Top 18 Power BI Project Ideas For Practice 2024

Nitika Sharma 06 Aug, 2024
13 min read


Power BI is an influential tool, shaping raw data into informative visuals and reports. With a user-friendly interface and formidable functionalities, Power BI is an invaluable platform for individuals to refine their skills through hands-on projects. By engaging in Power BI practice projects, beginners and experts can significantly augment their prowess. In this article, we will explore the leading 18 Power BI project ideas for practice in 2024, tailored to diverse proficiency levels.

Power BI Projects for Beginners

In this article, we delve into the world of Power BI for beginners, offering essential insights and practical projects to initiate your data visualization journey

Why Solve Power BI Projects?

Engaging in Power BI projects offers several benefits. They allow you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing your practical skills. These projects provide hands-on experience in data visualization, analysis, and reporting, which are crucial data analysis and business intelligence skills. Moreover, working on Power BI projects helps you build a portfolio that showcases your abilities to potential employers. Additionally, creating insightful visualizations and reports from raw data enhances your problem-solving skills and boosts your confidence in using the Power BI tool effectively.

Here are top 18 power BI projects:

  1. Sales Data Visualization
  2. Customer Segmentation Analysis
  3. Inventory Management Dashboard
  4. Employee Performance Metrics
  5. Website Traffic Analysis
  6. Predictive Sales Forecasting
  7. Customer Lifetime Value Analysis
  8. Social Media Sentiment Analysis
  9. Market Basket Analysis
  10. E-commerce Conversion Funnel
  11. Energy Consumption Patterns
  12. Healthcare Claims Fraud Detection
  13. Global Supply Chain Optimization
  14. Portfolio Risk Management
  15. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Insights
  16. Social Media Engagement Dashboard
  17. Movie Recommendation System
  18. Retail Analytics Dashboard

Also Read: What is the difference between Power BI and Tableau?

Beginner-Level Power BI Project Ideas

Sales Data Visualization

Sales Data Visualization Sample
Source: Microsoft Learn


This project aims to visualize sales data effectively to identify trends, analyze revenue distribution, and gain insights into product performance.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes sales data with information about products, customers, dates, and transaction amounts. It may contain columns like Product ID, Customer ID, Date of Purchase, and Transaction Amount. Preprocessing involves handling missing values, removing duplicates, and creating calculated fields such as total sales.

SQL Queries for Analysis

In Power BI Projects, SQL-like queries can be formulated using Power Query. Sample queries include aggregating sales by product, calculating total revenue, and grouping data by periods (months, quarters).

Insights and Findings

Through data visualization, trends in sales can be identified, such as seasonal spikes or slumps. The revenue distribution showcases which products are top performers and which might need strategic attention. Insights might reveal that certain products are consistently popular while others experience fluctuations in demand.

Click here to explore the source code for this Power BI project.

Customer Segmentation Analysis

Customer Segmentation Analysis | Power BI Project
Source: Metricalist


This project aims to segment customers based on various attributes and behaviors, allowing businesses to tailor marketing strategies effectively.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset contains customer information, including demographics, purchase history, and behavioral data. It may include age, Gender, Purchase Frequency, and Average Transaction Amount. Preprocessing includes standardizing data and calculating customer-specific metrics like purchase frequency.

SQL Queries for Analysis

Queries could involve grouping customers by age groups, calculating average transaction amounts for each segment, and identifying gender-based purchasing preferences.

Insights and Findings

Customer segments can be identified, such as high-spending, medium-spending, and low-spending customers. This information can guide marketing efforts, allowing personalized campaigns for each group. Insights might reveal that a certain demographic group has a higher average purchase value, leading to targeted advertising strategies.

Click here to explore the source code of this Power BI project.

Inventory Management Dashboard

Source: Bold BI


The objective is to create an interactive dashboard that comprehensively views inventory levels, turnover rates, and reordering triggers, and reordering triggers using Power BI practice projects

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes inventory data with product details, stock quantities, reorder thresholds, and sales history. Columns may include Product ID, Current Stock, Reorder Level, and Sales Quantity. Preprocessing involves calculating stock turnover rates and creating calculated columns for reorder suggestions.

SQL Queries for Analysis

Queries could include identifying low-stock products, calculating stock turnover rates, and forecasting reorder quantities.

Insights and Findings

The dashboard provides a clear view of inventory levels, enabling timely reordering. Insights might reveal that certain products consistently fall below their reorder thresholds, indicating the need for supplier communication or inventory optimization strategies.

Here is the source code to explore this Power BI project.

