A Comprehensive Guide to Learn Data Exploration in Python!

Vidhi Last Updated : 08 Dec, 2020
5 min read
This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.


Data Exploration
Source: Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

This article will help you get hands-on with python and introduces the preliminary data analysis techniques to get to know your data better.

Often, day to day work of data scientists involve learning multiple algorithms and finding the ML apt solution for varied business problems. They also need to keep themselves updated with the programming language to implement their solution.

Hence, I am writing this article with the intent to cover the basics of the much sought-after programming language these days — python.

I will use ‘german credit risk’ data and will illustrate the analysis with the help of examples to get easy hands-on with this programming tool. 

So, let’s get started.



Let’s make all necessary imports:

When we have to type multiple print statements to see the corresponding outputs in a cell in the Jupyter notebook. Below import will let you see multiple outputs in the same cell and saves from multiple prints and display statements.

Data Exploration - import ipython


Data exploration:

Let’s start with basic data exploration to check the summary of the data, how it looks like, the size of data, etc.

head and describe

The next important step is to check the data types of each of the columns and see how many null values exist in the data.

Data Exploration - Data Type

Once we know different data types, we might want to check the data for each category. e.g., the below code lets you see the data frame filtered for only the ‘object’ type:

Data Exploration - object data type

In order to get all the categorical column names to perform encoding techniques, you can write ‘.columns’ like below:

It is important to understand the data feature by feature, e.g. what different range of values each feature takes and count of it:

Data Exploration - Value counts

When we want to make some transformation on the original dataframe, we make a copy of it. Making a deep copy of a dataframe prevents the changes made in the new dataframe to get reflected in the original dataframe.


Columns — rename and drop columns

rename and drop column


Filtering a dataframe

dataframe filtering

Great, so we have seen basic techniques of how to use python to get a better understanding of our data.



Next, we will learn how to handle DateTime features.

Pandas follow timestamp limitations and can represent timestamp only if it is within a certain range using 64 bits, as shown below. Thus, it will either return the input date as it is, or it will return NaT on the basis of what value we pass for input parameter ‘errors’.

Data Exploration - datetime



Date as the string is passed as an input to get the datetime format. If dayfirst=True is passed in input, it will assume the DD/MM/YY format.

One good thing is if we pass the date string where the second number corresponding to month is greater than 12 along with dayfirst = True, it will automatically infer that month can not be greater than 12, hence the first number is marked as a month, keeping the second number as day.

It is highlighted below:


strptime and strftime:

String date can be converted to datetime using strptime. Different formats are specified for the input date. More can be learned about the formats from here.

Conversely, strftime is used to convert datetime to string date.

strptime and strftime


The dataframe is sorted by the feature ‘Age’ below:



Setting Index

The dataframe can be indexed by one or more columns as below:

setting index


How to filter the Indexed dataframe?

E.g. I have filtered the dataframe by filtering on ‘Age’ index (accessed via ‘0’ level) greater than 30, as highlighted below:

how to filter

Shifting the dataframe indexed by date:

Data Exploration - Shiftting datetime index



Dropping NaNs:

Null values can be dropped from the rows by specifying axis=0 and from the columns by specifying axis=1.

Data Exploration - Missing Value Imputation

how = ‘any’ and ‘all’ is used to drop the rows/columns where any value is NaN vs the ones where all values are NaNs



Data Exploration - Groupby


The top 2 observations based on ‘Credit amount’ per ‘Gender’ is shown below:



It is used when multiple conditions are specified, e.g. binning the ‘Age’ variable as per the below criteria, we get the new feature ‘Age_binned’:


Data Exploration - np.select



pivot table

The code can be found in this Jupyter notebook.

Thanks for reading this guide to basic data exploration !!!

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