5 Easy Ways to Replace Switch Case in Python

Sakshi Khanna 10 Apr, 2024 • 4 min read


Python Switch case is a powerful programming construct that allows developers to execute different code blocks based on the value of a variable. However, Python does not have a native switch case statement. In this blog, we will explore 5 easy ways to replace switch case in Python String Replace using different programming techniques and libraries.

Switch case in python

Python has rapidly become the go-to language in data science and is among the first things recruiters search for in a data scientist’s skill set. Are you looking to learn Python to switch to a data science career?

Using Dictionaries

Dictionaries in Python can serve as a versatile alternative to switch statements. Instead of relying on a switch statement, one can leverage dictionaries to attain equivalent functionality. This involves mapping the case values to their respective function calls or original string manipulations. An illustrative example showcases how to execute a switch-like behavior utilizing dictionaries:


def case1():

 return "Accessing case 1"

def case2():

 return "Accessing case 2"

def case3():

 return "Accessing case 3"

switch_dict = {

 1: case1,

 2: case2,

 3: case3


result = switch_dict.get(2, lambda: "Wrong case")()



Accessing case 2

Using If-Elif-Else

Another way to replace a switch or case statement in Python is by using if-elif-else statements. When a “break occurs” in a switch case, it signifies the end of a particular case block. Similarly, in Python, the “break” keyword is utilized within the if-elif-else structure to terminate the execution of a specific condition block. Additionally, Python provides a variety of “built-in functions” that can be leveraged within the if-elif-else statements for various tasks. Despite lacking a native switch case construct, Python’s flexibility as a “programming language” allows developers to achieve similar functionality through alternative means. Here’s an example of how to implement a switch case using if-elif-else:


def switch_case(value):

 if value == 1:

   return "Accessing Case 1"

 elif value == 2:

   return "Accessing Case 2"

 elif value == 3:

   return "Accessing Case 3"


   return "Invalid case"

result = switch_case(3)



Accessing Case 3

Using Enums

Enums in Python simplify coding style, especially when dealing with limited data options. By encapsulating named constants within an enum class, developers enhance readability and avoid errors. Enums facilitate handling scenarios with multiple cases, enabling efficient code navigation without complex logic. They also offer built-in functions for iteration and comparison, reducing the need for custom operations and saving development time.


from enum import Enum

class Cases(Enum):

 CASE1 = 1

 CASE2 = 2

 CASE3 = 3

def switch_case(case):

 if case == Cases.CASE1:

   return "Accessing Case 1"

 elif case == Cases.CASE2:

   return "Accessing Case 2"

 elif case == Cases.CASE3:

   return "Accessing Case 3"


   return "Invalid case"

result = switch_case(Cases.CASE2)



Accessing Case 2

Using Match-Case

In Python 3.10, a new feature called match-case was introduced, allowing developers to perform pattern matching on variable values, thereby serving as a potent alternative to switch-case statements. This built-in function enables more concise and expressive code when handling sequence patterns. An example of its usage in replacing a traditional switch-case statement with a function call is as follows:


def switch_case(value):

 match value:

   case 1:

     return "Accessing Case 1"

   case 2:

     return "Accessing Case 2"

   case 3:

     return "Accessing Case 3"

   case _:

     return "Invalid case"

result = switch_case(3)



Accessing Case 3

Using Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) provides a flexible way to replace switch cases in Python. By defining classes and using inheritance and polymorphism, we can create a structure that mimics the behavior of a switch case statement. Here’s an example of how to implement a switch case using OOP in Python:


class SwitchCase:

 def execute(self):


class Case1(SwitchCase):

 def execute(self):

  return "Accessing Case 1"

class Case2(SwitchCase):

 def execute(self):

   return "Accessing Case 2"

class Case3(SwitchCase):

 def execute(self):

   return "Accessing Case 3"

def switch_case(case):

 cases = {

     1: Case1(),

     2: Case2(),

     3: Case3()


 return cases.get(case, lambda: "Invalid case").execute()

result = switch_case(1)



Accessing Case 1

Python switch case : Simplified Conditional Handling

In Python, there’s no direct “switch” statement like in some other languages. However, you can achieve similar functionality using if-elif-else chains or dictionaries. Here’s a simple explanation with examples for both methods:

1.Using if-elif-else: You can use a series of if-elif-else statements to check different cases and execute corresponding code blocks and Replace Method.

def switch_case(case_number):
    if case_number == 1:
        print("This is case 1")
    elif case_number == 2:
        print("This is case 2")
    elif case_number == 3:
        print("This is case 3")
        print("This is the default case")

# Test the switch_case function
switch_case(1)  # Output: This is case 1
switch_case(2)  # Output: This is case 2
switch_case(3)  # Output: This is case 3
switch_case(4)  # Output: This is the default case

2. Using dictionaries: You can create a dictionary where the keys represent the case values, and the values represent the corresponding actions or functions to be executed.

def case1():
    print("This is case 1")

def case2():
    print("This is case 2")

def case3():
    print("This is case 3")

def default_case():
    print("This is the default case")

# Define a dictionary mapping case numbers to functions
cases = {
    1: case1,
    2: case2,
    3: case3

# Function to mimic switch statement
def switch_case(case_number):
    # Get the function for the given case number from the dictionary
    case_function = cases.get(case_number, default_case)
    # Call the function

# Test the switch_case function
switch_case(1)  # Output: This is case 1
switch_case(2)  # Output: This is case 2
switch_case(3)  # Output: This is case 3
switch_case(4)  # Output: This is the default case

Both methods achieve the same result of executing different code based on the value of a variable (the “case”). The first method is simpler for beginners, while the second method using dictionaries is more versatile and can be cleaner for larger sets of cases of Prime Number.


In this blog, we explored 5 easy ways to replace it. Developers can achieve the same functionality by using dictionaries, if-elif-else statements, enums, third-party libraries, and object-oriented programming. Choose the approach that best fits your use case, considering its advantages and use cases. Effectively handle multiple conditions and execute diverse code blocks in Python based on variable values using these techniques.

Python has rapidly become the go-to language in data science and is among the first things recruiters search for in a data scientist’s skill set. Are you looking to learn Python to switch to a data science career?

Sakshi Khanna 10 Apr 2024

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