Top certifications for SAS, R, Python, Machine Learning or Big Data

Kunal Jain 26 Jul, 2020
7 min read

We released our rankings for various long duration analytics programmes in India for 2014 – 15 last week. They were greeted with unparalleled enthusiasm and response from our audience. We continue our journey to help our audience decide the best analytics trainings and resources.

This week, we will focus on ranking short duration courses or certification courses.

Latest Rankings: Top Certification Rankings of  2015 – 2016

Top certifications, SAS, R, Python


Scope of these rankings:

In this round, we are ranking various short duration certification courses accessible in India. So the consideration set will include courses either run in India or are available online. We will exclude courses / certifications / boot camps running in other countries.

Apart form this, we have also categorized the courses in 5 tracks – the most popular tracks in data science across the globe. These are for learning SAS, R, Python, Machine Learning and Big Data. These should cover the needs of most of the people. If you have any other need, please feel free to ask them in comments below and we will be happy to share our assessment of the courses.

Analytics and Big Data Salary Report


Why rank certification courses and not institutes?

One of the conscious calls, we took while coming up with the rankings was to rank courses and not the institutes. Why? Because that is how we think and that is what we need to make our learning decisions. We usually need to find the best courses specific to learn a language or a tool. You would want to do the course which is best to learn R or SAS or Python. Institute ranking would not be the right way to make these decisions.

Hence, we decided to rank the courses individually and not institutes. So, here are the ranks for various courses:


Certification courses for SAS:

  1. Foundation Course in Analytics by Jigsaw Academy: Foundation course from Jigsaw Academy is an ideal first course for your data science career, if you want to learn SAS. The content is lucid and leaves you with enough knowledge on the subject to start your data science career. The coverage of the course is holistic as well – it covers everything from collecting and cleaning data to how to build various predictive models. What I really like about this course is that it makes the journey of becoming a data scientist easier. With its simple step-by-step approach, it is an ideal course for those who come from a non-statistics or a non-programming background.
  2. SAS Institute – Predictive modeler: Predictive Modeler certification from the SAS institute is probably the best short term certification available on SAS. Typically run over 5 days, this course assumes that you know Base SAS and have been using it for about 6 months (SAS also offers a Base SAS certification separately). The reason why this course has been ranked second is because of the cost. SAS charges INR 75k+ for this certification. There can be travel costs over and above and if you want to learn Base SAS as well, you would double up the cost – pretty hefty for a 10 day course. For the motivated folks, SAS institute has started offering 2 courses online for free. You can do them to start, then practice for a few days and take up this course. This will save the cost to some extent, but you still need to shell out a fortune for this course.
  3. Certified Business Analytics Professional by Edvancer Eduventures: A lower cost option compared to the first 2 courses. This course from Edvancer covers SAS and predictive modeling comprehensively. Edvancer provides a good proposition to get 60 hours of instructor led trainings at a relatively low cost. Definitely check them out if cost is a significant constraint for you.

There are other courses offered in the industry from the likes of AnalytixLabs, EduPristine, Analytics Training Institute which are not comprehensive from the stand point of becoming a predictive modeler. You should only consider them if cost is the only factor for you to decide.

Must Read: A step by step guide to learn SAS from the scratch

Certification courses for R:

  1. Data Science specialization on Coursera: Probably the most definitive set of courses available for free. These are easy to follow, 2 – 3 hours per week per course. You can pick the courses you need and avoid the ones which you don’t need immediately or do them simultaneously, if you have more bandwidth. The only downside to this certification is lack of guidance from a mentor. You need to rely on forums for that role.
  2. The Analytics Edge on edX: One of the most intensive course to pursue, this course requires you to spend 15 – 16 hours every week. And if you do put them, it covers everything you need to learn with R in less than 4 months. By end of this course, you will be competing on a competition on Kaggle!
  3. Data Science Certification from Jigsaw Academy: Again a comprehensive offering from Jigsaw with good quality content and instructors. This course provides you with all you need to know to become a data scientist. The only complain I have about the course is the cost – INR 26K for self paced and INR 42k for Instructor led might seem high, given that there are a lot of free resources available on R. On the flip side, this course will expose you to business case studies and real world problems better than any other course I have come across. If you are confident about your ability to pick up complex knowledge, stick to the free courses. But, if you are intimidated by statistics or programming and feel you need some hand holding, Jigsaw is the ideal place to learn.
  4. Business Analytics with R from Edureka: A cost effective instructor led offering from Edureka, which covers the concepts well. You can also consider the data science offering from them for slightly higher fees and get functional knowledge about Hadoop and Machine Learning with R as well.
  5. Certified R Programmer from Edvancer: This offering from Edvancer tries to serve people in the middle – those who are motivated enough to learn by self paced tutorials, but still need on demand support to help them out at times. Given that there is no dearth of self paced videos / tutorials on R, you should consider this course for its on demand support.

