How to Become a Data Analyst in the USA?

Rachel Williams 05 Dec, 2023
7 min read


Data analytics is a discipline that is flourishing with potential since businesses from all sectors are making substantial investments in big data and expanding their analytics teams. Data analyst jobs have particularly been on the rise in America’s cell phone service, insurance policy, marketing, banking, medical care, and technology sectors. This article will guide you on how to become a data analyst in the USA.

Career of Data Analysts in the USA

A data analyst is in a position to manage and organize data associated with sales figures, market studies, administrative tasks, language studies, or other types of behavior. They use technological expertise to ensure that data is authentic and of excellent quality.

How to Become a Data Analyst in the USA?

There are several ways to enter into this extremely competitive field, whether you’re shifting to an entirely different career or just starting yourself in the workplace. A certain set of technical skills, including coding languages like Python, R, etc., statistical studies, relational databases, SQL queries, visualization software, and data collection and preparation, often prove necessary for careers in data analysis.

Career Growth of Data Analysts in the USA

Since the early 2000s, the essential function of a data analyst has grown in magnitude, with job prospects ranging from banking to advertising to social media platforms. With the rise in the data-driven marketplace, since 2020, 65% of multinational corporations have boosted their analytics investment extensively. The constant evolution of the tools that data scientists employ is one factor why the role of the data analyst changes.

Data science is becoming more and more autonomous in some areas. This can increase the efficiency of data analysis and allow for the emergence of professionals with simpler quantitative backgrounds.

Salary Growth of Data Analysts in the USA

The salary growth of a data analyst in the USA is significantly based on the years of experience.

Job RoleAverage Base Salary in the USA (per year)
Data Analyst$77,568
Senior Data Analyst$116,428
Data Analyst IV$119,886
Principal Data Analyst$166,923
Chief Data Analyst$185,629
Director of Data$240,885
Vice President of Data$352,781

Growth in Job Demand for Data Analysts in the USA

Is there a demand for data analysts? The short answer is definitely yes. The demand for data analysts has increased significantly in recent years. The number of job opportunities for analyst jobs is reported to increase by 23% between the years 2021 and 2031 by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In 2021, the big data analytics marketplace was estimated to be worth over 240 billion dollars. The global market will likely considerably grow and will have a value worth more than 650 billion dollars by 2029. So, if you are looking to start your career as a data analyst in 2024, get powered up with an extensive, data-oriented skill set, strong networking, industry experience, and an eye-catching portfolio.

Job Role of a Data Analyst in the USA

In the USA, a data analyst plays a pivotal role in helping organizations make data-driven decisions by collecting, processing, analyzing, and interpreting data. Their responsibilities encompass various aspects of data management and analysis:

Hard and soft skills to become a data analyst in the USA.
  • Data Collection: Data Analysts gather data from diverse sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, and APIs. They ensure data accuracy, completeness, and reliability.
  • Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: They clean and preprocess raw data, addressing missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies to ensure data quality.
  • Data Analysis: Data Analysts employ statistical techniques and data analysis tools to uncover trends, patterns, and insights within the data. They use software like Python, R, SQL, and data visualization tools.
  • Data Visualization: They create visual representations of data through charts, graphs, and dashboards to make complex information more accessible to non-technical stakeholders.
  • Reporting: They generate reports and summaries of their findings, often presenting actionable insights to inform decision-makers.
  • Predictive Modeling: Some data analysts use algorithms and machine learning to forecast future trends or outcomes based on historical data.
  • A/B Testing: They design and conduct A/B tests to evaluate the impact of changes or interventions, helping businesses optimize strategies.
  • Data Governance: Ensuring data security, privacy, and compliance with relevant regulations is part of their role, particularly in industries like healthcare and finance.
  • Collaboration: Data Analysts collaborate with cross-functional teams, including data scientists, engineers, and business stakeholders, to align data analysis with organizational objectives.
  • Continuous Learning: Staying updated with the latest data analysis techniques, tools, and industry trends is crucial for data analysts to remain effective.

How to Become a Data Analyst in the USA?

