How to Code Using ChatGPT?

K. C. Sabreena Basheer 26 Oct, 2023
6 min read


Incorporating artificial intelligence into modern programming has ushered in a new era of efficiency and innovation. ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI, stands out as a significant and disruptive milestone among these trailblazing developments. This article explores the specifics of ChatGPT code, analyzing its capabilities, dependability, and how it enhances programmers’ skills. We will also look at real-world examples of ChatGPT implementation to provide readers with a thorough knowledge of its potential as a coding ally.

Can ChatGPT Write Code?

Whether ChatGPT can write code is met with a resounding affirmation – yes, it can. This remarkable platform can replicate the coding processes undertaken by human developers, producing authentic programming code. However, it is crucial to exercise caution, as the generated code may not always be free from errors or imperfections. The potential for inaccuracies has led to ChatGPT-generated code being prohibited on platforms like StackOverflow.

For example, if you want to create a Python function to calculate the Fibonacci sequence, you can simply ask ChatGPT:

Generate a Python function to calculate the Fibonacci sequence.

And you’ll receive a response like:

ChatGPT generated code

Should You Code with ChatGPT?

The question of whether to code with ChatGPT is a nuanced one, demanding careful consideration of specific needs and circumstances. Several critical factors should inform your decision regarding using ChatGPT for coding.

Pros and Cons of Coding with ChatGPT

Speed and Efficiency: Generates code quickly and can assist with repetitive coding tasks.Limited Understanding: Lacks deep comprehension of context and domain-specific knowledge.
Code Suggestions: Provides helpful coding suggestions and can assist in writing code snippets.Creativity and Innovation: May not offer creative or innovative solutions to complex problems.
Learning Tool: Can be used for learning and education, providing explanations and examples.Dependence on Training Data: Knowledge is based on past data and may not be up-to-date.
Documentation: Can assist in generating code documentation and comments for better code readability.Debugging Limitations: Limited in its ability to debug and fix complex or novel issues.
Reduces Mundane Tasks: Frees up programmers from routine and mundane coding, allowing them to focus on higher-level tasks.Ethical Concerns: Full automation with AI may raise ethical and legal concerns, including job displacement.
Accessibility: Available 24/7 for assistance, making it convenient for developers.Limited Domain: May not be suitable for all programming domains or specialized tasks.
Multilingual Support: Can assist in multiple programming languages and natural languages.Over-Reliance Risk: Excessive reliance on AI may lead to a lack of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Consistency: Generates code consistently, reducing human errors associated with manual coding.Privacy and Security: Care must be taken with sensitive data, as AI-generated code may have security risks.

Is ChatGPT Coding Trustworthy?

The trustworthiness of ChatGPT coding is a topic of significant concern in the developer community, and it warrants a comprehensive examination. While its answers to questions sound great, they can be wrong. According to researchers, ChatGPT needs to improve its coding skills. So, if you are using ChatGPT for coding, you must have in-depth knowledge to check for errors and rectify mistakes committed by the tool.

How Does ChatGPT Help to Grow Your Coding Skills?

ChatGPT offers many ways to foster and enhance your coding skills, making it an invaluable resource for novice and experienced developers. Here are some ways ChatGPT can contribute to your coding growth:

  • Code Examples and Snippets: ChatGPT can provide code examples, snippets, and templates for various programming tasks. These can serve as a learning resource to understand different coding patterns and structures.
  • Explaining Concepts: You can ask ChatGPT to explain programming concepts or code syntax. It can provide clear and concise explanations, helping you grasp fundamental concepts and best practices.
  • Problem Solving: When you’re stuck on a coding problem, ChatGPT can help you brainstorm solutions. It can suggest approaches to tackle coding challenges, which can expand your problem-solving skills.
  • Learning New Languages: If you’re learning a new programming language, ChatGPT can assist with syntax, provide code examples, and explain language-specific features, facilitating the learning process.
  • Code Review: You can use ChatGPT to review your code. Presenting your code to the model lets you get improvement suggestions, identify potential issues, and learn to write more efficient and readable code.
  • Pseudo-Code and Planning: Before you start coding, you can use ChatGPT to help plan your projects by creating pseudo-code or outlining the logic of your program. This practice can improve your ability to design and structure software effectively.

How Else Can You Use ChatGPT as a Developer?

