Devika AI: An Open Source Alternative to Devin AI

Aayush Tyagi Last Updated : 22 Oct, 2024
2 min read

Meet Devika AI: your new go-to buddy in the world of coding. It’s not your typical run-of-the-mill software; it’s here to shake things up! Picture this: you’ve got an idea, a spark of creativity, but you’re unsure how to translate it into code. That’s where Devika AI swoops in to save the day. You can give it your broad strokes, your big-picture plans, and it takes care of the nitty-gritty details for you. No need to sweat the small stuff; Devika AI’s got your back, turning your vision into reality with just a hint of human input. Sounds pretty awesome, right?

Our blog will take you through Devika’s powerful features, seamless installation process, and innovative system architecture. Get ready to discover how Devika is changing the game in software development and shaping the future of coding.

In this article, you will explore the capabilities of Devika AI, a cutting-edge software engineer, and compare it with Devin AI to understand their unique features.

What is Devika AI?

Devika AI is an advanced artificial intelligence software designed to assist in software development tasks. It can understand high-level human instructions, break them into actionable steps, conduct research, and write code to achieve specific objectives. Devika utilizes large language models, planning and reasoning algorithms, contextual keyword extraction, web browsing capabilities, and multilingual code writing. 

Devika AI aims to revolutionize software development by providing an AI pair programmer who can handle complex coding tasks with minimal human guidance, whether creating new features, fixing bugs, or developing entire projects from scratch.

Think of her as your coding buddy. She can handle tough coding with just a little help from you. Got a bug that needs squashing? Need a new feature for your app? Or maybe you want to build something from scratch? Devika’s got your back!

Demo of Devika AI

Here’s the demo of Devika AI that you can watch to understand its working:

Devika AI vs Devin AI

FeatureDevika AIDevin AI
OriginIndia, Stition AIUSA, Cognition Labs
Open SourceYesNo
Development ModelTransparent, relies on open-source toolsProprietary, internal model not disclosed
User InterfaceUser-friendlyDetails not public
Natural Language Processing (NLP)Strong, understands coding goals in plain EnglishCapability unknown
Code GenerationGenerates basic code snippetsCapabilities unknown
Research AssistanceCan help find relevant informationCapabilities unknown
Community CollaborationEncourages contributions and improvementsDevelopment happens internally

How to Install Devika AI?

Devika AI installation involves a few steps and requires some technical prerequisites. Here’s a general guide, assuming you have a basic understanding of using a terminal window:

Prerequisites for Installation

Git Installation: Devika’s code is hosted on GitHub, so you’ll need Git installed on your system to clone the repository. You can find installation instructions for Git on their website.

Python Installation: Devika is a Python-based project, so you’ll also need Python 3.6 or later installed on your system. You can check it out and download Python from the official website.

Installation Steps of Devika AI

Step 1: Clone the Repository – Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory to install Devika. Then, use the following command to clone the Devika repository from GitHub:

Clone the Devika repository:

git clone

Step 2: Install Dependencies – Navigate to the cloned Devika directory using the following command:

cd devika

Step 3: Once inside the directory, install the required dependencies using this command:

pip install -r requirements.txt
playwright install --with-deps # installs browsers in playwright (and their deps) if required

Step 4: Set up API Keys (Optional) – Devika can utilize various APIs to enhance its functionality. If you plan to use such APIs, you must acquire the necessary API keys and configure them in the `config.toml` file. Refer to the Devika documentation for specific instructions on how to set up the API key.

Step 5: Start Devika Server– Now you can launch the Devika server using this command:


This will start the backend server responsible for processing tasks.

Step 6: Run the UI – Devika’s user interface is a separate application. Navigate to the `ui` folder within the Devika directory:

cd ui

Then, use the following command to start the UI server:

bun run dev

This will launch the UI in your web browser, typically at http://localhost:3000/. You can now interact with Devika through the chat interface.

Architecture of Devika AI

Devika’s system architecture comprises the following essential elements:

  1. User Interface: This web-based chat interface is designed to interact with Devika. This interface allows Users to access project files and monitor the agent’s progress.
  1. Agent Core: This central component orchestrates the entire AI planning, reasoning, and execution process. It communicates effectively with various sub-agents and modules to accomplish tasks.
  1. Large Language Models: Devika utilizes cutting-edge language models such as Claude, GPT-4, and Local LLMs via Ollama. These models enable natural language understanding, generation, and reasoning.
  1. Planning and Reasoning Engine: This component breaks high-level objectives into actionable steps and makes decisions based on the current context.
  1. Research Module: This module utilizes keyword extraction and web browsing capabilities to gather pertinent information.
  1. Code Writing Module: This module generates code based on the established plan, research findings, and user requirements. It is proficient in supporting multiple programming languages.
  1. Browser Interaction Module: This module facilitates seamless web interactions by Enabling Devika to navigate websites, extract information, and interact with web elements.
  1. Knowledge Base: This component stores and retrieves project-specific information, code snippets, and learned knowledge, ensuring efficient access when needed.
  2. Database: Responsible for persisting project data, agent states, and configuration settings, the database ensures the integrity and consistency of project-related information.

