I thought spending hours preprocessing the data is the most worthwhile thing in Data Science. That is what my misconception was, as a beginner. Now, I realize, that even more rewarding is being able to explain your predictions and model to a layman who does not understand much about machine learning or other jargon of the field.
Consider this scenario – your problem statement deals with predicting if a patient has cancer or not. Painstakingly, you obtain and clean the data, build a model on it, and after much effort, experimentation, and hyperparameter tuning, you arrive at an accuracy of over 90%. That’s great You walk up to a doctor and tell him that you can predict with 90% certainty that a patient has cancer or not.
However, one question the doctor asks that leaves you stumped – “How can I and the patient trust your prediction when each patient is different from the other and multiple parameters can decide between a malignant and a benign tumor?”
This is where model interpretability comes in – nowadays, there are multiple tools to help you explain your model and model predictions efficiently without getting into the nitty-gritty of the model’s cogs and wheels. These tools include SHAP, Eli5, LIME, etc. Today, we will be dealing with LIME.
In this article, I am going to explain LIME and how it makes interpreting your model easy in R.
LIME stands for Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations. First introduced in 2016, the paper which proposed the LIME technique was aptly named “Why Should I Trust You?” Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier by its authors, Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Sameer Singh, and Carlos Guestrin.
Built on this basic but crucial tenet of trust, the idea behind LIME is to answer the ‘why’ of each prediction and of the entire model. The creators of LIME outline four basic criteria for explanations that must be satisfied:
Expanding more on how LIME works, the main assumption behind it is that every model works like a simple linear model at the local scale, i.e. at individual row-level data. The paper and the authors do not set out to prove this, but we can go by the intuition that at an individual level, we can fit this simple model on the row and that its prediction will be very close to our complex model’s prediction for that row. Interesting isn’t it?
Further, LIME extends this phenomenon by fitting such simple models around small changes in this individual row and then extracting the important features by comparing the simple model and the complex model’s predictions for that row.
LIME works both on tabular/structured data and on text data as well.
You can read more on how LIME works using Python here, we will be covering how it works using R.
So fire up your Notebooks or R studio, and let us get started!
Step 1: The first step is to install LIME and all the other libraries which we will need for this project. If you have already installed them, you can skip this and start with Step 2
install.packages('lime') install.packages('MASS') install.packages("randomForest") install.packages('caret') install.packages('e1071')
Step 2:Â Once you have installed these libraries, we will first import them:
library(lime) library(MASS) library(randomForest) library(caret) library(e1071)
Since we took up the example of explaining the predictions of whether a patient has cancer or not, we will be using the biopsy dataset. This dataset contains information on 699 patients and their biopsies of breast cancer tumors.
Step 3: We will import this data and also have a look at the first few rows:
Step 4: Data Exploration
4.1) We will first remove the ID column since it is just an identifier and of no use to us
biopsy$ID <- NULL
4.2) Let us rename the rest of the columns so that while visualizing the explanations we have a clearer idea of the feature names as we understand the predictions using LIME.
names(biopsy) <- c('clump thickness', 'uniformity cell size', 'uniformity cell shape', 'marginal adhesion','single epithelial cell size', 'bare nuclei', 'bland chromatin', 'normal nucleoli', 'mitoses','class')
4.3) Next, we will check if there are any missing values. If so, we will first have to deal with them before proceeding any further.
4.4) Now, here we have 2 options. We can either impute these values, or we can use the na.omit function to drop the rows containing missing values. We will be using the latter option since cleaning the data is beyond the scope of the article.
biopsy <- na.omit(biopsy) sum(is.na(biopsy))
Finally, let us confirm our dataframe by looking at the first few rows:
head(biopsy, 5)
Step 5: We will divide the dataset into train and test. We will check the dimensions of the data
## 75% of the sample size smp_size <- floor(0.75 * nrow(biopsy)) ## set the seed to make your partition reproducible - similar to random state in Python set.seed(123) train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(biopsy)), size = smp_size) train_biopsy <- biopsy[train_ind, ] test_biopsy <- biopsy[-train_ind, ]
Let us check the dimensions:
cat(dim(train_biopsy), dim(test_biopsy))
Thus, there are 512 rows in the train set and 171 rows in the test set.
Step 6: We will be using a random forest model using the caret library. We will also not be performing any hyperparameter tuning, just a 10-fold CV repeated 5 times and a basic Random Forest model. So sit back, while we train and fit the model on our training set.
I encourage you to experiment with these parameters using other models as well
model_rf <- caret::train(class ~ ., data = train_biopsy,method = "rf", #random forest trControl = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,repeats = 5, verboseIter = FALSE))
Let us view the summary of our model
Step 7: We will now apply the predict function of this model on our test set and build a confusion matrix
biopsy_rf_pred <- predict(model_rf, test_biopsy) confusionMatrix(biopsy_rf_pred, as.factor(test_biopsy$class))
Step 8: Now that we have our model, we will use LIME to create an explainer
object. This object is associated with the rest of the LIME functions we will be using for viewing the explanations as well.
Just like we train the model and fit it on the data, we use the lime() function to train this explainer, and then new predictions are made using the explain() function
explainer <- lime(train_biopsy, model_rf)
Let us explain 5 new observations from the test set using only 5 of the features. Feel free to experiment with the n_features parameter. You can also pass
explanation <- explain(test_biopsy[15:20, ], explainer, n_labels = 1, n_features = 5)
The other parameters you can experiment with are:
n_features <= 6
use "forward_selection"
else use "highest_weights"
and use all features.n_features
is reached, based on the quality of a ridge regression model.n_features
with the highest absolute weight.n_features
whose lars path converge to zero at the latest.n_features
(which needs to be a power of 2). It requires the last version of XGBoost
Step 9: Let us visualize this explanation for a better understanding:
Let us visualize a single case as well with all the features:
explanation <- explain(test_biopsy[93, ], explainer, n_labels = 1, n_features = 10) plot_features(explanation)
We can confirm the above explanations by looking at the actual data in this row:
Concluding, we explored LIME and how to use it to interpret the individual results of our model. These explanations make for better storytelling and help us to explain why certain predictions were made by the model to a person who might have domain expertise, but no technical know-how of model building. Moreover, using it is pretty much effortless and requires only a few lines of code after we have our final model.
However, this is not to say that LIME has no drawbacks. The LIME Cran package we have used is not a direct replication of the original Python implementation that we were presented with the paper and thus, does not support image data like its Python counterpart. Another drawback could be that the local model might not always be accurate.
I look forward to exploring more on LIME using different datasets and models, as well, exploring other techniques in R. Which tools have you used to interpret your model in R? Do share how you used them and your experiences with LIME below!
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