Top 6 Amazon Athena Interview Questions

Hari Bhutanadhu 09 Mar, 2023
8 min read


Amazon Athena is an interactive query tool supplied by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to use conventional SQL queries to evaluate data stored in Amazon S3. Athena is a serverless service. Thus there are no servers to operate, and you pay for the queries you perform. Athena is built on Presto, an open-source distributed SQL query engine, and supports various data formats such as CSV, JSON, ORC, and Parquet. Athena allows you to instantly query and analyze massive datasets stored in S3 without having to set up costly ETL procedures or manage infrastructure, making it an efficient and cost-effective data analysis solution.

Athena uses the Amazon Glue Data Catalog, a managed metadata catalog that holds table definitions and schema information, allowing data to be queried without the need to set up or administer a database. Athena may be used for ad-hoc querying, data analysis, and BI reporting, and it can be integrated with other AWS services, such as Amazon QuickSight and AWS Glue. Overall, Amazon Athena provides a simple and powerful approach to analyzing data in S3 without sophisticated data infrastructure setup and management.


Learning Objectives

  1. We will go through the fundamentals of Amazon Athena and how it works.
  2. Next, we’ll review the advantages of utilizing Amazon Athena versus typical relational databases.
  3. We will learn several data types offered by Amazon Athena.
  4. We’ll examine how AWS Glue Data Catalog works and relates to Amazon Athena.
  5. Finally, we will cover how to optimize query performance in Amazon Athena and secure data stored in Amazon S3 and queried using Amazon Athena.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Table of Contents

Q1. What Exactly is Athena, and How does it Function?

Amazon Athena is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) query service that allows you to evaluate data stored in Amazon S3 using regular SQL queries. Athena is a serverless service. Thus there are no servers to operate, and you simply pay for the queries you perform. To use Amazon Athena, create tables in Athena that refer to data in Amazon S3. You can construct tables in Athena that point directly to your S3 data or utilize the Amazon Glue Data Catalog to define external tables that indicate your S3 data. When you’ve defined your tables, you can use the Athena Query Editor or any other standard SQL client to perform SQL queries against them.

When you perform a query in Amazon Athena, the service scales up the resources required to conduct the query and provides the results to you. Athena utilizes Presto, an open-source distributed SQL query engine, to perform your requests. Presto breaks down your query into small jobs spread across a cluster of Amazon EC2 servers. Each instance executes a subset of the query, and the results are merged to get the final output. CSV, JSON, ORC, and Parquet are among the data formats supported by Amazon Athena. You can also use Athena to analyze structured data in relational databases by crawling your database using Amazon Glue and creating a table definition that refers to your data.

Overall, Amazon Athena provides a simple and powerful approach to analyzing data in S3 without sophisticated data infrastructure setup and management. Users may evaluate data stored in various formats using standard SQL queries, and the serverless aspect of the service makes it simple to expand and improve query performance.



Q2. What Disadvantages does Athena have Over Standard Relational Databases?

Amazon Athena has various advantages over standard relational databases:

Serverless:  It is a serverless service requiring no servers or infrastructure. This removes the need for complex database maintenance duties like scalability, patching, and backups, allowing you to concentrate on data analysis.

Cost-effective:  It charges you only for the queries you perform, with no setup fees or minimum fees. Because you pay for the resources you use, it is a cost-effective alternative for ad-hoc data analysis. Because you pay for the resources you use, it is a cost-effective alternative for ad-hoc data analysis.

Scalability:  It grows automatically to accommodate massive datasets and high query volumes. This means you can examine petabytes of data without requiring or managing new resources.

Flexibility: It supports various data formats, including CSV, JSON, ORC, and Parquet. This enables simple data analysis from multiple sources without pre-processing or transformation.

Easy Integration: It interfaces easily with other AWS services, such as AWS Glue and Amazon QuickSight, making constructing end-to-end data analytics solutions simple.

It provides a versatile, scalable, and cost-effective approach to analyzing data stored in Amazon S3 using standard SQL queries without requiring complicated database administration or infrastructure management.


Q3.What are the Many Data Formats that Athena Supports?

It supports several data formats, including:

  1. CSV (Comma Separated Values): A basic text-based file format for storing tabular data.
  2. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A simple, easy-to-read data transfer format.
  3. ORC (Optimized Row Columnar): A high-performance columnar storage format for Hadoop data processing.
  4. Parquet: A columnar storage format developed to increase query speed for huge collections.
  5. Avro: A binary data format that is small and quick and is intended for efficient data serialization and deserialization.
  6. Apache HBase: A NoSQL database designed for fast read/write access to massive datasets.
  7. Amazon CloudFront logs: Amazon CloudFront logs include extensive information on user content requests.

