Top 5 AI Web Scraping Platforms

Yana Khare 24 Jun, 2024
8 min read

The awareness of the importance of data has led to its voluminous collection. The primary step generates the base for organizations to work upon and utilize the potential. Multiple methods have been used, but they remain associated with challenges. Efficient AI-based automation in different industries has led to its incorporation in data collection and extraction from websites. It also familiarizes you with the concept and associated AI web Scraping Tools, easing the task. Here is a summary of five practical tools for AI web scraping.

What is AI Web Scraping?

Web scraping refers to data extraction from websites. The task is possible manually through humans, automatically through AI, or via a hybrid approach combining both. AI web scraping specifically refers to completely automated web data extraction or collection. The automated version fills the inability of traditional programming language-based web scraping by self-adjustment to dynamic websites. The tools accomplish these and multiple other actions.

Key Features of AI Web Scraping

AI Web Scraping is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way we extract and analyze data from the web. Some of its key features:

  • Automated Data Extraction: When opposed to human data extraction, AI web scraping technologies save time and effort by automatically extracting data from web pages.
  • Handling Complex Structures: These solutions are adaptable for a range of online scraping applications since they can handle intricate website architectures, such as nested categories and varied page layouts.
  • Real-Time Data Updates: Real-time data updates can be obtained by AI web scraping. This is especially helpful for monitoring changes in stock prices, news updates, and other prices.
  • Overcoming CAPTCHAs and Login Forms: Advanced AI Web Scraping tools can overcome challenges like CAPTCHAs and login forms, allowing access to more data.
  • Scalability: Large websites and enormous volumes of data can be handled by AI web scraping technologies, which makes them appropriate for big data initiatives.
  • Data Cleaning and Organization: In order to prepare the scraped data for analysis or storage, these programs frequently include functionality for cleaning and organizing it.
  • Respecting Website’s Terms of Service: Artificial intelligence (AI) online scraping techniques provide ethical data extraction by complying with website terms of service.

Explore the top 5 AI web scraping platforms, including their pricing. Access them through the provided links to visit their official websites.

Homepage of | AI Web Scrapping Tool

In 2003, Kadoa was initially released with features like automatic scrolling and pagination, detail page extraction, and change notifications. The AI tool is independent of coding and intrigues the users through the category-based scraping of data types such as videos, text, and images. The obtained data can be stored in JSON, Excel, and CSV formats. Kadoa uses generative AI for pattern recognition, making it suitable for data extraction from changing websites.

Kadoa works when you put in the URL of the desired website. It begins by defining the data, schedule, and sources, generates scrapers through AI, and adapts according to changes in the website. While ensuring accuracy, the data is further obtained in the desired output format. The integration facility with the functionality to configure the data extraction workflows helps the users to carry out the tasks effortlessly. is suitable for different business needs and financial assistance.


  • Free 14-days trial
  • Self-service: $39 per month
  • Enterprise: Custom

Visit the Official Website Here.

Nimbleway API

Homepage of Nimbleway API | Web Scrapping with AI

Another AI web scraping platform is available as an API with integration facilities. The functionality in multiple programming languages such as Ruby, Python, and JavaScript eases the integration. It is a capable tool that can handle complex web scraping tasks and streamline the data pipelines regardless of the business scale. Boasting speed, it is compatible with any web source without bothering the users over workflow. 

The platform utilizes techniques like Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for effortless extraction from different formats such as textual web format, images, and PDFs. The user-friendly interface generates structured data with flexible delivery methods and meets multiple business needs.


  • Essential: $255/month
  • Advanced: $595/month
  • Professional: $935/month
  • Enterprise: $3400/month 

Visit the Official Website Here.


Homepage of Scrapestorm |  AI Web Scrapping Tool

This AI-based web platform, supporting all the operating systems, also does not require programming skills. They also leverage Machine Learning algorithms for data extraction, beginning with website layout analysis. Scrapestorm is a visual scraping tool that allows data selection through a point-and-click interface. Besides, users can also schedule the web scraping for specific times and offer an easy-to-use interface. 

The Scrapestorm offers operations in two different modes: smart and flowchart. Furthermore, various powerful features such as automatic export, IP rotation, starting and exporting by group, RESTful API, speed boost engine, and SKU scraper provide multiple suited data export methods.


  • Strater: Free
  • Professional: $49.99/month
  • Premium: $99.99/month

Visit the Official Website Here.

Homepage of Browse.AI | Web Scraping using AI

Use Browse.AI to extract data freely from any website and obtain it on a spreadsheet for easy accessibility. Perform the scraping without any coding and schedule the extraction for convenience. It also provides notifications on changes and prebuilt robots to meet your personalized scenario through available robots for famous use cases. 

The tool is integrable, with more than seven thousand applications. It offers intriguing options to users, such as a bulk run of 50,000 robots, solving captchas for anti-bot measures, handling pagination and scrolling, orchestrating robots using workflows, automatically adapting to layouts, and beginning your work freely. The platform does not require sophisticated learning. The users can gain proficiency within 5 minutes. 


  • Free: 50 credits per month 
  • Strater: $19/month
  • Professional: $99/month
  • Team: $249/month
  • Company: Contact 

Visit the Official Website Here.