As a developer, ChatGPT offers versatile assistance beyond coding. Here’s a table highlighting various use cases and examples to help you understand its potential:

Use CaseDescriptionExamples
Code AssistanceGet help with coding tasks, code generation, and suggestions.– Generating code snippets
– Debugging assistance
– Code review and improvement suggestions
Learning and EducationUse ChatGPT as a learning resource to enhance your coding skills.– Explanation of programming concepts  – Learning new programming languages  – Algorithm and data structure insights
Problem SolvingBrainstorm solutions and approaches for coding challenges.– Developing strategies to solve complex coding problems
– Designing algorithms and logic for projects
DocumentationCreate clear and comprehensive documentation for code and projects.– Generating project documentation
– Writing code comments and explanations
Planning and DesignAid in project planning and design by creating pseudo-code or outlining program logic.– Structuring the initial design of a software project
– Planning the architecture of an application
RecommendationsReceive suggestions for tools, libraries, resources, and learning materials.– Recommendations for useful programming libraries
– Suggested tutorials and courses for skill improvement
Natural Language Processing (NLP)Integrate ChatGPT into NLP projects for text analysis and generation.– Building chatbots and natural language interfaces
– Text summarization and sentiment analysis
Creative Writing AssistanceUse ChatGPT for creative writing, such as generating content for blogs or documentation.– Writing blog articles and technical documentation
– Creating marketing copy and product descriptions
Debugging GuidanceGet ideas and suggestions for debugging techniques and problem-solving.– Strategies for troubleshooting code issues
– Identifying potential causes of errors
Collaboration SupportFacilitate collaboration by generating email drafts or helping with project communications.– Drafting professional emails or messages
– Collaborative writing for project proposals and reports

How to Use ChatGPT as a Programmer: ChatGPT Prompt Examples

The table below provides practical and informative ChatGPT prompt examples for programmers. These prompts cover a spectrum of tasks, from code generation and concept explanation to troubleshooting and project planning. 

Code Generation

Prompt: “Write Python code to calculate the factorial of a number.”

Python code to calculate the factorial of a number

Concept Explanation

Prompt: “Can you explain the concept of recursion in programming?”

explanation of recursion by ChatGPT

Idea Generation

Prompt: “Provide project ideas for a beginner in mobile app development.”

project ideas for a beginner in mobile app development | ChatGPT prompt


Prompt: “Assist me in creating a README file for a Python QR code generation library.”

creating a README file for a Python QR code generation library using ChatGPT

Code Refactoring

Prompt: “How can I refactor my JavaScript code for better performance?”

refactoring JavaScript code for better performance


Prompt: “Help me troubleshoot a ‘404 Not Found’ error on my website.”

troubleshooting a '404 Not Found' error using ChatGPT

Will ChatGPT Replace Programmers?

ChatGPT and similar AI models are powerful tools that can assist programmers and automate certain tasks, but they are unlikely to replace programmers entirely. Here’s why:

Limited Scope: ChatGPT is designed to generate human-like text based on input. It can assist with natural language understanding and generation tasks, such as writing code, explaining, or offering coding suggestions. However, it lacks a deep understanding of the underlying logic and context that programmers possess.

Creativity and Problem-Solving: Programming often requires creative problem-solving, design decisions, and the ability to think critically. While AI can help automate routine tasks and suggest solutions, it may not have the creativity and intuition required for many programming tasks.

Dependence on Data: ChatGPT learns from existing data, so its knowledge is limited to what it has been trained on, and it may not be up-to-date with the latest developments in the programming field.

Debugging and Maintenance: A significant part of a programmer’s job involves debugging and maintaining code. ChatGPT, like other AI models, might help identify some issues, but it cannot independently fix complex, novel bugs or maintain software systems.

Ethical and Legal Considerations: Automating your job through AI could lead to ethical and legal concerns, including job displacement and intellectual property issues.

While ChatGPT and similar AI models can streamline and augment programming tasks, they are not a replacement for the skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities that human programmers bring to the field.


ChatGPT has opened up exciting possibilities for programmers, helping generate code, explain concepts, and provide creative ideas. However, it’s essential to use ChatGPT judiciously and always apply your expertise and judgment. It’s not a replacement for human programmers but a valuable tool to enhance your coding skills and productivity. With ChatGPT at hand, you can code more efficiently and explore new horizons in software development. Embrace the future, but remember that the human touch in coding will always be irreplaceable.

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