Employee Performance Metrics

Employee Performance Metrics | Power Bi Project
Source: Ameex Technologies


This project aims to analyze employee performance metrics to assess productivity, attendance, and project completion rates.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset contains employee-related data such as employee IDs, project details, attendance records, and performance metrics. Columns may include Employee ID, Project Completion Rate, and Attendance Percentage. Preprocessing involves calculating attendance percentages and summarizing project completion rates.

SQL Queries for Analysis

Queries could involve calculating average attendance percentages, identifying top-performing employees, and analyzing project completion rates by department.

Insights and Findings

The dashboard provides insights into employee performance, highlighting high performers and areas of improvement. The data might reveal that attendance strongly correlates with project completion rates, leading to strategies for enhancing overall productivity.

Here is the source code for this project.

Website Traffic Analysis

Website Traffic Analysis
Source: phData


The objective is to analyze website traffic data to understand user behavior, popular content, and traffic sources.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes website analytics data about page views, user sessions, referral sources, and user engagement. Columns may include Page URL, Referral Source, and Time Spent on Page. Preprocessing involves aggregating data to derive metrics like bounce rate and average session duration.

SQL Queries for Analysis

Queries could involve analyzing page views by URL, calculating bounce rates, and identifying top referral sources.

Insights and Findings

The dashboard reveals traffic sources with the highest visit count, allowing for strategic investment in successful referral channels. User behavior analysis might uncover that users from certain demographics have higher engagement rates, prompting targeted content creation.

Here is the link to the source code of this power BI project.

Intermediate-Level Power BI Project Ideas

Predictive Sales Forecasting

Predictive Sales Forecasting
Source: HCLTech


This project aims to create a predictive model that forecasts future sales based on historical data, enabling businesses to make informed decisions about inventory, resources, and marketing strategies.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset contains historical sales data with timestamps, product details, and transaction amounts. Columns may include Date, Product ID, and Transaction Amount. Preprocessing involves data cleaning, handling missing values, and creating features like moving averages.

SQL Queries for Analysis

In Power BI, advanced SQL-like queries can be applied using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions). Queries could include calculating rolling averages, generating time-series features, and creating measures for forecasting accuracy.

Insights and Findings

By visualizing historical sales alongside predicted future sales using line charts and time-series visualizations, you can identify sales trends, recognize seasonal patterns, and make accurate forecasts for planning purposes.

Click here to get the source code for this project.

Customer Lifetime Value Analysis

Customer Lifetime Value Analysis | Power BI Project
Source: Medium


This project focuses on calculating and visualizing the customer lifetime value (CLV), enabling businesses to understand the long-term value of different customer segments.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes customer transaction history, purchase frequency, and demographics. Columns may include Customer ID, Purchase Amount, and Purchase Date. Preprocessing involves aggregating purchase amounts, calculating customer tenure, and segmenting customers.

SQL Queries for Analysis

DAX queries could include calculating the average CLV per segment, determining the highest CLV customers, and assessing the impact of marketing campaigns on CLV.

Insights and Findings

Visualizing CLV by customer segment through bar graphs or pie charts helps identify high-value customer groups, tailor marketing strategies, and optimize customer retention efforts.

Click here to explore the source code of this power BI project.

Social Media Sentiment Analysis

Source: Microsoft Tech Community


This project involves analyzing social media data to understand customer sentiment towards products or services, helping businesses monitor brand reputation and sentiment trends.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes social media posts, comments, and sentiment labels (positive, negative, neutral). Columns may include Text, Sentiment, and Timestamp. Preprocessing includes cleaning text data, performing sentiment analysis, and categorizing sentiments.

SQL Queries for Analysis

DAX queries could calculate sentiment distribution over time, identify frequently mentioned keywords, and correlate sentiment trends with marketing campaigns.

Insights and Findings

Visualizing sentiment trends using line charts or word clouds can reveal fluctuations in customer sentiment, highlight key concerns, and provide insights into the impact of brand messaging.

Click here to explore the source code of this project.

Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis |
Source: Business Intelligist


The project aims to uncover associations between purchased products, allowing businesses to enhance cross-selling strategies and optimize product placement.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset comprises transaction data with lists of purchased products per transaction. Columns may include Transaction ID and Product ID. Preprocessing involves transforming data into a transactional format and removing noise (like low-frequency items).

SQL Queries for Analysis

DAX queries could involve calculating item co-occurrence frequencies, generating association rules, and identifying frequently occurring item pairs.

Insights and Findings

Through visualizations like network diagrams or association heat maps, you can discover product associations, recommend complementary items, and optimize store layouts for improved customer experiences.

Click here to explore the source code for this Power BI project.

