The Journey of a Senior Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer in Fintech Domain

Sakshi Khanna 15 Jun, 2023
9 min read


Meet Tajinder, a seasoned Senior Data Scientist and ML Engineer who has excelled in the rapidly evolving field of data science. Tajinder’s passion for unraveling hidden patterns in complex datasets has driven impactful outcomes, transforming raw data into actionable intelligence. In this article, we explore Tajinder’s inspiring success story. From humble beginnings to influential figure, showcasing unwavering dedication, technical prowess, and a genuine passion for leveraging data to drive real-world results.

At a leading fintech company, Tajinder has revolutionized various aspects of the business using his data science expertise. His contributions have optimized internal processes, enhanced customer experiences, generated revenue, and fueled overall business growth. Tajinder’s journey stands as a testament to the immense potential of data science and machine learning when coupled with the right mindset and determination.

Let’s Get On with the Senior Data Scientist Interview!

AV: Please introduce yourself. Provide us with an overview of your educational journey. How has it led you to your current role?

Tajinder: Certainly! Hello, my name is Tajinder, and I am a Senior Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer. My educational journey began with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, where I developed a strong foundation in programming, algorithms, and software development.

I started my professional career as a DB developer, working on various Software Engineering and Data Engineering projects. In this role, I gained extensive experience in database management, query optimization, and creating reports and Management Information Systems (MIS). While working on these projects, I discovered my keen interest in the field of Data Science.

Driven by my passion for data analysis and exploration, I decided to dive deeper into the Data Science domain. I embarked on a self-learning journey, studying and acquiring knowledge in areas such as statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization techniques. To further enhance my skills, I pursued additional courses and certifications in Data Science and Machine Learning.

As I continued to expand my expertise, I started applying my knowledge and skills to real-world problems. Through hands-on experience, I honed my skills in data preprocessing, feature engineering, and model development. Also gaining proficiency in tools and frameworks such as Python, R, TensorFlow, and scikit-learn.

Over time, continuous learning led me to assume increasingly challenging roles within the field of Data Science. I worked on diverse projects, ranging from predictive modeling and customer segmentation to Deep Learning systems and anomaly detection. Through these experiences, I developed a deep understanding of the end-to-end data science pipeline, from data acquisition and preprocessing to model deployment and monitoring.

Current Role

As a Senior Data Scientist and ML Engineer, I bring together my extensive knowledge in computer science, software engineering, and data science to design and implement cutting-edge solutions. I thrive on the opportunity to tackle complex problems, uncover valuable insights from data, and develop scalable machine learning systems that drive meaningful impact for businesses.

data science resources | Senior Data Scientist | ML engineer

AV: What inspired you to pursue a career in Data Science? How did you get started in this field?

Tajinder: I was initially drawn to the field of Data Science due to my experience as a DB developer and my involvement in creating reports and Management Information Systems (MIS). Working with data sparked my curiosity and made me realize the tremendous potential in extracting valuable insights and knowledge from large datasets. I became fascinated by the idea of using data-driven approaches to solve complex problems and make informed decisions.

To get started in the field of Data Science, I took a proactive approach. I engaged in self-learning, exploring various online resources, tutorials, and textbooks that covered topics such as statistics, machine learning, and data visualization. I also participated in online courses and pursued certifications from reputable institutions to formalize my knowledge and acquire a solid foundation in this field.

In parallel, I sought practical experience by working on personal projects and taking part in Kaggle competitions. These platforms provided opportunities to apply my skills in real-world scenarios. And then, collaborate with other data enthusiasts, and learn from the community’s collective knowledge and expertise. I gained valuable hands-on experience in data preprocessing, feature engineering, model development, and evaluation by working on diverse projects.

AV: What challenges did you face while getting into the field of Data Science? How did you overcome those challenges?

Tajinder: When venturing into the field, I encountered several challenges, some of which align with the ones you’ve mentioned. Let’s dive deep into my challenges and how I overcame them.

