Designation – Lead Data Scientist
Location – Mumbai
About employer – M.Paani
Job description:
- Build out the entire analytics and visualization suite to monitor and assess all aspects of our business
- Use various machine learning strategies to model and forecast consumer dynamics as well as business performance indicators using both spatial and non-spatial data sources
- Source, recruit, onboard and manage a world class data science team
- Harness statistical, machine learning, and GIS methods to build decision support tools for everything from targeted marketing to site selection
- Work with the Tech, Sales, Business Development, and Customer Service teams to establish a data collection and analysis pipeline that must scale gracefully to millions of users
- Conceptualize and develop a consumer-grade analytics product and participate in pitching it to potential clients
- Closely collaborate with tech team on full stack implementation, from back-end analytics to front-end dashboard creation
- Determine high-level, strategic goals and subsequently establish and execute upon a data & analytics roadmap
Qualification and Skills Required
- A Ph.D (preferably) or Masters in fields with a strong quantitative as well as geospatial focus such as GIS & Remote Sensing, Environmental Sciences, Econometrics, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, and/or Engineering from a reputed University
- At least 3-5 years of relevant work experience that included recruiting, building and managing a data science team
- Extensive work experience with geospatial and time series data
- Expertise in at least one statistical analysis tool such as R, MATLAB, Octave, IDL, Python (Stats Models, Pandas etc.) or some other statistical programming language
- Expertise in at least one scripting language such as Python or Ruby
- Knowledge of PostgreSQL or MySQL
- Understanding and implementation of Big Data frameworks especially Hadoop
- Previous work with cloud-based platforms such as AWS, Heroku, Google Compute Engine etc.
- Knowledge of any GIS tool or platform: Arc GIS, Quantum GIS, ILWIS
- Previous work with spatial databases such as Post GIS and Oracle Spatial
- Strong know-how of at least one of the following: machine learning, spatio-temporal modelling, graphical models
- Basic knowledge of web technologies and platforms including HTML/CSS, Javascript, AJAX, WebGL
- Ability to communicate your findings and insights in a precise and actionable manner
- Capacity to iterate and ship ideas quickly and cost-effectively
- Desire to work in a small, goal-oriented, high-pressure, highly-rewarding environment with a focus on a socially motivated mission
- No hesitation to communicate easily with others and ask questions
- Solid understanding of web-based visualization libraries and frameworks: D3.js, Processing.js etc.
- Previous work with web mapping and GIS frameworks such as Leaflet.js, MapBox, CartoDB, ArcGIS Online etc.
- Previous work and implementation of spatial models and/or clustering such as crime mapping, geographical regression, interpolation etc.
- Knowledge of NoSQL database technologies such as MongoDB, Accumulo
- Previous work in a startup, especially a socially motivated one
- Knowledge and passion for consumer marketing and loyalty programs especially for the mass markets
- International education/work experience, and/or previous experience in working with multinational and multicultural teams
- Familiarity with Indian data governance laws
- Proficiency in Hindi and/or Marathi
Interested people can apply for this job can mail their CV to [email protected] with subject as Lead Data Scientist – M.Paani – Mumbai