Mora: An Open Source Alternative to Sora

Deepsandhya Shukla 02 Jul, 2024
10 min read



Generative AI is like a wizard’s cauldron, brewing images, text, and videos from data. Its magic lies in learning from this data to create new, realistic content. Models like DALL-E have amazed us by turning prompts into striking visuals. Video generation was a tough challenge until recently. Now, Mora, a collaborative multi-agent framework, aims to enhance and replicate OpenAI’s Sora capabilities.

Video generation is more complex than creating a single frame; it involves weaving a sequence where each moment flows into the next, creating a dynamic story. Videos must maintain consistency within frames and over time, embodying the dynamics of a moving world. It’s like directing a film where the scriptwriter, director, and entire cast are one AI model.

Mora: An Open Source Alternative to Sora

What is Mora?

Introduced by OpenAI, Sora represents a significant advancement in video generation technology, capable of turning simple text descriptions into minute-long videos that capture the essence of life and motion. Imagine the ability to create a vivid scene of a bustling city street at dawn with just a few words, showcasing the transformative power of this technology. However, the vast potential of Sora remains somewhat shrouded in mystery, as its capabilities, while impressive, are not openly accessible for exploration and development by the wider academic and research communities that flourish on transparency and the free exchange of ideas.

Research paper on Mora
Research paper on Mora

In contrast, Mora emerges as a beacon of hope and innovation, seeking to democratize the advancements made by Sora. Unlike its forerunner, Mora is not merely another tool in the arsenal of video generation technologies; it is a clarion call to researchers and creators alike to push the envelope of what is possible. By embracing an open-source, multi-agent framework, Mora decentralizes the video creation process, akin to assembling a diverse team of specialists, each contributing their unique skills towards crafting a masterpiece.

This approach not only broadens the scope for flexibility and innovation but also cultivates a community ethos where advancements and insights are shared openly. Although Mora is on a journey to meet the lofty benchmarks established by Sora, its foundational philosophy promises a future where the magic of turning text into breathtaking video narratives is accessible to a broader audience. Through Mora, the domain of generative AI and video generation signals a future marked by collaborative discovery and the pursuit of the extraordinary, shared amongst a united community.

Research paper on Mora
Research paper on Mora

Text-to-Video Generation: Crafting Stories from Words

Imagine crafting vivid scenes using nothing but words. This is the essence of text-to-video generation, a rapidly evolving field that transforms textual descriptions into dynamic videos far beyond static imagery. Models like Mora (Sora Alternative) and Sora have revolutionized this space, turning intricate text prompts into rich, minute-long video narratives. This significant shift—from simple imagery to complex, moving landscapes—highlights the field’s growth and potential. Despite being in its early stages, text-to-video generation is mastering the art of blending visuals and timing to create seamless stories from text, opening new avenues for storytelling and creativity.

Examples of videos created by Mora using prompt 

Prompt 1: A vibrant coral reef teeming with life under the crystal-clear blue ocean, with colorful fish swimming among the coral, rays of sunlight filtering through the water, and a gentle current moving the sea plants. 

Prompt 2: A majestic mountain range covered in snow, with the peaks touching the clouds and a crystal-clear lake at its base, reflecting the mountains and the sky, creating a breathtaking natural mirror.

Agent-based Video Generation

In Mora’s universe, agents are akin to members of a film crew, each tasked with a critical role, from scriptwriting to post-production. These agents are meticulously designed to excel in their respective domains, such as interpreting the text, generating imagery, or stitching scenes together. Their specialization ensures that every step of the video generation process is handled with precision and expertise.

Also read: Sora AI: New-Gen Text-to-Video Tool by OpenAI

Mora: A Multi-Agent Framework for Video Generation

Mora stands as a pioneering framework in the realm of video generation, leveraging the collective strengths of multiple AI agents. Each agent within Mora specializes in a distinct aspect of the video creation process, working in harmony to transform text prompts into captivating video narratives. This multi-agent system not only amplifies the efficiency of generating videos but also enhances the creative possibilities, pushing the boundaries of automated video production.

Mora Approaches

Mora adopts a flexible approach to video generation, allowing agents to work either sequentially for straightforward tasks or in parallel when complex multitasking is required. This methodical strategy enables Mora to tackle a wide array of video generation challenges, from simple scene transitions to intricate storytelling, with remarkable adaptability and efficiency.

