Harnessing the Power of ChatGPT for Data Science

Adeleke Adedeji 30 Mar, 2023
7 min read


ChatGPT is an AI-based tool that helps content writers and copywriters create content quickly and efficiently. It uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand user queries and generate relevant responses. With ChatGPT, content writers can save time by automatically generating answers to often-asked questions or creating content for their blogs in a fraction of the time. The software can proofread, edit and format text to ensure it meets the highest quality standards. With ChatGPT, copywriters can focus on what they do best – creating compelling stories and engaging readers with their words.


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the capabilities of ChatGPT and how it can be used in data science
  • Learn about the applications of ChatGPT in Data Science.
  • Discover the limitations of ChatGPT and how to overcome them.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Table of Contents

Let’s Learn About ChatGPT

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a strong language generation model created for conversational applications like textbooks, virtual assistants, and question-answering systems. It is a powerful language model that can be used for many natural language processing tasks. These tasks include text generation, data augmentation and interpretation, and other applications like enhancing model performance. In short, ChatGPT can help to make your NLP projects more efficient and effective.

ChatGPT is a highly powerful language model that can be used for different tasks, including building chatbots, generating content, and interpreting language. It generates highly coherent and contextually relevant language and can make it ideal for applications requiring human-like interaction, like virtual assistants and customer care chatbots. It can be used to generate poetry or fiction in creative writing. Furthermore, it has been fine-tuned for many languages other than English. It is a strong tool that may aim for efficiency and accuracy of natural language processing and be integrated into various systems and applications.

How was ChatGPT Developed?

ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) system developed by OpenAI, a research laboratory founded in 2015. The development was led by a team of researchers and engineers at OpenAI, who used deep-learning techniques to train the system to generate human-like conversations. ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that can simulate natural conversations in real time. Businesses have used it to create automated customer service agents for personal use by people who want an AI assistant.
The development of ChatGPT has opened up new possibilities for developers and users alike. Its ability to generate human-like conversations can be used for customer service automation, providing personalized recommendations and advice, or even for entertainment purposes. Developers can now create more sophisticated chatbots with ease using this technology.

Model Training of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an unsupervised learning model that was trained on a large volume of text data with no explicit labels or annotations. The training dataset was over 40GB and included many items like books, articles, and websites. All text data was trained and tokenized, which means it was broken down into individual words or phrases. The model was then trained using the tokenized data.

The model was trained by feeding it enormous volumes of text data and modifying its parameters to anticipate the next word in a phrase based on the preceding ones. This procedure was done several times, with the model improving as it was exposed to more data. To improve performance, the model’s architecture was tweaked, including the number of layers and the size of the embeddings.
After completing training, the model was capable of producing highly coherent and contextually relevant text and may be fine-tuned for specific natural language processing tasks.

Limitations of ChatGPT

ChatGPT, like other language models, has limitations, including bias. The model can be trained on an internet text dataset containing biases and stereotypes, which can be reflected in the generated text if the model hasn’t been fine-tuned for a specific domain or task.

Lack of Common Sense: The model lacks common-sense knowledge and understanding of the world and events, it can generate coherent and contextually appropriate text, but it may fail to understand or respond to specific questions or prompts that require common sense or background knowledge.

Out of Distribution Sample: Like all language models, it is prone to make mistakes when dealing with texts that are different from the ones it has seen during the training process, leading to low performance or even nonsensical answers.

Memory and Computational Requirements: ChatGPT is a large model that requires a significant amount of memory and computational resources to run, making it difficult to use on some devices or in some environments.

Privacy: Like all pre-trained models, it is trained on a large dataset of text data, which may include sensitive information. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to how the model is used and where the data it generates is stored.

Despite these limitations, ChatGPT is a powerful model that can increase the efficiency and accuracy of natural language processing jobs, and OpenAI is constantly developing and improving it.

Use of ChatGPT in Data Science

ChatGPT can be used in a variety of ways by data scientists. Some of the main ways in which the model can be used include:

Text Generation: ChatGPT can be used to generate text, such as product descriptions, summaries, or customer reviews. This can be useful for data augmentation, content creation, or as a starting point for text-based tasks such as sentiment analysis or summarization.

Language Modeling: ChatGPT can be fine-tuned to perform language modeling tasks, such as predicting the next word in a sentence or completing a piece of text. This can be useful for tasks such as text classification, machine translation, and question answering.

Text Summarization: ChatGPT can be fine-tuned to generate text summaries; this can be useful for tasks such as document and news summarization.

Text-based Feature Generation: ChatGPT can generate additional features for a given dataset, such as keywords, entities, and sentiments; this can be useful for text-based data exploration and feature engineering.

Dialogue Generation: ChatGPT can be fine-tuned to generate coherent and contextually appropriate dialogue; this can be useful for chatbot development, virtual assistants, and customer service chatbots.

Language understanding: ChatGPT can be fine-tuned to understand specific languages or domains; this can be useful for tasks such as named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and sentiment analysis.

By using ChatGPT, data scientists can leverage the power of deep learning to improve the efficiency and accuracy of natural language processing tasks and can also generate new data to use in their models.

Understanding the Concept Through Case Study

The case study will be an online competition on Kaggle, which hosts data science and machine learning competitions. The purpose of the case study is to demonstrate how ChatGPT can be used in a real-world setting and to show the results that can be achieved with the model. The researcher will conduct the case study using ChatGPT to participate in the competition and evaluate its performance. The case study will provide light on ChatGPT’s capabilities and limitations, as well as its potential applications in data science.


Finding the right keyword in ChatGPT refers to identifying the key phrases or words that accurately represent the topic or task at hand. This can improve the model’s performance in understanding and generating text.


The next step after conducting exploratory data analysis (EDA) with ChatGPT would be to identify the important features of the specific task or application.

For Model Creation

model creation
random forest algorithm

Model Development and Evaluation

ChatGPT can be fine-tuned using hyperparameter tuning to improve its performance on specific tasks or conversations.



In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI that can be used for a wide range of natural language processing tasks and conversational applications. The case study demonstrated how it could be applied to a real-world setting, such as an online competition on Kaggle. ChatGPT’s adaptability makes it helpful in a wide range of applications, including chatbot building, content generation, and language interpretation.

Key Takeaways

  • ChatGPT can be useful for data scientists in competitions like Kaggle to extract insights from unstructured data due to its ability to read and generate text. This can be particularly helpful in Kaggle competitions where the data is unstructured and requires extensive pre-processing.
  • It can be fine-tuned to improve performance on specific tasks or conversations: ChatGPT is pre-trained on a large dataset of informal text, but it can be fine-tuned to improve its performance on specific tasks or discussions. This allows data scientists to tailor the model to their specific needs and improve its accuracy.
  • Limitations to consider when using ChatGPT for certain tasks: While it is a powerful tool, it does have limitations. For example, it may have biases in the text it generates or lack understanding of certain topics. Data scientists must be aware of these limitations and consider them when using the model for specific tasks.
  • ChatGPT is a valuable tool for applications that require human-like interaction: ChatGPT is a valuable tool for applications that require human-like interaction, such as chatbot development, content generation, and language understanding. It can generate highly coherent and contextually appropriate text, making it a useful tool for systems that need to interact with humans naturally.

The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion.

Adeleke Adedeji 30 Mar, 2023

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Responses From Readers


Harish Nagpal
Harish Nagpal 02 Feb, 2023

nice article. well written.