What is Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Defination and Challenges

avcontentteam 30 Jan, 2024
4 min read


Have you ever wondered how computers excel at tasks like translation or playing games? The answer is Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI). This branch of AI focuses on excelling in a singular function, making it a powerhouse for specialized tasks. The concept of Narrow AI is all about customization, tailoring the technology to meet precise goals. As technology evolves, experts diligently work to enhance Narrow AI’s capabilities, seamlessly integrating various models into a unified system capable of performing multiple tasks. In this comprehensive article, delve into the intricacies of Narrow AI, explore its diverse types, uncover its advantages, and discover real-world examples that showcase its potential.

What is Narrow Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial narrow intelligence refers to the intelligence system obligated to function on a specific task. The machine, models, or robot are introduced with a narrow set of limitations or constraints based on which it delivers a dedicated purpose. 

It is also called weak artificial intelligence because of its limitations and inability to mimic human behavior altogether. Furthermore, it is quite often used contrary to strong AI, which is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). AGI works on an algorithm that mimics human intelligence and performs multiple tasks at a time.

Narrow AI vs General AI

Let’s explore the difference between narrow and general AI in the table given below:

Narrow AI vs. General AI,artificial narrow intelligence
Source: Cameralyze
AspectNarrow AIGeneral AI
FunctionalitySpecialized in performing specific tasks.Possesses human-like cognitive abilities.
ScopeLimited to a narrow domain or task.Exhibits versatility across various tasks.
LearningLearns and improves within its designated task.Learns and adapts to various tasks.
AutonomyOperates within predefined boundaries.Displays autonomy and decision-making.
ConsciousnessLacks consciousness and self-awareness.Potentially possesses self-awareness.
ExamplesEmail filtering, game playing, voice assistants.Human-like robots, autonomous systems.

Why Narrow AI?

Artificial narrow intelligence has come through numerous learning processes in the past years and has become the best functional agent currently. Several mistakes can be executed by the models delivering a large number of tasks. A single model or algorithm is designed with specific functionalities to reduce errors. 

Here is why narrow AI is a crucial part of our life:

  • Narrow AI is trained to execute a single task. Thus, it is focused on delivering the task consistently and in a precise manner. There is no chance of common errors. 
  • Complex calculations or tasks can be resolved easily and quickly, a highly required functionality in certain industries. Narrow AI fulfills their need.
  • Algorithms in narrow AI are designed as per specific requirements and refined for optimal results, making them more personalized options for personal and professional use.
  • Narrow AI learns from data patterns and interactions with the real world and gets smarter with time.

Also Read: Weak AI vs Strong AI: What is the Difference?

Types of Narrow AI

There are basically two types of artificial narrow intelligence:

Reactive AI

No prior information is stored in the algorithm of a model. Works based on previous interactions with humans and updates with experiences. For example, Chatbots are designed to reply based on keywords and do not understand the content. It is because they are not built with a set of information.

Limited Memory AI

When a model is introduced with a set of information based on which it functions and provides accurate results. It is also known as an advanced version of narrow AI, Limited narrow AI examples may include machines incorporated with huge amounts of data to deliver the task more precisely.

Examples of ANI

The following are the narrow AI examples:

  • Self-driven cars: Thinking if it performs multifunctions, how can it be a narrow AI example? Numerous models are implemented to perform different functions, each specifically designed for a single task.
  • Smart speakers: Virtual assistants like Cortana, Siri, or Alexa.
  • Recommendation tools: Relies on human prior history. For instance, the search engine provides related recommendations.
  • Recognition and interpretation: Apps or software capture facial expressions or interpret accurate output based on the specific input. 
  • Medical tools: Numerous tools are used for recognizing specific diseases and their phase, like cancer.

Advantages of ANI

Narrow AI serves numerous advantages that may include:

  • Narrow AI offers results with improved accuracy. Using ANI reduces the chance of human errors. Thus, making the information more reliable.
  • Artificial narrow intelligence is cost-effective and saves labor costs while working tirelessly.
  • ANI completes its task quickly with minor errors. Speedy performance is beneficial for industries like pharmaceuticals and medical fields.
  • Narrow AI is prone to faster decision-making.
  • To develop highly intelligent AI, narrow AI serves as a building block.

Challenges of ANI

Despite having numerous narrow AI examples in the real world, Artificial narrow intelligence faces several limitations, which may include:

  • Strict to a single algorithm and does not exceed its functionality.
  • Narrow AI relies on qualitative data through which it performs specific tasks. The dependency on specific training may lead to further troubles. Narrow AI examples may include verbal language translation. However, all accents are not understandable until the algorithm provides information. Therefore, biasedness can be seen in its function.
  • Narrow AI lacks an understanding of new patterns and does not truly function in novel situations. For example, a medical tool works to identify a gene based on prior patterns and experience. If a new gene is discovered, it does not recognize and may misguide.


Artificial Narrow Intelligence is ubiquitous in our modern world. As the name implies, AI is finely tuned to excel in specific tasks. From email filtering to forecasting, examples of Narrow AI are seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. However, despite its advancements, challenges persist, occasionally leading to AI malfunctioning. As technology progresses, the horizon of possibilities for Narrow AI expands. To deepen your understanding of this fascinating field and explore its potential applications, consider joining our Blackbelt Plus program – a gateway to expert insights and cutting-edge knowledge in AI.arr

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is an example of narrow AI?

A. Narrow AI examples may include Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, and other video or audio recommendations. 

Q2. What is narrow AI and general AI?

A. Narrow AI is designed to perform a specific function, while general AI is a theoretical concept where it mimics human behavior and offers multi-functionality.

Q3. What is narrow vs. weak AI?

A. Narrow AI is the AI that delivers specific and optimized tasks based on customization. Weak AI performs a specific task based on the incorporated information and does not generalize knowledge. Both narrow and weak AI terms are used interchangeably. 

Q4. What is narrow AI Class 9?

A. Narrow AI, in simple language, is an artificial intelligence specialized in performing particular tasks. However, it possesses limitations in models.

avcontentteam 30 Jan, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

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