Data Analysis with R from Udacity also covers basic exploratory data analysis in R, but does not provide enough learning to build predictive models.

Must Read: A step by step guide to learn data science in R Programming

Certification courses for Python:

  1. Mastering Python by Edureka: I personally like Python as a tool for data science. The ecosystem for Python is still evolving. Hence, it is difficult to find courses as comprehensive in Python as this one from Edureka. The course starts from basics of Python and goes on to make sure that you can apply machine learning using Python. One of the best offering to learn Python for data science.
  2. Intro to Data Science by Udacity: Udacity has a whole bunch of courses which assume that you know Python. This particular course is a good introduction to Pandas and data wrangling using Pandas. While the course is a good introduction, it falls short on comprehensiveness and does not cover all your needs as a data scientist through this course.

Must Read: A comprehensive guide which teaches Python from the scratch

Certification courses for Machine Learning:

  1. Machine Learning by Andrew Ng on Coursera: I would probably not be wrong, if I call this course as the most popular course on Machine Learning. Prof. Andrew Ng explains even the most complicated topics in easy to understand manner. A must do course if you want to learn Machine Learning from scratch
  2. Learning from Data on edX: One of the most intensive course run by Prof. Abu-Mustafa. The course contains some really intensive exercises and assignments. The course is not for the people with light heart, but for those who can endure – this is the best course on the subject.
  3. Machine Learning courses from Udacity: The machine learning offerings from Udacity fall some where in between the two courses mentioned above. They don’t simplify the subject matter to the extent Prof. Andrew Ng did and the problem sets are also not as intensive as the course on edX.

Must Read: A beginners guide to conquer Machine Learning

Certification courses for Big Data:

  1. Courses from Big Data University has a range of courses on Big Data – most of them being free! If you can deal with some ambiguity and are motivated enough to search through courses yourself, bigdatauniversity might just be the right place for you. However, if you feel lost with so many courses, just skip to the next courses
  2. Big Data specialist from Jigsaw Academy: If you need a guide  or a mentor to take you through the complex world of Big Data – this might be the best place to start. Again a comprehensive offering from Jigsaw, if you know R already. Again, my assessment of the course remains the same, it is a good course and the certification from Wiley is an added advantage, but it comes at a cost! The biggest USP for this course is that it teaches big data from a data scientist’s perspective rather than from an IT professional’s perspective. If you want to become a big data analyst, this is a great course. You can read a detailed review about the course here.
  3. Big Data and Hadoop from Edureka: Although the course does not come with Wiley certification, it is a very cost effective option. The course covers Big Data and Hadoop ecosystem in good details and is clearly the most popular course from Edureka offerings.

A few other courses worth mentioning here are MongoDB fundamentals on Udacity and Mining massive datasets on Coursera. As the name suggests, the course on MongoDB provides you all the basics of working with MongoDB. Mining massive datasets on the other hand is a blend of machine learning and Big Data.


Short note about the methodology:

You can read more details about our methodology here. We ranked the courses on 4 parameters:

  • Breadth of the coverage
  • Quality of the content
  • Industry recognition
  • Value for Money


End Notes:

Hope these rankings and information would help our readers in making the right choices about picking the certification courses. If you have been part of any of these courses or want to add further information, please feel free to add it through comments below or on the individual course pages.

If you like what you just read & want to continue your analytics learning, subscribe to our emailsfollow us on twitter or like our facebook page.