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Key Features of Devika AI

Devika AI boasts several key features that make it a powerful tool for software development:

  1. Understanding Your Needs: Devika can understand high-level instructions from humans and translate them into actionable steps for coding, simplifying communication without delving into technical details.
  1. Model Support: Devika AI supports various AI models, including Claude 3, GPT-4, GPT-3.5, and Local LLMs via Ollama. The Claude 3 family of models achieve optimal performance.
  1. Advanced AI Planning and Reasoning: Like human programmers, Devika can break down complex tasks into manageable steps and adjust its approach based on new information.
  1. Contextual Keyword Extraction: Devika focuses web searches by identifying relevant keywords, ensuring it gathers the most pertinent information for coding tasks.
  1. Seamless Web Browsing and Information Gathering: Devika navigates websites, extracts data, and interacts with web elements to find necessary information for code generation.
  1. Code Writing in Multiple Programming Languages: Devika isn’t restricted to one language; it can generate code in various languages based on project requirements.
  1. Dynamic Agent State Tracking and Visualization: Devika tracks its progress during development, allowing users to monitor its reasoning and steps taken, enabling intervention if needed.
  1. Natural Language Interaction via Chat Interface: Devika communicates with users through a chat interface, facilitating easy instruction and progress updates.
  1. Project-Based Organization and Management: Devika organizes and manages projects and tasks within its interface, ensuring efficient workflows.
  2. Extensible Architecture for Adding New Features and Integrations: Being open-source, Devika’s architecture allows for community contributions and the addition of new features and integrations over time.

Future of Devika AI?

The future of Devika AI is brimming with potential and possibilities to revolutionize software development. Here’s a glimpse into what the future might hold:

Advancements in Functionality

  1. Enhanced Code Generation: Devika’s ability to generate code could become even more sophisticated. Imagine it creating not just basic code blocks but entire modules or functionalities, catering to more complex programming needs.
  2. Integration with Development Tools: Seamless integration with existing development tools and IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) could streamline workflows further. Developers could leverage Devika’s capabilities directly within their familiar development environment.
  3. Domain-Specific Specialization: Devika might become adept at specific programming domains like web development, data science, or machine learning. This specialization would allow it to cater to the unique needs of those domains and generate highly optimized code.
  4. Self-Learning and Adaptation: The ability to continuously learn and adapt from user interactions and project data would make Devika even more valuable. It could constantly improve its understanding of code and programming best practices, leading to more efficient and effective assistance.

Impact on Software Development Landscape

  1. Democratization of Development: Devika’s user-friendly interface and potential for lower development barriers could open doors for citizen developers or those with less coding experience, leading to a more diverse and innovative software development landscape.
  2. Shift in Programmer Roles:  Programmers might transition from writing basic code to focusing on higher-level design, problem-solving, and managing complex systems. Devika would handle the grunt work, allowing programmers to leverage their creativity and expertise more effectively.
  3. Increased Collaboration: Devika could foster better collaboration between programmers and stakeholders, such as business analysts or project managers. Handling the technical aspects could make communication and collaboration on project goals smoother.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Explainability and Transparency: As Devika’s capabilities evolve, it will be crucial to ensure transparency in its decision-making process. Programmers must understand how Devika arrives at its code generation choices to maintain trust and control over the development process.
  2. Ethical Considerations: The potential for bias in AI models and the issue of job displacement need careful consideration. Devika’s developers will need to address these concerns proactively to ensure its ethical and responsible use.
  3. Security and Data Privacy: As Devika interacts with web data and APIs, robust security measures are essential. Additionally, data privacy regulations and the ethical use of user data need to be strictly followed.


Devika AI is an advanced tool designed to revolutionize software development. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features like advanced AI planning, seamless web browsing, and multi-language code writing, Devika simplifies complex coding tasks. Its open-source nature allows for continuous improvement and customization, promising exciting advancements in the future.

However, challenges such as ensuring transparency and addressing ethical considerations must be carefully navigated. Devika AI represents a significant step forward in empowering developers and driving innovation in the software development landscape.

Q1.What is Devika in AI?

Devika is an AI coding assistant that helps developers by understanding instructions, researching, and writing code. It’s open-source and can improve productivity.

Q2.Is Devika AI free to use?

Yes, Devika AI is free. It’s open-source, so anyone can use it

Data Analyst with over 2 years of experience in leveraging data insights to drive informed decisions. Passionate about solving complex problems and exploring new trends in analytics. When not diving deep into data, I enjoy playing chess, singing, and writing shayari.

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Deepan Gunanarayanan
Deepan Gunanarayanan

Very Interesting and futuristic

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