Implementation Detail of Agents

Implementation Detail of Agents
Source: Research paper on Mora

Prompt Selection and Generation

The journey begins with the Prompt Selection and Generation Agent, which meticulously crafts and refines text prompts. This critical first step ensures the prompts are rich in detail and clarity, setting a solid foundation for the visual storytelling that follows. By optimizing the prompts, this agent plays a pivotal role in guiding the subsequent creative process toward coherent and engaging video narratives.

Text-to-Image Generation

Following the prompt refinement, the Text-to-Image Generation Agent takes the baton, translating the enhanced text prompts into initial visual frames. This transformation from text to image is where the first sparks of visual storytelling ignite, setting the stage for the unfolding video narrative.

Image-to-Image Generation

Building on the initial imagery, the Image-to-Image Generation Agent steps in to edit and refine the visuals. Whether adjusting to new prompts or enhancing details, this agent acts as the meticulous editor, ensuring that each frame contributes cohesively to the evolving story.

Image-to-Video Generation

The baton then passes to the Image-to-Video Generation Agent, which breathes life into static images, crafting them into dynamic video sequences. This agent masterfully creates movement and flow, transitioning seamlessly from one frame to the next, thus encapsulating the essence of motion and time.

Connect Videos

Finally, the Connect Videos Agent specializes in weaving separate video segments into a unified narrative. Like a skilled director focusing on continuity, this agent ensures that transitions between clips are smooth and narratively cohesive, maintaining the viewer’s immersion throughout the video experience.


The exploration into Mora’s capabilities involves a series of meticulously designed experiments, aiming to benchmark its performance across various video generation tasks against established standards and models, notably comparing against the pioneering Sora.

Also read: 12 Sora AI Features for Creating Photorealistic Videos

Setup Of Mora

Here is the setup of Mora:


To anchor the evaluation, the experiments establish a baseline by selecting existing open-source models that exhibit competitive performance in text-to-video generation. This comparison aims to highlight Mora’s position in the landscape of video generation technologies.

Basic Metrics

A comprehensive set of metrics is employed to assess video quality and condition consistency. These include evaluating object and background consistency, motion smoothness, aesthetic quality, dynamic degree, and imaging quality, offering a holistic view of the video output’s fidelity to the original prompts.

Self-defined Metrics

Mora’s evaluation extends beyond standard benchmarks by introducing self-defined metrics tailored to its unique multi-agent framework. These metrics are designed to delve into the nuances of how well the agents’ collaborative efforts translate textual prompts into coherent and visually appealing videos.

Implementation Details

The experimental setup outlines the hardware and software configurations, ensuring a rigorous and reproducible evaluation process. It leverages state-of-the-art GPUs and optimizes the use of PyTorch and CUDA environments, setting the stage for fair and consistent performance assessment across all tasks.

Also Read: 12 Alternatives of Sora Easing Our Work in 2024

Results After Setup

Lets compare the the output of Mora:

Text-to-Video Generation

Mora’s ability to generate videos from textual descriptions showcases remarkable advancements, with performance metrics closely trailing behind Sora, indicating its potential as a robust tool for creating narrative-driven video content.

Text-conditional Image-to-Video Generation

This set of experiments evaluates Mora’s proficiency in generating videos based on both textual prompts and initial images. Mora demonstrates an adeptness in this task, reflecting its capability to maintain narrative coherence and visual continuity from the provided images.


Text-conditional Image-to-Video Generation
Source: GitHub

Input prompt : Monster Illustration in the flat design style of a diverse family of monsters. The group includes a furry brown monster, a sleek black monster with antennas, a spotted green monster, and a tiny polka-dotted monster, all interacting in a playful environment. 

Mora Generated Video

Mora Genarated Video
Source: GitHub

Sora Generated Video

Sora Generated Video
Source: GitHub

Extend Generated Videos

Extend Generated Videos
Research paper on Mora

Mora’s performance in extending the narrative of existing videos further underscores its versatility. The framework exhibits a strong capacity to generate additional sequences that seamlessly continue the storyline and aesthetics of the input videos.

Original Video

Original Video
Source: GitHub

Mora Extended Video

Mora Extended Video
Source: GitHub

Sora Extended Video

Sora Extended Video
Source: GitHub

Video-to-Video Editing

Video-to-Video Editing
Source: GitHub

Here is an Original Video

Here is an Original Video
Source: GitHub

Edited video using prompt 

Prompt: Change the setting to the 1920s with an old school car. make sure to keep the red color

Mora edited video

Mora edited video
Source: GitHub

Sora Edited Video

Sora Edited Video
Source: GitHub

In tasks requiring the editing of videos based on new textual instructions, Mora illustrates significant promise. The experiments highlight its ability to implement detailed edits, altering the visual narrative while maintaining the original video’s core essence.