E-commerce Conversion Funnel

E-commerce Sales Funnel Dashboard
Source: Zebra BI


This project revolves around creating a funnel analysis dashboard to track user interactions on an e-commerce website, identify drop-off points, and optimize the conversion process.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes user journey data, from landing page visits to completed purchases. Columns may include Page Visited, User Action, and Timestamp. Preprocessing involves tracking user sessions, categorizing user actions, and calculating conversion rates.

SQL Queries for Analysis

DAX queries could involve calculating step-by-step conversion rates, identifying stages with the highest drop-offs, and analyzing factors contributing to abandoned carts.

Insights and Findings

Visualizing the funnel stages using funnel charts or bar graphs reveals insights into user behavior, highlights areas of improvement in the user journey, and suggests strategies to optimize conversion rates.

Click here to explore this Power BI project.

Advanced-Level Power BI Project Ideas

Energy Consumption Patterns

Energy Consumption Dashboard | Power BI projects
Source: PK (Excel Expert)


This project aims to analyze energy consumption data to identify usage patterns, peak hours, and opportunities for energy conservation.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset comprises energy consumption data from various sources, such as households or businesses, along with timestamps and energy consumption values. Preprocessing involves:

  • Handling missing data.
  • Aggregating data into time intervals.
  • Creating features like peak/off-peak indicators.

SQL Queries for Analysis

Power BI’s Power Query can transform and aggregate data, while DAX can be employed to calculate metrics such as average consumption per hour.

Insights and Findings

Visualizing consumption patterns can reveal peak energy demand times, helping utility companies optimize energy distribution, and consumers make informed decisions about energy usage.

Click here to explore the source code for this project.

Healthcare Claims Fraud Detection

Healthcare Data Claims Example
Source: Power BI Training


This project involves building a system to detect fraudulent healthcare claims using historical claims data and data analytics techniques.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes healthcare claims data with details about procedures, diagnoses, and billing amounts. Preprocessing involves:

  • Identifying anomalies.
  • Creating features for claim patterns.
  • Labeling claims as legitimate or suspicious.

SQL Queries for Analysis

While not SQL queries in the traditional sense, you can use Power Query to preprocess data and DAX to calculate metrics related to claim patterns.

Insights and Findings

By visualizing patterns in claims and anomalies, you can identify potentially fraudulent activities, contributing to cost savings for insurance providers and more accurate reimbursement processes.

Click here to explore the source code for this Power BI project.

Global Supply Chain Optimization

Supply Chain Optimization Dashboard | Power BI Projects
Source: Medium


The objective is to analyze the global supply chain process, identifying inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and opportunities for optimization.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes data about suppliers, transportation routes, lead times, and inventory levels across the supply chain. Preprocessing involves aligning data from different sources, calculating supply chain metrics, and visualizing geographic distribution.

SQL Queries for Analysis

Power Query can be used to consolidate and preprocess data, while DAX can be employed to calculate metrics like order-to-delivery time.

Insights and Findings

Visualizations can uncover supply chain bottlenecks, optimal inventory levels, and regions with high shipping costs, aiding in informed decision-making for supply chain improvements.

Click here to explore the source code of this Power BI project.

Portfolio Risk Management

Portfolio Performance and Risk
Source: Bloomberg

This project aims to build a risk assessment dashboard for investment portfolios, enabling investors to assess risk exposure and make well-informed decisions.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset contains financial data for various assets in a portfolio, including historical prices, returns, and volatility. Preprocessing involves calculating risk metrics like Value at Risk (VaR) and portfolio volatility.

SQL Queries for Analysis

While not SQL queries, DAX functions can be utilized to calculate risk metrics and visualize portfolio performance.

Insights and Findings

Visualizations can provide insights into portfolio risk exposure, correlations between assets, and stress testing scenarios, allowing investors to make informed decisions about risk mitigation strategies.

Click here to explore the source code for this power BI project.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Insights

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Insights
Source: Theta


The objective is to integrate Natural Language Processing techniques into Power BI to extract insights from textual data sources such as power BI practice project customer reviews, feedback, and surveys.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes textual data from customer reviews or surveys and associated metadata. Preprocessing involves cleaning and tokenizing text data, performing sentiment analysis, and deriving key insights.

SQL Queries for Analysis

Power Query can be used for data preprocessing, and DAX can be employed for sentiment analysis and visualizations.

Insights and Findings

Visualizations can showcase sentiment trends, frequently mentioned keywords, and sentiment distribution across different products or services, helping businesses understand customer sentiments and areas for improvement.

Click here to explore the source code for this Power BI project.