Kunal Jain 26 Jul, 2020

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Responses From Readers


kiran 10 Dec, 2014

Can you please tell me whether the certification course " R with Hadoop ecosystem" course provided by International School of engineering, hyderabad is a genuine one or not.

junior syda
junior syda 10 Dec, 2014

Hi, I have seen your article regarding top certifications.I am planning to take SAS,R& BIGDATA from SIMPLILEARN.The cost is low when compared to others and I think it has covered the entire concepts in the course curriculum.So please suggest me on this.I want to know about the quality of SIMPLILEARN COURSES AWAITING THE REPLY REGARDS SYDA

Karthikeyan 10 Dec, 2014

Dear sir, As a data analyst, how far I should be familiar with Visualization tools like Tableau/Spotfire/qlickview? And which one do you advise for the beginners? Regards, Karthikeyan P

Ganesh Mandarapu
Ganesh Mandarapu 10 Dec, 2014

Hi Kunal Jain, I'm a big fan of your articles and i regularly follow your columns and i used to learn lot of things from your articles..As you mentioned foundation course in analytics from jigsaw academy as rank one i'm very happy to hear that as i have done that course. But my question is about as a fresher to this analytics and as non-statistics background is there any opportunities for freshers in present time for who is well versed with SAS without any experience.And i just completed my graduation this year.Looking forward for your favourable reply.Thank you very much. Ganesh Mandarapu

Anon 10 Dec, 2014

MongoDB offers its own set of free courses and paid-for certifications, built on the Open EdX platform. There's a Java-centric course and a Python-centric one. I haven't read reviews, but have signed up for the latter, which starts next month.

Mayur P
Mayur P 10 Dec, 2014

Hi Kunal, How about Institiute such as EduPristine which provide Courses on Business Analytics with "R" & with Business Case studies. ?? They also teach Big Data - Hadoop.

Sudhindra 10 Dec, 2014

Hello Kunal, Thanks a ton for comprising this awesome collection of courses. This has really helped me to the core. Thanks again. Regards, Sudhi.

DataScientistPB 10 Dec, 2014

Hi Kunal, Thanks for another comprehensive knowledge addition. I follow your articles regularly, and its nothing less than a feast for the followers. In this article you have mentioned about certificate training courses. It will be great if you could share your views on Professional Certificate Exams (conducted by various institutes in the field of analytics) as well. For example, I know following 3 out of many available. 1. Certified Professional: Data Scientist (CCP:DS) by CLOUDERA 2. Certified Analytics Professional by INFORMS 3. Data Scientist Associate (EMCDSA) by EMC It will be great if you assess these and let all of us know your views on which one is the best to possess in terms of industry recognition and value for money. Looking forward to your reply. Many Thanks. Regards, Pravin

Lakshmi 10 Dec, 2014

Hi Kunal, How do you rate the big data course from Analytix Labs. It is also associated with the Wiley Certification. Thanks.

Arpit 12 Dec, 2014

Hi Kunal, Thanks for the all the information on courses and certifications in past few days. Appreciate your site a lot. Can you please provide information and compare the various MS programs in business analytics provided by schools in the US (or the courses outside India) ? Thanks

prasad 14 Dec, 2014

HI Kunal, I am working as tester on Telecom domain form last 6 years ( OSS/BSS/IPTV). I am want to shift to Data Analytic domain in telecom domain. Whether there is any specific Training/Certification of data Analytic for Telecom domain.

Clarence Wong
Clarence Wong 17 Dec, 2014

For those looking to learn Machine Learning using the scikit-learn Python package check out the YouTube videos (links provided) of two of it's major contributors; Jake Vanderplas and Olivier Grisel. Both these presentations were made at PyCon 2014 and all material covered during the sessions are available on Github, which can be easily forked and cloned (I assume, all data scientists current and aspiring have a Github account, if not do get one ASAP). What better introduction than by the people who have actually built a ML library which is becoming the go to for more and more Data Scientists? Each video is a little over 3 hours each and should provide enough inspiration to delve deeper into the subject. Like Kunal, with the passage of each day I am becoming an avid Pythonista because of it's ease of use and breadth of application in areas outside of machine learning. My primary tool earlier was R but now I use a blend of both and it has made life so much better. That being said Scala and a bit of JS are also useful skills to have, as I have discovered. Once you have really matured in the field you can then turn to C/C++ (both R and Python are built on these) to optimize the speed of your algorithms but more on this in a future post. For now follow along with the videos and tutorial material and have fun! Exploring Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn: Diving Deeper into Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn:

Sumit 19 Dec, 2014

Sir, What about PGPBA from Praxis Business School?

leena 19 Dec, 2014

Hi Kunal, First of all thanks for your initiatives. Your inputs really helps one to be in proper track. Hows are tarining by Puralsight for Data science and R SAS language ? Regards, Leena

