If you are an active member of the Machine Learning community, you must be aware of Boosting Machines and their capabilities. The development of Boosting Machines started from AdaBoost to today’s favorite XGBOOST. XGBOOST has become a de-facto algorithm for winning competitions at Analytics Vidhya and Kaggle, simply because it is extremely powerful. But given lots and lots of data, even XGBOOST takes a long time to train.
Enter…. Light GBM.
Many of you might not be familiar with the Light Gradient Boosting, but you will be after reading this article. The most natural question that will come to your mind is – Why another boosting machine algorithm? Is it superior to XGBOOST?
Well, you very well must have guessed the answer otherwise why would a topic deserve its own article :p
P.S. This article assumes knowledge about Light GBM and XGBoost. If you don’t know them, you should first look at these articles.
These algorithms are a type of ensemble technique. To learn more about ensemble learning and other such techniques in a comprehensive manner, you can enrol in this free course: Ensemble Learning and Ensemble Learning Techniques
Light GBM is a fast, distributed, high-performance gradient boosting framework based on decision tree algorithm, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
Since it is based on decision tree algorithms, it splits the tree leaf wise with the best fit whereas other boosting algorithms split the tree depth wise or level wise rather than leaf-wise. So when growing on the same leaf in Light GBM, the leaf-wise algorithm can reduce more loss than the level-wise algorithm and hence results in much better accuracy which can rarely be achieved by any of the existing boosting algorithms. Also, it is surprisingly very fast, hence the word ‘Light’.
Before is a diagrammatic representation by the makers of the Light GBM to explain the difference clearly.
Level-wise tree growth in XGBOOST.
Leaf wise tree growth in Light GBM.
Leaf wise splits lead to increase in complexity and may lead to overfitting and it can be overcome by specifying another parameter max-depth which specifies the depth to which splitting will occur.
Below, we will see the steps to install Light GBM and run a model using it. We will be comparing the results with XGBOOST results to prove that you should take Light GBM in a ‘LIGHT MANNER’.
Let us look at some of the advantages of Light GBM.
I guess you must have got excited about the advantages of Light GBM. Let us now proceed to install the library into our system.
Using Visual Studio (Or MSBuild)
-Install git for windows, cmake and MS Build (Not need the MSbuild if you already install Visual Studio).
-Run following command:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM cd LightGBM mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 .. cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release
The exe and dll will be in LightGBM/Release folder.
Using MinGW64
-Install git for windows, cmake and MinGW64.
-Run following command:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM cd LightGBM mkdir build cd build cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. mingw32-make.exe -j4
The exe and dll will be in LightGBM/ folder.
Light GBM uses cmake to build. Run following:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM cd LightGBM mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j4
LightGBM depends on OpenMP for compiling, which isn’t supported by Apple Clang.Please use gcc/g++ instead.
-Run following:
brew install cmake brew install gcc --without-multilib git clone --recursive https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM cd LightGBM mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j4
Now before we dive head first into building our first Light GBM model, let us look into some of the parameters of Light GBM to have an understanding of its underlying procedures.
Also, go through this article explaining parameter tuning in XGBOOST in detail.
So now let’s compare LightGBM with XGBoost ensemble learning techniques by applying both the algorithms to a dataset and then comparing the performance.
Here we are using dataset that contains the information about individuals from various countries. Our target is to predict whether a person makes <=50k or >50k annually on basis of the other information available. Dataset consists of 32561 observations and 14 features describing individuals.
Here is the link to the dataset: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Adult.
Go through the dataset to have a proper intuition about predictor variables and so that you could understand the code below properly.