It also supports data saved in Amazon S3 in compressed forms like gzip and Snappy. You may write your custom SerDe (Serializer/Deserializer) to read data in additional formats. Overall, the vast range of supported data formats makes it simple to evaluate data saved in diverse forms in Amazon Athena using typical SQL queries.

Q4. What is the AWS Glue Data Catalog, and How Does it Connect to Athena?

The Amazon Glue Data Catalog is a managed metadata repository that maintains data source and schema information. It is a common repository for storing and maintaining metadata for numerous AWS services, including Athena, such as table definitions, partition information, and schema versions. As you crawl your data sources with Amazon Glue, it automatically extracts information and builds table definitions in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. It may utilize these table definitions to construct external tables that allow you to query data stored in Amazon S3 using regular SQL queries.It manages metadata about data sources and schemas using the AWS Glue Data Catalog. When you execute a query in Athena, it leverages the AWS Glue Data Catalog table definitions to understand the structure of the data, allowing it to optimize query execution and increase performance. Data versioning is also supported by the Amazon Glue Data Catalog, allowing you to trace changes to data sources and schemas across time. This ensures that your queries always use the correct schema and data definitions.

Overall, the AWS Glue Data Catalog is an essential component of the AWS analytics stack, serving as a centralized repository for metadata management across different AWS services, including Amazon Athena.


Q5. How can Query Performance in Athena be Improved?

With Amazon Athena, there are numerous approaches to improve query performance:

  1. Partitioning: To decrease the quantity of data scanned by your queries, partition your data depending on one or more columns. You may dramatically increase query speed by splitting your data and limiting the amount of data examined by a query to only.
  2. Compression: You may compress your data on Amazon S3 using a supported compression format like Snappy or GZIP. The reduction can increase query speed by reducing the quantity of data scanned by your queries.
  3. Columnar storage: By lowering the quantity of data scanned and enhancing data compression, you may improve query speed by storing your data in a columnar format like ORC or Parquet.
  4. Query tuning: You may improve the performance of your queries by using suitable query syntaxes, such as choosing just the required columns and eliminating superfluous joins and subqueries. You may also improve query speed by utilizing appropriate data types, such as integer or date data types, and avoiding costly operations, such as regular expressions.
  5. Workgroup management: Using Amazon Athena’s workgroup management functionality, you may improve query speed by allocating various resources, like memory and CPU, to distinct workgroups based on their priority and workload. This can guarantee that queries from high-priority workloads get the help they need to finish fast.

To guarantee that queries run fast and efficiently, optimizing query performance in Amazon Athena needs a mix of data management approaches, query optimization, and workgroup management.

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Q6. How can Data Stored in Amazon S3 and Queried Using Athena be Secured?

There are numerous methods for protecting data stored in Amazon S3 and queried using Amazon Athena:

  1. Encryption: You may encrypt your data at rest in Amazon S3 using server-side encryption. To help you safeguard your data, Amazon S3 offers multiple encryption solutions, including AWS KMS-managed keys and customer-managed keys. You may also encrypt your data before uploading it to Amazon S3 using client-side encryption.
  2. Access Control: You may manage who has access to your Amazon S3 data by using access control tools such as bucket policies and object ACLs. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) may also govern access to Amazon Athena, enabling you to designate who can perform queries and access query results.
  3. VPC Endpoints: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) may also govern access to Amazon Athena, enabling you to designate who can perform queries and access query results.  Amazon VPC endpoints allow you to securely access Amazon S3 and Athena through a private network connection without exposing your data to the public internet. This can assist in increasing data security and prevent illegal access.
  4. Encryption in Transit: Encrypt data as it travels between Amazon S3, Athena, and your application using encryption in transit. This is possible because the SSL/TLS protocols encrypt data as it travels over the network.
  5. Auditing and Logging: AWS CloudTrail can audit and log all API calls made to Amazon S3 and Athena. This allows you to monitor data access and identify unwanted access or activity.

Overall, safeguarding data stored in Amazon S3 and queried using Amazon Athena necessitates a mix of encryption, access control, network security, and auditing to secure your data from illegal access and exploitation.


To summarise, It is a serverless, interactive query tool that simplifies data analysis in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. It enables you to query your data fast and simply without the need for complicated ETL processes or data warehouse systems. Furthermore, it has advantages over typical relational databases, such as scalability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility.

Key takeaways of this article:

  1. Initially, we examined it, a powerful and versatile tool for accessing data stored in Amazon S3 using conventional SQL.
  2. After that, we explored various advantages over traditional relational databases, including scalability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility.
  3. It supports numerous data formats, including CSV, JSON, and Apache Parquet.
  4. Finally, We talked about optimizing query performance in Amazon Athena by partitioning your data, compressing it, and using columnar formats like Parquet, as well as how to secure data stored in Amazon S3 and queried using Amazon Athena by using encryption, access control, network security, and auditing.

The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion. 

Hari Bhutanadhu 09 Mar, 2023

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