Top 6 Snowflake Interview Questions

Sujitha Guvvala 10 Mar, 2023
8 min read


Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that enables enterprises to manage vast and complicated information by providing scalable storage and processing capabilities. It is intended to be a fully managed, multi-cloud solution that does not need clients to handle hardware or software. Instead, it provides high-performance analytics, flexibility, and cost-effective scaling. Snowflake’s design is built on a contemporary, cloud-native, SQL-based data warehousing strategy. It separates computation and storage, letting users autonomously scale up and down their processing capability and storage. The platform can seamlessly and safely ingest and analyze data from various sources, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

Standard SQL compatibility, built-in collaboration and data sharing capabilities, and sophisticated security features like end-to-end encryption, data masking, and access restrictions are among Snowflake’s advanced features. This protects the privacy and security of client data and enables users to exchange information with others both inside and outside their businesses. Thanks to Snowflake’s cloud-based design and completely managed approach, customers can focus on data analytics rather than maintaining hardware or software. It also allows for simple interaction with other cloud-based services, making it a popular choice for enterprises leveraging cloud computing for data warehousing.


Learning Objectives

  1. Appreciate the essential characteristics of Snowflake and be able to describe them to others clearly and concisely.
  2. Please describe the advantages of utilizing Snowflake for data warehousing and analytics and how it differs from previous systems.
  3. Explain Snowflake’s design, including storage and compute layer separation, micro-partitioning, and multi-cluster shared data architecture.
  4. Describe Snowflake’s security features and how they secure sensitive data and maintain privacy.
  5. Best practices for enhancing Snowflake performance should be followed, including data intake, clustering, and query optimization methods.
  6. Learn about Snowflake’s data-sharing features, including how they function, the benefits they provide, and best practices for using this feature.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Table of Contents

Q1. What exactly is Snowflake, and What are its distinguishing Characteristics?

Snowflake is a data warehousing and analytics platform that lets users store, manage, and analyze vast amounts of structured and semi-structured data in the cloud. These are some of its essential characteristics:

  1. Snowflake is built entirely on cloud technology and can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection.
  2. Snowflake scales up and down dynamically to suit different workloads, so customers only pay for the resources they use.
  3. Storage and computation resources are separated in Snowflake, allowing customers to expand each separately and eliminate the need to allocate compute resources in advance.
  4. Snowflake’s multi-cluster shared data design enables several users to access and query the same data without interference or performance loss.
  5. Snowflake enables users to securely exchange data with others, both within and outside of companies, without the requirement for data transfer or replication.
  6. Snowflake supports structured and semi-structured data, JSON, Avro, and Parquet, and can handle a broad range of workloads, from typical data warehousing to machine learning and advanced analytics.

Snowflake automates various parts of data management, such as software upgrades, maintenance, and data backup and recovery.

Snowflake provides a highly scalable, adaptable, and cost-effective cloud data management and analysis solution.

 Snowflake Key Features


Q2. What are some of the Advantages of utilizing Snowflake?

Here are some advantages of utilizing Snowflake:

  1. Snowflake intelligently adjusts resources up and down to suit shifting workloads, so users only pay for the resources they use.
  2. Snowflake’s design enables quick and efficient queries, even on big and complicated data sets. Snowflake employs indexing, segmentation, and other strategies to improve query efficiency.
  3. Snowflake is adaptable to various data types and workloads, including traditional data warehousing, advanced analytics, and machine learning.
  4. Snowflake provides end-to-end encryption, role-based access control, and other security measures to protect data.
  5. Snowflake enables users to securely exchange data with others, both within and outside of companies, without the requirement for data transfer or replication.
  6. Snowflake’s pay-as-you-go pricing model lets customers pay only for the resources they use, with no upfront expenses or long-term obligations.
  7. Snowflake’s user interface is clear and straightforward, and many standard processes are automated, eliminating the need for manual interaction.

Snowflake provides a powerful, adaptable, cost-effective cloud data management and analysis solution. It enables users to focus on insights rather than infrastructure, making data value extraction easier and faster.

 Snowflake Key Benefits

Q3. Explain the Snowflake architecture and how it differs from typical Data Warehousing Solutions.

Snowflake’s design is unusual because the storage and computing layers are separated, allowing for independent growth and flexible resource allocation. The following are some significant characteristics of the Snowflake architecture:

  1. Snowflake is cloud-based, with all data saved in the cloud object storage layer.
  2. Storage and computation resources are separated in Snowflake, allowing customers to expand each separately and eliminate the need to allocate compute resources in advance. The cloud object storage layer stores data, and computing resources are assigned as needed to perform queries.
  3. Snowflake saves data in micro-partitions, tiny, self-contained data units that are compressed and encrypted. Snowflake can enhance query speed and decrease data travel by storing metadata in each micro-partition.
  4. Snowflake’s design enables numerous compute clusters to access and query the same data simultaneously without interference or performance reduction. This enables Snowflake to manage high concurrent demands while allowing efficient and flexible resource allocation.
  5. Snowflake optimizes data location, query execution, and other performance elements depending on usage patterns and other criteria. This eliminates the need for manual intervention while ensuring stable and dependable performance.

Snowflake’s design is more flexible, scalable, and cost-effective than traditional data warehousing solutions. Conventional data warehousing solutions often need a specialized infrastructure with pre-provisioned storage and computation resources. As a result, poor resource consumption, exorbitant expenses, and restricted scalability may occur. On the other hand, Snowflake’s cloud-based, separate storage and compute, and multi-cluster shared data architecture enables more effective resource allocation and flexible scalability, lowering costs and boosting performance.

