DataHour: An Introduction to POS Tagging and Hidden Markov Model

DataHour: An Introduction to POS Tagging and Hidden Markov Model

11 Mar 202307:03am - 11 Mar 202308:03am

DataHour: An Introduction to POS Tagging and Hidden Markov Model

About the Event

Part-of-speech tagging (POS) tagging, also known as grammatical tagging or word-category disambiguation, is the process of marking up a word in a text or corpus as corresponding to a particular part of speech, based on its definition and context. POS tagging is a prerequisite to simplify a lot of NLP problems such as Text to Speech Conversion, Word Sense Disambiguation etc.

Hidden Markov Models are a class of probabilistic model that allow us to predict a sequence of unknown variables from a set of observed variables.

In this DataHour, Deepika will explain all about POS Tagging and Hidden Markov Model. 

 Understanding of Probability Basics, Conditional Probability and Naïve Bayes Theorem and Zeal of Learning Data Science.

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About the Speaker

Deepika Sridharan

Deepika Sridharan

Lead Data Scientist at Johnson & Johnson Pvt Ltd

Deepika is currently working as a Lead Data Scientist at Johnson & Johnson. She is proficient in deploying complex machine learning algorithms/techniques and comes with 7+ years of overall industry experience. Deepika has delivered multiple projects in the FMCG sector in the areas of supply chain & marketing analytics. Her interest areas include Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Graph Mining. She is pursuing her master in Data Science from BITS Pilani.

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