Social Media Engagement Dashboard

Social Media Analytics | Power BI projects
Source: spec India


This project aims to create a comprehensive dashboard that tracks and visualizes social media engagement metrics across various platforms.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes social media engagement data, including metrics like likes, shares, comments, and follower counts. Preprocessing involves aggregating data by platform, calculating engagement rates, and possibly integrating external APIs for real-time data.

SQL Queries for Analysis

Power Query and DAX can be used for data transformation and analysis, similar to previous cases.

Insights and Findings

By visualizing engagement metrics across platforms using line charts, heat maps, and comparative bar graphs, you can identify peak engagement periods, popular content types, and the effectiveness of different engagement strategies.

Click here to explore the source code for this project.

Movie Recommendation System

Movie Recommendation System | Power BI project
Source: Azure AI


This project aims to develop a movie recommendation system using Power BI that suggests movies to users based on their preferences and viewing history.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

The dataset includes movie metadata, user ratings, and viewing histories. Preprocessing involves cleaning data, aggregating user preferences, and preparing data for collaborative filtering or content-based recommendation models.

SQL Queries for Analysis

Power Query can be used for data preprocessing, while DAX calculations can assist in generating movie recommendations.

Insights and Findings

By visualizing user preferences and recommended movies, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the recommendation system, understand popular movie genres, and provide users with tailored viewing suggestions.

Click here to explore the source code of this power BI project. 

Retail Analytics Dashboard

Retails Analysis Sample Dashboard | Power BI project
Source: Microsoft Learn

Objective: This project aims to create an analytics dashboard for retail businesses to analyze sales trends, customer behavior, and store performance using Power BI projects for practice.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing: The dataset includes sales data, customer profiles, and store information. Preprocessing involves aggregating sales data, calculating customer metrics, and creating geographical visualizations.

SQL Queries for Analysis: Power Query can be employed to preprocess data, and DAX can be used to calculate metrics like customer lifetime value and sales growth rates.

Insights and Findings: Visualizations can reveal insights into customer demographics, popular products, and peak shopping hours, enabling retailers to optimize inventory, plan marketing campaigns, and enhance customer experiences.

Click here to explore the source code for this project.

Power BI Projects for Resume

Here are some Power BI project ideas that you can use to showcase your skills on your resume in simple language:

  1. Sales Dashboard: Make a dashboard that shows how much stuff a pretend company sold, what sold the most, and where they sold it.
  2. Money Dashboard: Create a dashboard that helps see how much money a pretend company made, spent and what they have left.
  3. Marketing Dashboard: Make a dashboard that tells about how well ads and promotions worked, like how many people clicked on them or bought stuff because of them.
  4. Stuff Inventory Dashboard: Create a dashboard that keeps track of how much stuff a pretend company has in stock, what’s selling fast, and what’s not selling.
  5. Employee Dashboard: Make a dashboard that helps see how many people work at a pretend company, how happy they are, and if they stay or leave.
  6. Customer Dashboard: Create a dashboard that shows how happy customers are, how many there are, and if they buy more stuff over time.
  7. Supply Chain Dashboard: Make a dashboard that helps see if a pretend company can get enough stuff from suppliers on time and how long it takes to get stuff to customers.
  8. Healthcare Dashboard: Create a dashboard that tells about the health of people, like how often they go to the doctor or how much money is spent on healthcare.
  9. Social Media Dashboard: Make a dashboard that shows how many people like and share posts on social media and if they’re growing or not.
  10. Real Estate Dashboard: Create a dashboard that helps understand things like house prices, how many are being sold, and where people are buying homes.


Engaging in Power BI projects is an effective way to elevate your data analysis and visualization skills. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced professional, the power bi project ideas mentioned above cater to different levels of expertise. By applying Power BI to real-world scenarios, you’ll enhance your technical prowess and gain practical insights into diverse industries. To further enhance your skills, consider exploring our online resources with the BlackBelt+ program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do I get Power BI projects for practice?

A. To get Power BI projects for practice, you can explore public datasets, create data scenarios, or participate in online platforms offering data challenges and projects.

Q2. What is a Power BI project?

A. Power BI project analyzes, visualizes, and presents data effectively. It includes tasks like data cleaning, transformation, visualization, and creating interactive reports.

Q3. What can Power BI do for project management?

A. Power BI can enhance project management by providing data-driven insights, real-time tracking of project metrics, visualizing project timelines, resource allocation, and generating reports for informed decision-making.

Q4. How can I practice Power BI at home?

A. You can practice Power BI at home using free resources like online tutorials, community forums, and public datasets. You can create personal projects, analyze data from various sources, and experiment with different visualizations and features.

Nitika Sharma 06 Aug, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

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