7 Best AI Grammar Checkers to Elevate Your Writing Experience

Deepsandhya Shukla 19 Mar, 2024 • 4 min read


Are you tired of making grammar mistakes in your writing? AI grammar checkers might be the solution you need. These tools use artificial intelligence to analyze your text and provide suggestions for improving grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. This article will explore the top 7 AI grammar checkers that can help elevate your writing experience.

What are AI Grammar Checkers?

AI grammar checkers are advanced tools that use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze text and provide feedback on grammar and style. These tools can catch common spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. They can also suggest improving sentence structure, clarity, and writing style.

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Top 7 AI Grammar Checkers [Free and Paid]


Grammarly |

Grammarly is one of the most popular AI grammar checkers on the market. Its features include grammar and spelling checks, style and tone suggestions, and plagiarism detection. Grammarly is available as a browser extension, desktop app, and mobile app, making it easy to use across different devices.



ProWritingAid is another powerful AI grammar checker that offers comprehensive writing analysis. In addition to grammar and spelling checks, ProWritingAid provides in-depth reports on writing style, readability, and sentence structure. The tool also offers suggestions for improving overall writing quality.



WhiteSmoke is a user-friendly AI grammar checker that focuses on improving writing style and clarity. In addition to grammar and spelling checks, WhiteSmoke offers translation services and writing templates. The tool is available as a browser extension and desktop app.



Ginger is a versatile AI grammar checker that offers grammar and spelling checks, style suggestions, and translation services. The tool also provides personalized practice sessions to help users improve their writing skills. Ginger is available as a browser extension and mobile app.

Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor | AI for grammar

Hemingway Editor is a unique AI grammar checker that focuses on improving readability and clarity. The tool highlights complex sentences, passive voice, and adverbs, making it easy to identify areas for improvement. Hemingway Editor is available as a web app and desktop app.


LanguageTool | AI grammar checker

LanguageTool is an open-source AI grammar checker that supports multiple languages and writing styles. In addition to grammar and spelling checks, LanguageTool offers style suggestions and error explanations. The tool is available as a browser extension and desktop app.


Sapling | AI for grammar

Sapling is a user-friendly AI grammar checker that offers grammar and spelling checks, style suggestions, and plagiarism detection. The tool also provides personalized writing goals and progress tracking. Sapling is available as a browser extension and desktop app.

Features to Look for in an AI Grammar Checker

When choosing an AI grammar checker, it’s essential to consider the following features:

  • Grammar and Spelling Check: Look for a tool that can accurately identify and correct grammar and spelling errors in your text.
  • Style and Tone Suggestions: Choose a tool that can provide suggestions for improving writing style and tone.
  • Plagiarism Detection: Consider a tool that can detect plagiarism and help you avoid unintentional plagiarism in your writing.
  • Integration with Writing Platforms: Look for a tool to integrate with your favorite writing platforms, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  • Pricing and Subscription Options: Consider the pricing and subscription options of the tool to ensure it fits your budget and needs.

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Before choosing an AI grammar checker, consider the following factors:

  • Compatibility with Writing Style: Choose a tool compatible with your writing style and preferences.
  • Privacy and Data Security: Ensure the tool prioritizes confidentiality and data security to protect your personal information.
  • Customer Support and User Experience: Look for a tool that offers reliable customer support and a user-friendly experience.
  • Trial Periods and Refund Policies: Consider tools that offer trial periods and refund policies to test the tool before committing to a subscription.
  • User Reviews and Recommendations: Read user reviews and recommendations to understand the tool’s performance and reliability.


AI grammar checkers can be valuable tools for writers to improve their writing skills. These tools let you catch errors, receive feedback, and enhance your writing quality. Consider the top 7 AI grammar checkers mentioned in this article and choose the one that best fits your needs. Remember to maximize the benefits of AI grammar checkers by following the tips provided and considering essential factors before deciding. Elevate your writing experience with AI grammar checkers today!

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