In a significant move, Reliance Jio, the leading Indian telecom operator, is set to embark on a groundbreaking venture with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B). The collaboration, under the project name “BharatGPT,” seeks to harness the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in multiple domains. The ambitious project aims for a transformative impact across various sectors. Akash Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Jio, made these announcements during a session at IIT-B’s Techfest.
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Akash Ambani revealed that the joint project, BharatGPT, is a strategic initiative aimed at leveraging large language models & generative AI. The program, integral to Jio’s broader vision of “Jio 2.0,” signifies a comprehensive ecosystem of development. Reliance’s collaboration with IIT Bombay, dating back to 2014, highlights the long-standing efforts to explore the vast potential of AI in driving innovation across products and services.
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Ambani emphasized the omnipresence of AI, stating that it will “consume everything.” He foresees AI as a transformative force, not just as a vertical within Jio but horizontally across all sectors. The next decade, according to Ambani, will be defined by applications utilizing large language models and generative AI. This reflects Jio’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.
Apart from BharatGPT, Ambani shared plans about Jio’s foray into developing its operating system for televisions. This move aligns with Jio’s commitment to enhancing the user experience on its devices and contributing to its expanding ecosystem of services. Ambani’s disclosure underscores Jio’s dedication to launching new products and services across various domains, including media, commerce, communication, and devices.
Ambani painted a picture of India as the “biggest innovation center” for the next decade. He expressed confidence in the country’s potential to become a USD 6 trillion economy by the end of the decade. The inclusive nature of AI, referred to by Ambani as “all included,” signifies the wide-reaching impact that AI is expected to have on every aspect of products and services.
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Reliance Jio’s collaboration with IIT-B for the BharatGPT initiative marks a significant stride into the realm of artificial intelligence. The ambition to integrate AI across sectors, coupled with plans for a television operating system, showcases Jio’s commitment to technological evolution. As India positions itself as an innovation hub, Jio’s endeavors in AI and related technologies seem poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s future. The impending launch of BharatGPT and Jio 2.0 sets the stage for a new era of innovation and progress.
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