Emotion Detection, as the name suggests, means identifying the emotion behind any text or speech. Emotion detection is a must-do task in Natural Language Processing.
In this article, we will focus on the emotion detection of text data.
There are several ways to perform emotion detection. In this article, you will be using Bidirectional LSTM along with word2vec for better results.
This article assumes that the reader has basic knowledge about CNN & RNN.
RNN (recurrent neural network) is a type of neural network that is generally used to develop speech and text-related models like speech recognition and natural language processing models. Recurrent neural networks remember the sequence (order) of the data and use these data patterns to give predictions.
Bidirectional long-short term memory (Bi-LSTM) is a Neural Network architecture where makes use of information in both directions forward(past to future) or backward (future to past).
As you see in the image the flow of information from backward and forward layers. Bidirectional LSTM is used where the sequence to sequence tasks are needed. This kind of network is used in text classification, speech recognition, and forecasting models. for more information read here.
In this article, we would be mainly focusing on the implementation part rather than a theoretical one.
Requirement: GPU supported python environment
The dataset used in this article can be downloaded from here. the dataset contains 3 files, train file, test file, Val file.
let’s start with loading our textual data in a data frame, you can do the same using the following code.
df_train has 16000 rows and 2 columns, df_test & df_val have 2000 rows and 2 columns. Now Let’s check the category-wise distribution of data.
sns.countplot(df_train.Sentiment) plt.show()
the category Surprise has the least data sample, you can make data balanced by balancing all categories either by over-sampling or under-sampling.
In order to make our text data cleaner we need to perform some text preprocessing.
To make text-preprocessing easier I have written a library named text_hammer. let’s look at how it works.
installing and importing text_hammer:
!pip install text_hammer import text_hammer as th
now importing tqdm progress bar and creating a function which takes data-frame to perform preprocessing and return a preprocessed data-frame.
%%time from tqdm._tqdm_notebook import tqdm_notebook tqdm_notebook.pandas()
def text_preprocessing(df,col_name): column = col_name df[column] = df[column].progress_apply(lambda x:str(x).lower()) df[column] = df[column].progress_apply(lambda x: th.cont_exp(x))
#you're -> you are; i'm -> i am
df[column] = df[column].progress_apply(lambda x: th.remove_emails(x)) df[column] = df[column].progress_apply(lambda x: th.remove_html_tags(x)) df[column] = df[column].progress_apply(lambda x: th.remove_special_chars(x)) df[column] = df[column].progress_apply(lambda x: th.remove_accented_chars(x)) df[column] = df[column].progress_apply(lambda x: th.make_base(x)) #ran -> run, return(df)
the method progress_apply()
is used when we create a progress bar associated with the method apply().
function takes a sentence and passes it into text_preprocessing methods.
th.make_base() takes a sentence and returns normalized sentence.
th.remove_accented_chars() removes accented characters.
after building text-preprocessing function we need call it on our dataframe. only training data need to be cleaned, not test and validation data
“Input” is the column containing our text data .
callingtEmotionffffext_preprocessing may take time depeding on the data size.
df_cleaned_train = text_preprocessing(df_train, 'Input')
The sentiment category in our data frame needs to be converted into some numbers in order to pass into the model.
using a dictionary we are encoding our sentiment categories {‘joy’:0,’anger’:1,’love’:2,’sadness’:3,’fear’:4,’surprise’:5}.
df_cleaned_train['Sentiment'] = df_cleaned_train.Sentiment.replace({'joy':0,'anger':1,'love':2,'sadness':3,'fear':4,'surprise':5}) df_test['Sentiment'] = df_test.Sentiment.replace({'joy':0,'anger':1,'love':2,'sadness':3,'fear':4,'surprise':5}) df_val['Sentiment'] = df_val.Sentiment.replace({'joy':0,'anger':1,'love':2,'sadness':3,
we have encoded our category by assigning them numbers now it’s time to convert categories into categorical data.
from keras.utils import to_categorical y_train = to_categorical(df_cleaned_train.Sentiment.values) y_test = to_categorical(df_test.Sentiment.values) y_val = to_categorical(df_val.Sentiment.values)
y_val, y_test, y_train are now a binary matrix that will be passed in our model.
As you see we have converted our sentiment labels into some numbers and then into a binary matrix, but what about our text data? we can’t pass text directly to our model.
So it’s time to convert our text corpus into some integer numbers.
Tokenizer class converts a sentence into an array of numbers by assigning them numbers based on their frequency.
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizernum_words = 10000 # this means 10000 unique words can be taken tokenizer=Tokenizer(num_words,lower=True) df_total = pd.concat([df_cleaned_train['Input'], df_test.Input], axis = 0) tokenizer.fit_on_texts(df_total)
Only the top “num_words” i.e. most frequent words will be taken into account. Only words known by the tokenizer will be taken into account hence we have concatenated our train and test data to increase the vocabulary for the tokenizer.
The method fit_on_texts() fits the text data to the tokenizer. It takes a list of sentences.