Priyabrata Nayak
Priyabrata Nayak 22 Mar, 2015

Hi Kunal, First of all wanted to thank you for your sincere efforts to spread awareness about analytics and education options for it. I have couple of questions for you , for which i need your advice. I am a clinical sas programmer having near about 3 years of experience. I am proficient in c,c++, sql,sas(base, Macros,sql). 1-Depending on my current experience switching into analytics or bigdata industry which will be beneficial. 2-Should i go for a full time mba or certification course in India for it or should try institutes like (Jigsaw,edvancer etc..) 3-How about options like opting for a ms degree in us universities for analytics. Thanks & Regards Priyabrata

Clarence Wong
Clarence Wong 31 Mar, 2015

For those looking to integrate Big Data and Analytics in an integrated platform, consider Spark. It provides a unified platform to do ETL, ML, Streaming/Real-time Analytics and Graph/Network analysis. It can work in standalone mode, cluster mode on Yarn, Mesos,MapR. Spark has APIs for Java, Scala and Python for each of thr modules mentioned above. Personally I use Python and Scala to get the job done. SparkR is a separate project which provides integration with R (last time I checked 5500 R packages are supported). Those who prefer other languages, fear not support for Julia, Ruby and Clojure to name a few are in the pipeline. In terms of certifications there are two on edX called Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark and Scalable Machine Learning. They are a part of a series offered by University of California, Berkeley and DataBricks the that created Spark. Once you have completed these one can opt for the Spark Developer Certification by DataBricks and O'Reilly media. Spark has been around since 2009 but is quickly gaining ground as the preferred platform for distributed big data analysis. It was built from the ground up to overcome the limitations of MapReduce, namely the compulsion to store intermediate output to disk, thereby slowing computations and not being friendly to iterative ML techniques.

Mayur 14 Apr, 2015

Hi, Currently I am working as web developer in .Net technologies, i want to get into big data analysis as developer. After going lot of research i hv come up with following approach, First to learn python language Second to learn python with data analysis As plenty of resources are available on internet i have decided to do the above on my own. Please suggest whether the above approach is advisable and if yes please also suggest the recommended certifications Thanks, Mayur

Ashi 16 Apr, 2015

Hi Kunal, this discussion thread is very informative. I have a little different situation - I'm a senior business consultant into business/process transformation/research with more than 10 years of exp. I do not have any programming or statistical background. There is a growing trend of employers looking for combined skills of analytics and research for senior level transformation jobs. I want to know how do I acquaint myself with BI and Warehousing tools like SAS etc. to prepare for a leadership role that can use my current experience and also familiarization with analytics solutions and tools . Would you recommend any course? Thanks, Ashi

Harshit Jain
Harshit Jain 22 Apr, 2015

Hi Kunal, I have over 6years of experience in software development using .net, c++, sql server. How should i approach to start my career in big data analytics/business analytics using R ? What challenges would i face? Thanks,

sudhakar 05 May, 2015

Hello Sir, I'm working in a BPO company. Through internal job posting, we have a chance to work as a data or a business analyst. I'm planning to learn analytics and am from Btech IT background. I have a couple of questions. 1)which programming to learn SAS or R 2)what are the important maths topics required or to be mastered for better analytics. Your response would be of great value to me. J

ram 16 May, 2015

hi kunal i have seen insofe cpee program and it costs around 2.5 lakhs so is it worth the money and do it cover every aspect and my doubt is why they have combined data science and hadoop

Gaurav Tiwari
Gaurav Tiwari 16 May, 2015

Hello Kunal Sir, Thank you for such an informative article. I am a fresher and interested in a career in analytic and as per your articles it seems I should go for SAS certification. Kindly tell me what to do in this regard and what are the entry level chances and scope in this field. Thaks.

Sudhindra 02 Jun, 2015

This resource is really awesome. Are their any courses for a person who are already business analyst's and doesnt need too much of programming but just introduction to the Big Data and SAS Concepts?

Krishnan S
Krishnan S 25 Jun, 2015

Hi Kunal, I'm currently working as a Project/Program Manager (PMP certified) for a Software product company for past 13 yrs. I do not have much knowledge and experience in programming as my job profile is in to implementation and delivery/support of end product. I want to shift to Big data, Analytics and Machine Learning field for a career change. Please advice me how to go about it... Will there be enough job opportunity especially considering my 13 yrs of experience, after doing the mentioned courses with enough salary to sustain?