Embarking on a career as a data analyst in the United States involves a clear, step-by-step journey. This high-demand field offers diverse opportunities in various industries. Whether you’re new to the professional world or transitioning careers, follow these essential steps to become a data analyst:

Source: Career Foundry
  1. Foundational Education: Begin by acquiring foundational knowledge in data analysis. While a bachelor’s degree was traditionally required for entry-level positions, alternative routes like professional certificate programs, bootcamps, or self-study courses are now viable options.
  2. Build Technical Skills: Develop specific technical skills essential for data analysis, including statistics, programming in R or Python, SQL, data visualization, and data cleaning. Tailor your learning to match job requirements.
  3. Real Data Projects: Gain practical experience by working on projects with real data. Seek out programs or courses with hands-on projects, or explore free public datasets for self-initiated projects in areas that interest you.
  4. Portfolio Development: Curate a portfolio showcasing your best work. Include projects demonstrating your ability to scrape data from various sources, clean and normalize data, create visualizations, and derive actionable insights. Highlight teamwork if you’ve collaborated on group projects.
  5. Presentation Skills: Enhance your communication skills, a crucial aspect of data analysis. Practice presenting your findings effectively, as data-driven decision-making relies on your ability to convey insights to stakeholders.
  6. Entry-Level Job: Start applying for entry-level data analyst positions once you have built a strong foundation and a compelling portfolio. Don’t hesitate to apply for roles where you meet most, but not all, qualifications.
  7. Consider Certification or Advanced Degrees: As you progress in your career, consider pursuing certifications such as our AI/ML Blackbelt Plus Program. Additionally, consider advanced degrees like a master’s in data science for more opportunities.

Data Analyst Salary in the USA

The salary of a data analyst in the USA varies depending on various factors, such as the location, the industry, and the number of years of experience you have.

Based on Experience

Experience LevelAverage Annual Salary
Entry-Level Data Analyst$50,000
Junior Data Analyst$62,000
Mid-Career Data Analyst$74,000
Experienced Data Analyst$87,000
Late-Career Data Analyst$110,000

Based on Location

LocationAverage Annual Salary
San Francisco, CA$90,000
New York, NY$76,000
Seattle, WA$81,000
Chicago, IL$72,000
Boston, MA$72,000
Austin, TX$74,000

Based on Industry

IndustryAverage Annual Salary

How Can AI/ML BlackBelt Plus Program Help You?

The AI/ML BlackBelt Plus Program offers a comprehensive path for individuals aspiring to become data analysts in the USA. This program encompasses a well-rounded curriculum that covers every essential aspect of data analysis, from data collection and cleansing to analysis, visualization, and presentation. It ensures that participants understand data analytics deeply, making them job-ready in this high-demand field.

How to Become Data Scientist in USA

One of the program’s strengths lies in its emphasis on practical experience. Participants work with real-world datasets and engage in hands-on projects, bridging the gap between theory and application. This practical exposure is invaluable for honing their analytical skills and preparing them to tackle real challenges in the workplace.

Technical proficiency is a cornerstone of data analysis, and the program equips learners with essential skills, including programming languages like Python and R, SQL for data manipulation, and data visualization tools. Moreover, it doesn’t just stop at technical skills but also underscores effective communication’s importance.

Ultimately, the AI/ML BlackBelt Plus Program provides a structured and supportive environment that equips individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to excel as a data analyst in the USA.


To become a data analyst in the USA, start with a foundational education in data analysis. Then, build technical skills in programming, statistics, and data visualization. Gain practical experience through real data projects and create a strong portfolio. Develop communication skills for effective data presentation. Begin your job search by applying for entry-level positions and internships, even if you don’t meet all qualifications. Keep learning and staying updated with industry trends, and consider certifications or advanced degrees for career growth. This structured approach will pave the way for a successful career as a data analyst in the USA.

We wish you the best of luck in becoming a data analyst in the USA!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Are data analysts in demand in the USA?

Ans. Yes, data analysts are in demand in the US across various industries.

Q2. How much is a data analyst paid in the USA?

Ans. According to Glassdoor, a data analyst’s average salary is $77,537 per year in the United States. The average additional cash compensation for the role is $5,607, with a range from $4,205 – $7,849.

Q3. How do I become a data analyst in the USA?

Ans. To become a data analyst in USA, you must acquire a relevant education and develop technical programming & data analysis skills. You must then gain practical experience through projects and build a portfolio to apply for entry-level positions. Continuous learning and staying updated in the field will help you become a better data analyst over time.

Rachel Williams 05 Dec, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

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