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
X_train=tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(df_cleaned_train['Input']) # this converts texts into some numeric sequences X_train_pad=pad_sequences(X_train,maxlen=300,padding='post') # this makes the length of all numeric sequences equal X_test = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(df_test.Input) X_test_pad = pad_sequences(X_test, maxlen = 300, padding = 'post') X_val = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(df_val.Input) X_val_pad = pad_sequences(X_val, maxlen = 300, padding = 'post')
texts_to_sequence() takes a list of sentences and converts them into a sequence of numbers.
Since in our data different sentences have different lengths, it means the number sequence made by texts_to_sequence will also have different lengths. in order to pass them in our model, we must make all of them of the same length.
pad_sequences is used to ensure that all sequences in a list have the same length. By default, this is done by padding 0 at the beginning/end (pre,
post) of each sequence until each sequence has the same length as the longest sequence. If in case the sequence length is greater than maxlen, it also trims from the end.
x_train_pad.shape is now (16000,300).
x_test_pad.shape is now (2000,300).
x_val_pad.shape is now (2000,300).
now we have lists containing our sequences of the same length.
Before proceeding to the next step, you need to look back to the last step there is one problem in our approach.
Let’s say we have words (‘love’, ‘affection’,’ like’) these words have
the same meaning but according to our tokenizer these words are treated
differently. we need to create a relationship between all those words
which are interrelated.
Here word embedding comes into play, for more understanding read here.
We are going to use glove-wiki-gigaword-100
which is trained on Wikipedia data and maps a word into an array of length 100. we also have glove-wiki-gigaword-300 which gives a better result but it’s computationally heavy because of higher dimension.
Loading the pertained glove vector using the gensim library.
#pip install gensim import gensim.downloader as api glove_gensim = api.load('glove-wiki-gigaword-100') #100 dimension
More dimension means more deep meaning of words but it may take a longer time to download.
Now map the vocabulary learned by the tokenizer and create a weight matrix.
vector_size = 100 gensim_weight_matrix = np.zeros((num_words ,vector_size)) gensim_weight_matrix.shape
for word, index in tokenizer.word_index.items(): if index < num_words: # since index starts with zero if word in glove_gensim.wv.vocab: gensim_weight_matrix[index] = glove_gensim[word] else: gensim_weight_matrix[index] = np.zeros(100)
tokenizer.word_index.items() returns a dictionary of unique words as key and frequency as value.
So far we preprocessed our data, converted our y_label into categorical data, mapped our vocabulary into the vector using word2vec.
It’s time to design our Bi-LSTM model.
Importing libraries needed.
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, LSTM, Embedding,Bidirectional import tensorflow from tensorflow.compat.v1.keras.layers import CuDNNLSTM from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dropout
Embedding Layer: we already have created a word-embedding matrix. to feed our word_embedding matrix in our training we would use an embedding layer.
There are 3 parameters in embedding layers.
: Length of the vector for each word(embedding dimension)EMBEDDING_DIM = 100 class_num = 6 model = Sequential() model.add(Embedding(input_dim = num_words, output_dim = EMBEDDING_DIM, input_length= X_train_pad.shape[1], weights = [gensim_weight_matrix],trainable = False))model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Bidirectional(CuDNNLSTM(100,return_sequences=True))) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Bidirectional(CuDNNLSTM(200,return_sequences=True))) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Bidirectional(CuDNNLSTM(100,return_sequences=False))) model.add(Dense(class_num, activation = ‘softmax’)) model.compile(loss = ‘categorical_crossentropy’, optimizer = ‘adam’,metrics = ‘accuracy’)
Defining Callbacks
In order to train efficiently, we defined some callbacks.
#EarlyStopping and ModelCheckpoint from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint es = EarlyStopping(monitor = 'val_loss', mode = 'min', verbose = 1, patience = 5) mc = ModelCheckpoint('./model.h5', monitor = 'val_accuracy', mode = 'max', verbose = 1, save_best_only = True)
Training model
Now we are ready to train our designed model.
history_embedding = model.fit(X_train_pad, y_train, epochs = 25, batch_size = 120, validation_data=(X_val_pad, y_val), verbose = 1, callbacks= [es, mc] )
history_embedding keeps the history of model training.
Plotting the History
Using training history analyzing the model performance.
plt.plot(history_embedding.history['accuracy'],c='b',label='train accuracy') plt.plot(history_embedding.history['val_accuracy'],c='r',label='validation accuracy') plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.show()
We have prepared X_test_pad for testing purposes, it’s time to test on it.
returns the index of maximum probability.
y_pred = np.argmax(model.predict(X_test_pad), axis = 1) y_true = np.argmax(y_test, axis = 1) from sklearn import metrics print(metrics.classification_report(y_pred, y_true))
wow! it really performed well, as you see this is the result we got using our test data.
This is how you can create an emotion detection model, let’s recheck the whole pipeline again:
you can improve results further by using the BERT State of the Art model and by using word embeddings of higher dimensions ie 300 you can improve further.
code used in this article can be downloaded from this link.
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