Before we get to the code for this dataset, did you know that you can now code your own model in this very window? That’s right! Here’s a live coding window to play around with the code and see the results in real-time:
#importing standard libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import Series, DataFrame #import lightgbm and xgboost import lightgbm as lgb import xgboost as xgb #loading our training dataset 'adult.csv' with name 'data' using pandas data=pd.read_csv('adult.csv',header=None) #Assigning names to the columns data.columns=['age','workclass','fnlwgt','education','education-num','marital_Status','occupation','relationship','race','sex','capital_gain','capital_loss','hours_per_week','native_country','Income'] #glimpse of the dataset data.head() # Label Encoding our target variable from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder,OneHotEncoder l=LabelEncoder() l.fit(data.Income) l.classes_ data.Income=Series(l.transform(data.Income)) #label encoding our target variable data.Income.value_counts() #One Hot Encoding of the Categorical features one_hot_workclass=pd.get_dummies(data.workclass) one_hot_education=pd.get_dummies(data.education) one_hot_marital_Status=pd.get_dummies(data.marital_Status) one_hot_occupation=pd.get_dummies(data.occupation) one_hot_relationship=pd.get_dummies(data.relationship) one_hot_race=pd.get_dummies(data.race) one_hot_sex=pd.get_dummies(data.sex) one_hot_native_country=pd.get_dummies(data.native_country) #removing categorical features data.drop(['workclass','education','marital_Status','occupation','relationship','race','sex','native_country'],axis=1,inplace=True) #Merging one hot encoded features with our dataset 'data' data=pd.concat([data,one_hot_workclass,one_hot_education,one_hot_marital_Status,one_hot_occupation,one_hot_relationship,one_hot_race,one_hot_sex,one_hot_native_country],axis=1) #removing dulpicate columns _, i = np.unique(data.columns, return_index=True) data=data.iloc[:, i] #Here our target variable is 'Income' with values as 1 or 0. #Separating our data into features dataset x and our target dataset y x=data.drop('Income',axis=1) y=data.Income #Imputing missing values in our target variable y.fillna(y.mode()[0],inplace=True) #Now splitting our dataset into test and train from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test=train_test_split(x,y,test_size=.3)
#The data is stored in a DMatrix object #label is used to define our outcome variable dtrain=xgb.DMatrix(x_train,label=y_train) dtest=xgb.DMatrix(x_test)
#setting parameters for xgboost parameters={'max_depth':7, 'eta':1, 'silent':1,'objective':'binary:logistic','eval_metric':'auc','learning_rate':.05}
#training our model num_round=50 from datetime import datetime start = datetime.now() xg=xgb.train(parameters,dtrain,num_round) stop = datetime.now()
#Execution time of the model execution_time_xgb = stop-start execution_time_xgb
#datetime.timedelta( , , ) representation => (days , seconds , microseconds) #now predicting our model on test set ypred=xg.predict(dtest) ypred
#Converting probabilities into 1 or 0 for i in range(0,9769): if ypred[i]>=.5: # setting threshold to .5 ypred[i]=1 else: ypred[i]=0
#calculating accuracy of our model from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score accuracy_xgb = accuracy_score(y_test,ypred) accuracy_xgb
#setting parameters for lightgbm param = {'num_leaves':150, 'objective':'binary','max_depth':7,'learning_rate':.05,'max_bin':200} param['metric'] = ['auc', 'binary_logloss']
#Here we have set max_depth in xgb and LightGBM to 7 to have a fair comparison between the two.
#training our model using light gbm num_round=50 start=datetime.now() lgbm=lgb.train(param,train_data,num_round) stop=datetime.now()
#Execution time of the model execution_time_lgbm = stop-start execution_time_lgbm
#predicting on test set ypred2=lgbm.predict(x_test) ypred2[0:5] # showing first 5 predictions
#converting probabilities into 0 or 1 for i in range(0,9769): if ypred2[i]>=.5: # setting threshold to .5 ypred2[i]=1 else: ypred2[i]=0
#calculating accuracy accuracy_lgbm = accuracy_score(ypred2,y_test) accuracy_lgbm y_test.value_counts()
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
#calculating roc_auc_score for xgboost auc_xgb = roc_auc_score(y_test,ypred) auc_xgb
#calculating roc_auc_score for light gbm. auc_lgbm = roc_auc_score(y_test,ypred2) auc_lgbm comparison_dict = {'accuracy score':(accuracy_lgbm,accuracy_xgb),'auc score':(auc_lgbm,auc_xgb),'execution time':(execution_time_lgbm,execution_time_xgb)}
#Creating a dataframe ‘comparison_df’ for comparing the performance of Lightgbm and xgb. comparison_df = DataFrame(comparison_dict) comparison_df.index= ['LightGBM','xgboost'] comparison_df
Performance comparison
There has been only a slight increase in accuracy and auc score by applying Light GBM over XGBOOST but there is a significant difference in the execution time for the training procedure. Light GBM is almost 7 times faster than XGBOOST and is a much better approach when dealing with large datasets.
This turns out to be a huge advantage when you are working on large datasets in limited time competitions.
Light GBM uses leaf wise splitting over depth-wise splitting which enables it to converge much faster but also leads to overfitting. So here is a quick guide to tune the parameters in Light GBM.
A. Determining whether LightGBM is better than XGBoost depends on the specific use case and data characteristics. LightGBM is generally faster and more memory-efficient, making it suitable for large datasets. XGBoost may perform better with smaller datasets or when interpretability is crucial. Both libraries offer similar functionality and performance, so it’s recommended to experiment with both and choose based on individual requirements.
A. GBM (Gradient Boosting Machine) is a general term for a class of machine learning algorithms that use gradient boosting. XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting) is a specific implementation of GBM that introduces additional enhancements, such as regularization techniques and parallel processing. While XGBoost is a type of GBM, the terms are not interchangeable as GBM refers to a broader concept encompassing various gradient boosting algorithms.
In this blog, I’ve tried to give an intuitive idea of Light GBM. One of the disadvantages of using this algorithm currently is its narrow user base – but that is changing fast. This algorithm apart from being more accurate and time-saving than XGBOOST has been limited in usage due to less documentation available.
However, this algorithm has shown far better results and has outperformed existing boosting algorithms. I’ll strongly recommend you to implement Light GBM over the other boosting algorithms and see the difference yourself.
It might be still early days to crown LightGBM – but it has clearly challenged XGBoost. A word of caution – like all other ML algorithms, make sure you properly tune the parameters before training the model!
Do let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.
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