 Snowflake Architecture

Q4. How does Snowflake protect Data Security and Privacy?

To secure the security of data saved on its platform, Snowflake employs a comprehensive approach to security and privacy. Here are some of Snowflake’s important security and privacy features:

  1. End-to-end encryption: Snowflake uses industry-standard encryption techniques to enable end-to-end encryption of data in transit and at rest.
  2. Snowflake employs role-based access control to guarantee that only authorized users can access data. Users are allocated roles defining their access to data and system operations.
  3. Snowflake’s secure data-sharing capabilities enable users to safely exchange data with others inside and between enterprises. Fine-grained access constraints, such as time-bound sharing and revocation, can be implemented for data sharing.
  4. Snowflake is accredited with various industry standards and compliance laws, including SOC 2 Type 2, HIPAA, GDPR, and others.
  5. Snowflake offers safe data loading features, such as data encryption during loading and secure key management.
  6. Snowflake has sophisticated monitoring and auditing tools that allow users to track data access and changes. Every user and system action generates logs, which may be viewed for auditing reasons.
  7. For increased protection, Snowflake offers two-factor authentication, which requires users to give a second form of authentication in addition to a username and password.

Overall, Snowflake’s security and privacy features offer high protection for data kept on the platform, allowing enterprises to comply with industry laws while protecting sensitive information.

Q5. What are the Best Practices for Improving Snowflake’s Performance?

Here are some tips for improving Snowflake’s performance:

  1. Snowflake functions best when data is stored in a normalized fashion, with tables and columns structured to reduce data duplication and redundancy. To enhance query speed, tables must be appropriately partitioned, and clustering keys must be used.
  2. Caching should be used Cautiously: Snowflake has a caching option to enhance query performance for frequently requested data. Caching, on the other hand, can take significant resources. Therefore it’s crucial to utilize it wisely and consider the amount and frequency of cache refreshes.
  3. Reduce Data Movement: Because Snowflake’s architecture is meant to reduce data movement, it’s critical to eliminate needless data movement whenever feasible. Reduce the quantity of data transfers, reduce the number of queries that access the same data, and eliminate cross-database joins.
  4. Improve Query Performance: Snowflake offers a variety of tools for improving query speed, including query profiling, query optimization advice, and query history. They should be reviewed and optimized regularly to ensure that queries perform effectively.
  5. Snowflake provides methods for monitoring resource use, like warehouse utilization, query speed, and storage consumption. Monitoring resource use can aid in the identification of bottlenecks and the optimization of resource distribution.
  6. Use the Proper Warehouse Size: Snowflake provides several warehouse sizes, each with computing and memory resources. The appropriate warehouse size for the workload must be determined depending on the complexity of the queries and the amount of data collection.
  7. Use the following Clustering Keys: Clustering keys aid data organization and query efficiency. It is critical to select suitable clustering keys based on the queries and data being accessed.

Maximizing Snowflake performance necessitates effective data design, prudent cache use, reducing data transfer, optimizing queries, monitoring resource consumption, selecting the proper warehouse size, and employing suitable clustering keys. By following these best practices, organizations may guarantee that Snowflake runs effectively and delivers rapid, reliable results.


Q6. How does Snowflake facilitate Data Exchange between Organizations?

Snowflake’s safe data-sharing functionality facilitates secure data exchange across enterprises. Here is how it works:

  1. Make a Secure Data-sharing Account: The data supplier establishes a secure account and distributes data to one or more consumer accounts.
  2. Define the following Data-sharing Objects: The data provider specifies which data objects to distribute, such as tables, views, or schemas, and authorizes access to consumer accounts.
  3. Distribute Data Objects: The data provider distributes data objects to consumer accounts, specifying access controls and establishing sharing policies such as time-bound sharing and cancellation.
  4. Access shared Data: Consumer accounts can use conventional SQL queries and Snowflake’s query optimization and performance enhancements to access shared data objects through their own Snowflake accounts.
  5. Snowflake provides capabilities for monitoring data sharing, including the use of analytics, audit trails, and alerts.

Snowflake’s data-sharing functionality allows enterprises to securely and efficiently share data with other organizations. Snowflake’s current security and privacy features, including end-to-end encryption, role-based access control, and compliance certifications, are built on top of data sharing. This enables enterprises to confidently share data, knowing that their data is safe and complies with industry requirements.


To summarise, Snowflake is a strong cloud-based data warehousing technology with several advantages: scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Its distinct design separates storage and computing, enabling almost unlimited growth and flexible resource allocation. These questions give a complete overview of Snowflake’s capabilities and features, ranging from comprehending Snowflake’s unique architecture and advantages to maximizing performance, maintaining security and privacy, and allowing data sharing across enterprises.

The Key takeaways of this article are as follows:

  1. Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing technology with several advantages, including scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.
  2. Snowflake’s design varies from standard data warehousing systems in that storage and computing are separated, allowing for near-infinite expansion and flexible resource allocation.
  3. Snowflake’s security and privacy features provide high protection for data kept on the platform, allowing enterprises to comply with industry laws while protecting sensitive information.
  4. Snowflake is a popular platform with a high need for trained people. Mastering it may be beneficial for anybody interested in a data administration and analysis career.

The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion. 

Sujitha Guvvala 10 Mar, 2023

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