214:12pm

DataHour: Everything You Need to Know About Numpy

About the Event

A library is a collection of utility methods, classes, and modules that your application code can use to perform specific tasks without writing the functionalities from scratch. 

Now the question which should arise in everyone’s mind is why do we require libraries? 

The explanation for this is simple: code reusability. Code Reusability means nothing but using code that has already been produced or written down by other people for our own purpose. 

One of the popular Python libraries is Numpy. NumPy can be used to perform a wide variety of mathematical operations on arrays. It adds powerful data structures to Python that guarantee efficient calculations with arrays and matrices. It is used to process multidimensional arrays. In this DataHour, Partha  will deep dive into Numpy library including all important operations with hands-on practical coding.

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About the Speaker

Partha Swain

Partha Swain

Senior Data Engineer

Partha is a Senior Data Engineer by profession having experience of more than 9+ years in complete software development & analytics life cycle specializing in BigData & ML having extensive experience in data integration and business analytics. He is a developer with passion for technology, learning, and rising to new challenges who is currently working as an individual contributor. He has expertise in technologies including Cloud Technology, Python, Hadoop, Hive, Spark, AWS and Cassandra.

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