Connect Videos

Mora’s approach to connecting disparate video segments into a singular, coherent narrative displays its innovative edge. The framework skillfully bridges various scenes, ensuring a smooth narrative flow that enhances the storytelling experience.

Simulate Digital Worlds

Perhaps the most imaginative of Mora’s capabilities is its ability to simulate digital worlds. Through this task, Mora ventures into creating video content that transcends conventional storytelling, generating immersive digital environments based on textual prompts.

Overall, the experimental results portray Mora as a formidable contender in the realm of video generation, showcasing its flexibility, creativity, and technological prowess across a spectrum of tasks. While acknowledging the gap with Sora, these findings herald Mora’s potential to inspire further innovations in the field, paving the way for more accessible and versatile video generation tools.

Also read: Sora:Top 10 Latest Videos By Sora AI

Strengths of Mora

Mora boasts innovative multi-agent framework enabling nuanced video generation, fostering collaborative open-source development, and democratizing access to advanced AI technology. Here are the strenghts of Mora:

Innovative Framework and Flexibility

Mora stands out for its unique approach to video generation. Unlike conventional models that rely on a singular, monolithic structure, Mora’s multi-agent framework offers unparalleled flexibility. This design allows for specialized agents to tackle distinct aspects of the video creation process, enabling a more nuanced and detailed generation of video content. It’s akin to having a team of experts each focusing on their strength, resulting in a harmoniously produced video.

Open-Source Contribution

In a realm where closed-source models like Sora dominate, Mora shines brightly as an open-source beacon. This openness not only fosters a collaborative environment for innovation but also democratizes access to advanced video generation technologies. Mora invites developers, researchers, and creators to dive in, tweak, and improve upon its foundation, propelling the field forward in a collective leap rather than solitary bounds.

Also read: 15+ Best AI Video Generators 2024

Limitations of Mora

Mora faces challenges such as limited access to diverse video datasets, maintaining video quality over longer durations, accurately interpreting complex prompts, and aligning its output with human visual preferences.

Video Dataset Challenges

One significant hurdle Mora faces is the scarcity of high-quality, diverse video datasets. Video generation, especially when aiming for realism and complexity, demands a rich tapestry of data. However, copyright restrictions and the sheer complexity of curating such datasets pose challenges, limiting the training material available for refining Mora’s capabilities.

Quality and Length Gaps

While Mora has shown promise, it grapples with maintaining the fidelity of generated videos, especially as the length increases. This quality and length gap highlight the framework’s current limitations in producing longer videos that remain coherent and visually appealing throughout, a challenge that directly impacts its utility for more extensive storytelling applications.

Instruction Following Capability

Mora’s ambition to follow detailed instructions and generate videos accordingly hits a snag when it comes to interpreting complex, nuanced prompts. The current framework sometimes struggles with accurately translating intricate or abstract textual cues into video content, indicating an area ripe for further development and refinement.

Human Visual Preference Alignment

Lastly, aligning Mora’s output with human visual preferences remains an elusive goal. The subjective nature of aesthetics and storytelling nuances means that what Mora generates might not always resonate with or appeal to all viewers. Bridging this gap requires a deeper understanding of human perception and creativity, a challenge that speaks to the core of artificial intelligence research.

Future Directions for Mora and Video Generation Tech

The future for Mora brims with potential, highlighting the need for agents that can grasp and execute complex prompts with unmatched precision and creativity. Enhancing the quality and continuity of longer videos is crucial, requiring improvements in models and data. Integrating Mora more deeply with human creativity and storytelling, aiming for videos that resonate with a broad spectrum of human preferences, is another vital step forward. Additionally, introducing capabilities for interactive and real-time video creation could transform numerous sectors. With challenges ahead, Mora’s journey is poised for breakthroughs in creativity and innovation, promising a future where video generation technology transcends current limitations, fueled by collaborative effort and the quest for discovery.

Here is the GitHub Link for the Open Source Model of Mora: Mora Github


Mora’s primary contribution lies in its novel multi-agent framework, a paradigm shift from traditional video generation models. This framework not only enhances the flexibility and specificity with which video content can be generated but also opens the door to a collaborative, open-source development environment. By democratizing access to advanced video generation tools, Mora empowers a broader community of creators, researchers, and developers to contribute to and benefit from cutting-edge AI technology. Moreover, Mora’s experimental results underscore its capability to create compelling video content from textual descriptions, bridging the gap between text and visual narrative in new and exciting ways.

Deepsandhya Shukla 02 Jul, 2024

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