Thomas 26 Jun, 2015

Thank you very much for this very informative and interesting article! I'm always looking for courses on R, Statistical Learning/Machine Learning and find your list amazing! Thank you for sharing. One question: Has anyone completed/started the course The Analytics Edge (edx)? Can I start it at any point of time or do I have to wait till the course starts officially again, because right now the website shows the course started on June 2 and I don't know if I can still get the certificate if I enroll now. There's no hint on the course 's information and I can click 'enroll now' but will I get the certificate? Something I can share: About MOOCs: I have completed the course Statistical Learning by Hastie and Tibshirani and can recommend it. The videos are well done and the course information is based on the authors' 2 books which are available free of charge (as ebooks). The R exercises, however, lack some explanations.

Ankita 01 Jul, 2015

Hi Kunal, My name is Ankita .I had completed my M.Tech (C.S) after that i had worked as assistant professor for two years and from last one year i am working as a software engineer in a pvt company. I want to switch my profile as a data analyst. Could you please suggest me on this? Eagerly waiting for your response. Thanks Ankita

Ankit Singh
Ankit Singh 20 Jul, 2015

Hi Kunal, I have done (IT) and currently working in Adobe as a Technical support consultant. I am pursuing Data Analysts course from the EduPrsitine which will cover the R, SAS and Hadoop. They are charging around 60K . I want to move into the Data Analyst Field . Please let me know the best way to move from here , should i go for any other course or start exploring my skills after this course. Many Thanks Ankit Singh

LB 12 Aug, 2015

Hi, I would like to understand about Simplilearn's Big-Data and Hadoop Developer Certification Training versus edureka's similar one. Please guide.

Subrat Jain
Subrat Jain 27 Sep, 2015

Hi KJ, I want to make a shift in my career from mining engineering to machine learning. Currently i am pursuing Andrew Ng's machine learning course on coursera. Please suggest me what should i do next? (I am a newbie in machine learning , i have no exp in statistics or computer programming )

Deepraj Das
Deepraj Das 17 Oct, 2015

Hi, I am M.Sc in Biochemistry and currently pursuing EMBA in distance as I am working in IT for 2.5 years as Research Analyst and SEO. I also do write as a medical content writer and blogger. I am now planning to go for Data Analytics Career with R language to get a break through in the Business Analytics. Is it right for me to hold my career in IT? I have seen online courses are cheap than the classroom training. Should I go for Online Programs? Can you suggest me some?

VINAY 24 Oct, 2015

Hi Kunal, I have done Bsc(statistics ) and MCA .I have 8 yr experience in Oracle apps ERP as developer.I want to switch my career in Analytics.what should i do? what about your suggetion for course 'Data Science using SAS & R' and 'Certified SAS Professional' from analytixlab? which should I do? Thanks Vinay

Yuvraj Sharma
Yuvraj Sharma 25 Oct, 2015

Thank you for such kinds of career boosting articles. I’m currently working as a business associate and have a basic knowledge of SPSS statistical tool of data analysis. Now, I am now planning to go for Data Analytics Career with R language to get a breakthrough in the Business Analytics. I have seen “Mastering Data Analytics with R course “offer by edureka and courses offer by Think vidhya and other institutes. Can you suggest me which institute is good for Data Analytics with R course in terms of learning and further job assistance purpose?. Please let me know the best way to move from here, should I go for Online Programs offer by this institute?

Taj Khan
Taj Khan 31 Oct, 2015

Dear Sir, W hat you say regarding Business Analytics course provided by Imarticus Bangalore.

Apurva Verma
Apurva Verma 31 Oct, 2015

Hi Kunal, First of all I would like to thank you for giving such brilliant information about Business Analytics. I'm an Engineer (EEE) with MBA (Marketing & IT Systems). I have 12+ yrs of experience in Sales (Channel Distribution) & currently working in Retail & Channel Finance field & wanna shift to this exciting field of DATA science. Actually after coming to know about this Analytics field I have been reading about it on the net & getting more & more interested in the topic. Please suggest if I take the short duration courses will I be able to get an entry into this exciting field of Data Science. My entire work ex is in a NON IT Field, will this prove to be a major hindrance in my career shift into Data Science. If you could kindly suggest a path for me, I would be really grateful to you. Thanks, Apurva.