  • Framing a problem into a Data Science problem: Initially, I struggled with translating real-world problems into well-defined Data Science problems. Understanding which aspects could be addressed using data analysis and machine learning required a deep understanding of the problem domain and collaboration with domain experts.

To overcome this challenge, I adopted a proactive approach. I engaged in discussions with subject matter experts, stakeholders, and colleagues with expertise in the problem domain. By actively listening and learning from their insights, I better understood the problem context and identified opportunities for data-driven solutions. I also sought mentorship from experienced Data Scientists who guided me in framing problems effectively. This collaborative approach helped bridge the gap between technical expertise and domain knowledge, enabling me to identify and solve Data Science problems more effectively.

  • One major challenge was acquiring a solid foundation in probability and statistics concepts. To overcome this, I dedicated significant time to self-study and enrolled in Udemy courses to deepen my understanding of statistical analysis and probability theory.
  • Another obstacle was gaining practical experience in implementing machine learning solutions. To address this, I participated in Machine Learning Hackathons, mostly on Kaggle and MachineHack.

AV: How did your skills working as a Software Engineer and Database Developer helped you become successful as a senior Data Scientist?

Tajinder: My skills as a Software Engineer and Database Developer have greatly contributed to my success as a senior Data Scientist. My expertise in SQL for data wrangling allows me to efficiently extract, transform, and load data. My knowledge of database design and optimization enables me to handle large-scale data processing. Software engineering practices help you write clean and reusable code while problem-solving and analytical thinking skills aid in solving complex data-driven problems. Additionally, my collaboration and communication abilities facilitate effective teamwork and stakeholder engagement. These skills have been instrumental in my achievements as a Data Scientist.

Senior Data Scientist | ML engineer

AV: What are some of the most important skills you think are essential for success?

Tajinder: I believe several skills and qualities are crucial for success in the field of Data Science. These include:

  • Problem Framing and Data Science Mindset: Identifying and framing problems as data science problems are essential. A data-driven mindset helps understand how data can be leveraged to extract insights and drive decision-making.
  • Business and Domain Understanding: A deep understanding of the business or domain you are working in is crucial. It allows you to align data science solutions with the goals and needs of the organization, ensuring that your work has a meaningful impact.
  • Solution-Oriented Approach: Considering solutions from an end-user perspective is essential to develop practical and actionable insights. Considering how stakeholders can effectively implement and utilize your work is key to delivering valuable results.
  • Technical Skills: Proficiency in technical tools and programming languages like SQL and Python is vital. These skills enable you to acquire, manipulate, and analyze data effectively. You could build machine learning models to derive insights and predictions.
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Data Science is constantly evolving, and the ability to learn new technologies, algorithms, and methodologies is essential. Adapting to changing requirements and staying updated with the latest advancements ensures that your skills remain relevant.

AV: Can you share an example of your most proud achievement? What were some of the factors that contributed to its success and some challenges you faced? How did you overcome them?

Tajinder: One achievement I am proud of is successfully deploying machine learning models in a production environment to assist the business team in making impactful decisions. Factors contributing to this success include understanding the business domain, collaborating with stakeholders, and taking a data-driven approach. Challenges faced involved defining the problem and overcoming data limitations. By engaging with stakeholders, refining the problem statement, and applying innovative techniques, I overcame these challenges and delivered valuable insights for decision-making.

AV: Can you discuss a time when you successfully mentored or coached a junior data scientist or machine learning engineer, and what were the outcomes of this effort?

Tajinder: Certainly! I had the opportunity to mentor junior data scientists who were new to the field, and the outcomes of this effort were highly positive. To tailor the mentoring approach, I did the following:

  • Assessed the individual’s learning needs
  • Provided diverse learning resources
  • Regular feedback
  • Review sessions helped track progress and address any difficulties
  • Collaboration and Networking
  • Enhanced their exposure to industry experts and trends

The outcomes of this mentoring effort were remarkable. Juniors showed significant skill development, gained confidence and independence, and became effective at problem-solving. Their professional growth was recognized within the organization, leading to increased responsibilities and career advancement.

