DataHour: Text Pre-processing using NLTK and Python
DataHour: Text Pre-processing using NLTK and Python
12 Dec 202213:12pm - 12 Dec 202214:12pm
DataHour: Text Pre-processing using NLTK and Python
About the Event
Text preprocessing is an important step for any Natural Language Processing (NLP) application. The text must be pre-processed before a model is trained for almost all AI and NLP based tasks.
In this DataHour, Nitin will discuss several popular pre-processing approaches using NLTK and Python: lowercase, removing punctuation, tokenization, stopword filtering, stemming, lemmatization, Removal of URLs, Removal of HTML Tags, and Spelling Correction.
Topics which will be covered in this DataHour includes:
- NLP and Its Applications
- Operations on Text Data with Python and NLTK
- Text Pre-processing Steps
- Case Study based on Text Pre-processing
Prerequisites: Curiosity of learning Data Science and basic understanding of python programming.
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