Apurva Verma
Apurva Verma 31 Oct, 2015

Hi Kunal, Firstly I would like to thank you for sharing such brilliant insights about Business Analytics. I am a BE (EEE), with MBA (Marketing & IT Systems) having 12+ yrs of work ex in Sales (Channel Distribution) in Industries like consumer durable, Telecom & Automobile. Presently I'm working in the field of Retail & Channel Finance & Insurance. From the time I have come to know about this Analytics field I have been trying to gather info regarding this field & the more I go deep the more I find it exciting. I want to get into this Data Science field. If i do the short term courses can I get a job in this field. If yes it would be really nice of you if you could suggest me proper path. My entire work ex is in Non IT field, will it serve as a major hindrance in my career shift to Data Science field. Thanks, Apurva.

gurunathan 21 Nov, 2015

Hi , i have enough domain experience on Supply Chain Management and have fair understanding about statistics too. i am 52 years old. this SAS course will be useful to me? Gurunathan

K V Subrahmanyam
K V Subrahmanyam 24 Nov, 2015

HI Sir As you mentioned,I am interested to learn R from The Analytics Edge on edX.But I am not sure about which course on R you are mentioning.Could you please provide the exact link for the course you are suggesting. Thanks for all your efforts sir Regards Subbu

Suman Roy
Suman Roy 14 Dec, 2015

Which is better considering i am just starting in analytics - Certified Data Science specialist from Jigsaw or Certified Business Analytics Professional from Edvancer?

seema 14 Dec, 2015

Hi Kunal, First of all thanks for such detailed information about courses in analytics. About me, I am on a verge of changing my career path after serving as faculty -Computer Science for about 7 yrs. I am looking for some good courses in analytics for same. I have come across course with Simplilearn " Data Scientist with R , SAS and Excel training" . Could you please suggest how much beneficial this course is, And i wud appreciate if you could put light on job opportunities after completion/certification considering my candidature.

Sagar 16 Dec, 2015

Hello Sir...!! I read your two articles, one on SAS vs R vs Python and the above one. I am a graduate in Statistics. Was searching for jobs but could not find good ones as either they were asking for Masters or Knowledge of these Statistical tools. I have a good knowledge of SPSS and Excel. In Delhi University we are given more of theoretical knowledge, so I havea good knowledge regarding Statistical models,time series data, ANOVA and other statistical methods. For a good job I thought of going for data sciences. SAS and R both. Cost is not the first priority but yeah it does matter a lot. So can you suggest me any course(not too costly) for which I should go so that it would help me with my career. It would be really thankful of yours.

Gurmeet Kaur
Gurmeet Kaur 01 Jan, 2016

Hi, I am a .Net developer. I want to go to Analytics field and that too for a short term course. I read the conversation above but still confused about the short term course. Can you please suggest me some short term course that can cover the important R and SAS concepts? Please suggest as soon as possible, it would be of great help.

Nandan Kamboj
Nandan Kamboj 13 Jan, 2016

Hi Kunal, I am an analyst with American Express and I am in the merchant based industry which involves some logic but more of a monotonous and clerical work. I have a very basic knowledge of SAS, which I acquired from internet. I am looking forward for any courses available within New Delhi regarding Business Analytics ( SAS, Big Data, R or Hadoop). I can not leave my job though. Kindly advice the any specific courses so that I can shift to a business analytics domain and also the best institutes. for the same. Best Regards, Nandan Kamboj

Sekhar 10 Mar, 2016

Hello Sir, I am really impressed with your articles. I need one suggestion. I have 10+ years of experience. I have not seen exponential growth in PHP. So, I want to jump to Data Science or Andriod or Java world by doing the necessary certifications. So, Plesae suggest me like, is it correct decision to move to different field at this time or shall i continue in the same field.

Nishant mittal
Nishant mittal 15 May, 2017

Hiii kunal sir Currently i am working in telecom sector .i want to change my field with big data what are the basic requirements for that.

Raghavendra Agrahari
Raghavendra Agrahari 18 Jun, 2017

sir i am going to complete my engineering in EEE stream. Please suggest me that data scientist course is beneficial for me or not for a good job as a fresher.

Arun Datta Gupta
Arun Datta Gupta 13 Oct, 2017

Hello Kunal I want to pursue a career in Data Analytics and Big data. I have around 8 years of IT experience. I have done some research that Upgrad is providing a PG certificate on Big Data Engineering with collaboration by BITS Pilani. Can you guide me whether it will a good program to join

Prashanthi 15 Feb, 2018

Hello Sir, Really very imprressive and infromative blog. I need a suggestion. I have 10+ years of experience in Java/J2EE technologies as a developer/Lead. Now i would like to switch my career from java programming to Data sceintist. Please let me know what all are the courses i have to learn/cerfiications i have to do. Also plese suggest me is this is a correct decision at this point of my career. I have great zeal to learn these emerging courses and I'm very much good at logical thinking. I believe in future everything will be automated andworks with AI. Please help me for taking this decision.