DataHour: Voting Dapp Smart Contracts

DataHour: Voting Dapp Smart Contracts

15 Dec 202215:12pm - 15 Dec 202216:12pm

DataHour: Voting Dapp Smart Contracts

About the Event

In this DataHour, Sudeep will cover the following topics in detail :

  • Hands-on smart contract creation for a sample voting application
  • Deploying smart contract creation onto a test blockchain
  • Practical demonstration of the learning of the session by running an application based on similar requirements. 

Enthusiasm of learning the latest technologies. Basic understanding of the topic using the following links: 

  1. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  2. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  3. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  4. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  5. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space

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  1. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  2. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  3. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space

About the Speaker

Sudeep Sagar

Sudeep Sagar

Blockchain Developer

Sudeep Sagar quit his job in 2019 to learn blockchain after which he got further inspired by web3 and blockchain technology while sharing knowledge with people. Since then he has been inspiring people to adopt web3 and blockchain while developing projects across Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric. He is also a Cardano enthusiast. Before the blockchain journey began, he worked as a Tech Lead at GE Healthcare, developing medical software that served the everyday needs of non-invasive technologies like MR, CT, x-ray, and Mammo. He has a total of 14+ years of experience in the software industry learning, building and sharing.

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