Python is one of the most popular languages for Data Science, and having a strong understanding of its Data Structures is a must for beginners as well as experienced professionals. Even though there are numerous data structures available, only four of them are used approximately 80% of the time.
Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets are the Four Horsemen of Data Structures in Python.
Let’s go through their basic characteristics, operations, use cases and understand how they compare to each other.
Lists are Ordered, Mutable collections of Data, enclosed by square brackets [ ], and use commas to separate their values. They can contain different data types, repeated values and are iterable.
Use Case: Lists are generally used to store similar data which belong to a common category. For example, List of Fruits, List of Students in Class B……and so on.
Let’s create a list of flowers:
Python Code:
Operations such as accessing, adding, modifying, removing, and deleting list elements are illustrated below, with the help of our list of flowers.
# Items can be accessed using Indexing and Slicing print(flowers[1]) #output: Iris print (flowers[2:4]) #output: ['Hyacinth', 'Lily']
flowers.append('Lotus') # .append() adds an item to the end of the list flowers.insert(3,'Magnolia') # .insert(index,value) adds an item to the index of your choice flowers.extend(['Jasmine','Carnation']) # .extend() adds multiple items to the list #output:Â ['Rose', 'Iris', 'Hyacinth', 'Magnolia', 'Lily','Tulip', 'Lotus','Jasmine','Carnation']
del flowers[1] # del function deletes items based on Index flowers.pop(0) # .pop() too deletes items based on Index flowers.remove('Lotus') # .remove() takes the value to be deleted as the argument #output: ['Hyacinth', 'Magnolia', 'Lily', 'Tulip', 'Jasmine', 'Carnation']
flowers[3]='Orchid' #output: ['Hyacinth', 'Magnolia', 'Lily', 'Orchid', 'Jasmine', 'Carnation'] # You can also use List Comprehension to replace values flowers=['Daffodil' if i=='Lily' else i for i in flowers] #output: ['Hyacinth', 'Magnolia', 'Daffodil', 'Orchid', 'Jasmine', 'Carnation']
flowers.sort() #sorts in ascending order ,for descending use list.sort(reverse = True) #output: ['Carnation', 'Daffodil', 'Hyacinth', 'Jasmine', 'Magnolia', 'Orchid']
#Removing all items from a list flowers.clear() #output: [] # Deleting a list del flowers #if you enter the list name, an error is returned: "NameError: name 'flowers' is not defined"
Tuples are Ordered, Immutable collections of Data, and are the default data type in Python. Immutable means that they can’t be modified and items can’t be added or deleted. The data is enclosed in parenthesis ().
Use Case: Tuples are ideal data structures where the data shouldn’t be changed. For example, coordinates i.e. Latitudes and Longitudes of places can be stored in tuples.
Operations such as accessing, sorting, and assigning elements in tuples are illustrated below:
Let’s create a tuple of pin codes:
pincodes = (500010, 500045, 500022, 500068, 500034)
# Items can be accessed using Indexing and Slicing print(pincodes[3]) #output: 500068 print(pincodes[0:4]) #output: (500010, 500045, 500022, 500068)
sorted(pincodes) #sorted returns a new list with sorted values, instead of changing the original tuple #output: [500010, 500022, 500034, 500045, 500068]
#You can assign multiple values to variables at once using tuples a,b,c=(1,2,3) print(a) #output: 1 print(b) #output: 2 print(c) #output: 3
#Since you can't modify a tuple, simply create a new one tuple1=(10,20,30) tuple2= tuple1 + (40,50,60) #concatenation #output: (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)
Dictionaries are unordered, Mutable collections of data, where the data is stored in the form of key:value pairs. The values can be accessed directly if their keys are known, without having to iterate over. The data is enclosed in curly brackets. The values can be mutable and repetitive, but keys have to be unique and immutable.
Use Case: Dictionaries are useful when you need instant access to data, without having to iterate over all the values. For example, employee data can be stored in dictionaries.
Let’s create a dictionary:
Operations such as accessing, adding, modifying, removing, and deleting dictionary elements are illustrated below, with the help of our dictionary of employees.
#Accessing Elements Employee['Name'] #output: Tom #Finding keys using 'IN' Operator 'Education' in Employee #output: True #Viewing Keys Employee.keys() #output: dict_keys(['Id', 'Name', 'Age', 'Education', 'Department', 'Salary']) #Viewing Values Employee.values() #output: dict_values([1, 'Tom', 30, 'Masters', 'IT', 100000])
Employee['Bonus']='Yes' # Syntax: dictionary['newkey']='value'
del Employee['Bonus'] #del function Employee.pop('Salary') # .pop() Employee.popitem() # .popitem() deletes the last element of the dictionary #output: {'Id': 1, 'Name': 'Tom', 'Age': 30, 'Education': 'Masters'}
Employee.clear() #output: {} del Employee #deletes the dictionary
Sets are unordered, mutable collections of data, which can’t contain repeated values. They can take different data types, and are enclosed by curly braces {}.
Use Case: Sets are helpful for performing mathematical operations on the data, and when you need to store distinct values.
Let’s create a Set of Genres:
Genres= {"Fiction", "NonFiction", "Drama", "Poetry"} #output: {'Drama', 'Fiction', 'NonFiction', 'Poetry'} #notice how sets are sorted automatically
 Adding, removing and mathematical operations on sets are illustrated below:
Genres.add("Folktale") #Adding Multiple Items Genres.update(['Horror','Distopian','SciFi']) #output: {'Distopian','Drama','Fiction','Folktale','Horror','NonFiction','Poetry','SciFi'}
Genres.remove("Poetry") # .remove() deletes an item, and raises an Error if it doesn't already exist in the set Genres.discard("Thriller") # .discard() deletes an item in a set, but in case the item doesn't exist, it doesn't return an error
#Let's create two sets Set1={1,2,3,4,5} Set2={4,5,6,7,8} #Intersection Set1 & Set2 #Use '&' for intersection #output: {4, 5} Set1.intersection(Set2) # or use .intersection() to find common elements #Union Set1.union(Set2)Â #output: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} #Let's create another Set Set3={1,2,3} #Subset Set3.issubset(Set1) #check if subset #output: True #Superset Set1.issuperset(Set3) #check if superset #output: True #Difference Set1.difference(Set2) # finds how different Set1 is from Set2 #output: {1, 2, 3}
Knowledge of the fundamental Data Structures discussed above is essential for carrying out Data Science & Analytics operations. Each Data Structure has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of Data Structure depends on the type and nature of the data one is dealing with, and the operations intended to be performed on the data.
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