Homepage of AnyPicker | AI Web Scraping Tools

The platform is available as a Chrome extension, providing services for free. It has a simple-to-understand visual interface that does not require coding skills or configuration settings. All the requirements are point-and-click without coding. AnyPicker also offers smart detection that avoids common mechanisms leading to blocking the crawl. It provides 99% compatibility with all the available websites accessible to Google Chrome.

The proprietary AI contributes to its functionality of pattern detection while creating an outline. The extension comes with an easy-to-follow method for data scraping. The users need to activate the tick mark on the data source page, point and click to choose the target data, and obtain structured data results in spreadsheet format. Some key features include infinite scrolling support, image download, concurrent crawling, no data tracking, and anti-scraping detection. 

Pricing: Free

Visit the Official Website Here

Ways Web Scraping Uses AI to Improve Data Collection Efficiency

AI web scraping is associated with the solution for multiple technical challenges. Its usage can be further enhanced through the following methods: 

  • Change the IP address on each request sent for scraping.
  • Learns from experience.
  • Utilize different behavioral patterns. 
  • Identify and classify inactive URLs.
  • Imparts speed.
  • Recognize the relevant content.
  • Uses a proxy to locate essential data like price or image. 

Types of Website Scrapers

Website scraping is a method used to extract data from websites. There are several types of website scrapers-

  • Manual Scrapers: These scrapers are the most basic kind, manually copying and pasting data from the page.Unfortunately, this approach takes a long time and isn’t appropriate for big data sets.
  • Automated Scrapers: These scrapers automatically take data from websites using programs or scripts.They are also quick and effective, which makes them perfect for heavy-duty scraping jobs.
  • AI-Powered Scrapers: These sophisticated scrapers extract data by navigating intricate website structures with the aid of artificial intelligence.They can also do tasks like login forms and CAPTCHAs, and they can even comprehend and extract data from pictures and movies.
  • Browser Extension Scrapers: You can add these tools to your web browser. They are useful for small-scale scraping jobs since they let you collect data from websites while you browse.
  • API-Based Scrapers: Certain websites make Applications Programming Interfaces (APIs) available, allowing for the systematic extraction of data. API-based scrapers utilize these APIs to extract data, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.
  • Visual Scraping Tools: Using the graphical interface these tools offer, you may choose the data you wish to scrape. They don’t require any coding expertise and are quite user-friendly.

Static Web Scraping and Dynamic Web Scraping

Static Web Scraping:

It captures data from websites displaying identical content to all users. Specifically, the server pre-renders the JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files of these sites, which are then delivered to the client’s browser. Essentially, static web scraping is comparable to taking a screenshot of a webpage and extracting the desired data from it.

  • Involves obtaining information by scraping pre-rendered HTML pages.
  • Every user sees the same material on the page.
  • Because the data is directly accessible in the source code, it is comparatively simpler to scrape.

Dynamic Web Scraping:

It actively extracts data from websites that generate content dynamically in response to user interactions, database queries, or other external data sources. Typically, these websites load content asynchronously using client-side technologies such as AJAX and JavaScript. Therefore, to render the page and retrieve the necessary data, one must simulate a real browser for dynamic web scraping.

  • Involves stealing information from websites that produce material on the fly.
  • The website’s content might alter in response to user interactions or data sources.
  • Has to be emulated as a browser in order to render JavaScript and retrieve dynamic content.


As data remains a critical asset in various industries, AI web scraping is poised to play a pivotal role in empowering organizations with accurate and timely information from the vast landscape of the internet. Embracing these AI-powered tools can significantly streamline data collection processes and support data-driven decision-making across industries. To fuel your passion and encourage you for a career in such a developing domain, Analytics Vidhya brings forward a Generative AI course to help you control the Large Language Model and, subsequently, machines. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is Web Scraping Legal?

A. Online scraping’s legality varies according to the circumstances and the website’s terms of service. While scraping public data is generally allowed, it may be illegal to scrape private data, ignore a site’s robots.txt file, or do so without permission. It’s advisable to constantly check the website’s policies and, when in doubt, consult legal advice.

Q2. Can ChatGPT Do Web Scraping?

A. No, web scraping cannot be done directly via ChatGPT. It can only create text depending on input; it cannot explore the internet or retrieve data from websites. You would utilize specialized tools or libraries like Scrapy or Beautiful Soup for web scraping jobs.

Q3. Is There an AI That Can Scan Websites?

A. A number of AI tools are capable of scanning websites. AI is used by programs like Diffbot to scan and extract data from websites. These technologies make data extraction more precise and effective by using machine learning to comprehend and interpret web information.

Q4. How Does AI Scraping Work?

A. Artificial intelligence (AI) web scraping is the process of autonomously obtaining data from websites. This is how it operates:
Crawling: The AI explores the webpage, recognizing its content and structure.
Parsing: It deciphers the webpage’s HTML or XML to comprehend the data arrangement.
Extraction: Using preset rules or patterns, AI algorithms find and retrieve pertinent data elements.
Data Cleaning: To make sure the extracted data is consistent and useful, it is processed and cleaned.
Adaptation: AI is always learning from fresh data, which helps it develop its scraping strategies over time.
AI scrapers can now efficiently handle dynamic and complicated web pages thanks to this method.

Yana Khare 24 Jun, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

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