Tajinder: To stay up to speed with the latest breakthroughs and trends in machine learning, I employ the following strategies:

  • Following Experts and Influencers: I actively follow data science experts, thought leaders, and influencers on platforms like LinkedIn, Youtube, etc. Some Good Youtube Channels I want to mention – “StatQuest with Josh Starmer, Chai Time Data Science, sentdex”. Their insights, research papers, and articles provide valuable information on emerging techniques, advancements, and best practices. Analytics Vidhya blogs, Reading blogs on medium, Google Scholar to find research papers.
  • Attending Conferences and Webinars: I actively participate in machine learning conferences, workshops, and webinars to gain insights from industry experts and researchers. These events provide opportunities to learn about recent breakthroughs, novel applications, and industry trends through presentations and networking. DataHour sessions on Analytics Vidhya, Random Webinars from Linkedin, or any other source according to my interest.
  • Develop a Personalized Learning Plan: The plan outlines specific areas of interest and goals. This plan includes milestones, deadlines, and resources, helping me stay organized and focused on continuous growth.

AV: Please mention an instance of a recent development that you find especially intriguing or promising.

Tajinder: One recent development that I find promising in the data science industry is the emergence of Language Models for Machine Learning (LLM). Language models, such as OpenAI’s Chat GPT etc, have showcased impressive capabilities in NLP, text generation, and understanding context.

Large Language models can enhance human-computer interaction by enabling more natural and conversational machine interactions. Voice assistants, customer service chatbots, and smart devices are becoming more sophisticated and user-friendly, enhancing productivity and convenience for individuals and businesses.

Language models can be leveraged in educational settings to enhance learning experiences. They can provide personalized tutoring, generate interactive educational content, and facilitate natural language interfaces for educational platforms. Students can benefit from adaptive learning, instant feedback, and access to knowledge.

AV: How do you see the field of machine learning evolving over the next few years? What steps are you taking to ensure your team is well-positioned to capitalize on these changes?

Tajinder: I anticipate the ML field’s rapid evolution driven by technological advancements, increased data availability, and algorithmic innovations. I have taken several steps to ensure my team is well-positioned to capitalize on these changes.

  • Prioritize continuous learning and skill development through participation in workshops, conferences, and online courses.
  • Research and exploration are encouraged to stay updated with cutting-edge techniques.
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing foster collective expertise and idea exchange.
  • Hands-on experimentation and proofs-of-concept help assess emerging approaches.
  • The team invests in a robust infrastructure and actively seeks collaborations and partnerships with experts and organizations.
  • We uphold ethical considerations, fairness, and transparency in our projects.

By focusing on these strategies, my team remains prepared to adapt and deliver innovative solutions to meet evolving needs in machine learning.

AV: What is one piece of advice that you got from another person, and how did you implement it?

Tajinder: My mentor imparted invaluable advice: the output of a model relies heavily on data quality. I emphasized data preprocessing, conducted meticulous validation, collaborated with domain experts, followed an iterative approach, and continuously refined the data pipeline. By emphasizing data quality, I observed significant improvements in the performance and reliability of the models I developed. Understanding the importance of high-quality data has been instrumental in my data science journey.

AV: What is one piece of advice you would give students who are starting their career in Data Science?

Tajinder: One crucial piece of advice would be to prioritize continuous learning. Data Science constantly evolves, with new techniques, tools, and methodologies emerging regularly. It is crucial to stay updated with the latest advancements and trends by actively engaging in continuous learning. This can involve attending workshops, webinars, and conferences, taking online courses, reading research papers, and following industry experts. Embrace a mindset of continuous learning. Individuals can adapt to the evolving landscape, enhance their skills, and stay competitive in Data Science. Some good resources for entry-level students I would like to mention is (Krish Naik, codebasics youtube channels), and practice interview question websites are (,


We hope you enjoyed Tajinder’s fascinating journey as a senior data scientist and ML engineer. We hope you got fantastic insights about the data science industry from his perspective. If you want to read more success stories, then, head to our blog now! If you want to become a Data Scientist, enroll in the blackbelt plus program.

Sakshi Khanna 15 Jun, 2023

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