A Detailed Guide for Data Handling Techniques in Data Science

Shanthababu Pandian Last Updated : 05 Feb, 2024
11 min read


Data Engineers and Data Scientists need data for their Day-to-Day job. Of course, It could be for Data Analytics, Data Prediction, Data Mining, Building Machine Learning Models Etc., All these are taken care of by the respective team members and they need to work towards identifying relevant data sources, and associated with the business problems.

Data Handling Techniques

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

What is Data Handling in Data science?

Data Handling refers to a set of processes that ensure the quality, usability, and reliability of data for analysis. Data handling is crucial because it helps in making the data easier to understand and analyze.

Data-collection- Collecting data from various sources.

  • Data cleaning/cleansing- Removing errors, inaccuracies, and inconsistencies, from the data.
  • Data preparation- Converting data into a format suitable for analysis.
  • Data Wrangling-  Combining data from different sources into a coherent dataset.

Why is Data Handling Important?

From the data collection:

  • We could analyze the root level information and identify your existing and potential customers in the market.
  • You can build customer relationships strong and plan for your future marketing space
  • Data in digital format would remove potential bias

Data-Collection is the first and major step in the Machine Learning(ML) life cycle. specifically for training, testing and building the right ML model to address the problem statement. The data which we’re collecting will define the outcome of the ML systems after lots of iterations and the process, So this process is very important for Data Science (or) ML team. Obviously, there are multiple challenges during this period, let’s review a few of them here:

  • The collected data should be related to the problem statement.
  • Inaccurate, missing data, null values in columns, and irrelative/missing images from the source would lead to errored prediction.
  • Imbalance, an anomaly, and outliers are deviating from our focus and take us to the under-represented stage of model building.

Strategies to fix the challenges and issues with DC:

  • Pre-cleaned, freely available datasets. If the problem statement aligns with a cleaned, properly drafted dataset, then take advantage of existing, open-source expertise.
  • Web crawling and scraping methods to collect the data using bots and automated tools.
  • Private data. ML engineers can create their own data when the volume of data is required to train the model is very small and does not align with the problem statement.
  • Custom data, Organizations can create the data.

Data Sources

Data Sources can be identified in two different ways:

1. Functional aspect

With respect to functional aspects, it can be sub-divided into Primary and Secondary sources. Let’s quickly discuss this.

  • Primary Sources: Data in the form of documents, a person details (First Name/Last Name/Address/Date of Birth/Phone Number/Passport Number/Driver’s License/Aadar card/SSN/National ID Number and etc.,) 
  • Secondary Sources:  Derived from Primary. 

2. Technical aspects

Both above said is nothing but in the form of non-digital form. When we convert them into meaningful ways. then it got the feel of technical rhythm. Then it would be given the way to below divisions

  • Relational ( Relational Data Model)
  • Multidimensional (OLAP Data Model)
Technical aspects | Data Handling Techniques
Image Source: Author

Data-Collection (DC)

General statements about “DATA COLLECTION” is a highly time-consuming and manual intervention, but in this digital world, it would be from an application source, mobile application, IoT devices etc., using automated tools and technologies.

  • Conducting a campaign
  • Quantitative research
  • Interviews
  • Observation and research
  • Online Sales/Marketing analysis
  • Social Media
  • IoT and IIOT

Collecting data from Clients/Customers/End-users is a key process and business strategy to reach your perfect target audience to improve your presence in the leading market and support. So, in recent years industries are funding to collect data and draft big game plans for their business advancements.

Data Collection | Data Handling Techniques
Source: Fotolog

Data Cleaning

In the ML lifecycle, 60% or more of that timeline will be demanded in Data Preparation, Loading, Cleaning/Cleansing, Transforming and reshaping/rearranging.

When we start looking at the Cleaning (or) Cleansing process, The below list of options is provided by Python.

  • Missing Data handling techniques
  • Transformation of Data
  • Manipulation Methods

Missing Data handling techniques: Missing data analysis is a very common technique in the ML world. Data missing impacts the analysis and model. Certainly, the model couldn’t train properly and misguide the prediction or forecasting at a later point.

In Python’s pandas, we use to adapt NA (Not Available or Not exist)

Finding Null values

I will show a few sample codes here:

a) If Null item in the list, it should be NaN

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np



0 Apple
1 Ball
2 Cat
3 NaN
4 Dog
dtype: object

b) If Null item in the list, it should be True



0 False
1 False
2 False
3 True
4 False
dtype: bool

c) Dropping NaN from the list


0 Apple
1 Ball
2 Cat
4 Dog
dtype: object

d) Let’s try with the titanic dataset

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
df_titanic = pd.read_csv('titanic.csv')
Data Handling Techniques
Image Source: Author
(d) Number of Null in the column(s)
print("Number of Null in age column:",df_titanic['age'].isnull().sum())
print("Number of Null in embark_town column:",df_titanic['embark_town'].isnull().sum())

Number of Null in age column: 177
Number of Null in embark_town column: 2

e) Null values through heatmap

Null Values | Data Handling Techniques
Image Source: Author

(ii) Filtering the missing data: There are two ways to filter out the missing values either by using dropna or notnull.

  • dropna – will remove the row from the dataset/series
  • notnull – still data will be in the dataset/series

NaN handling methods in pandas

isnullreturns boolean for specified column/variable
notnullexcluding the null values/rows
fillnafilling with the specified value
dropnadropping row(s)


(a)Filtering Using Notnull/ Dropna rows
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import nan as NA
print("Apply dropna")
print(data.dropna() )
print("Apply notnull")


0    100.0
1    250.0
2      NaN
3    350.0
4    400.0
5    500.0
6      NaN
7    950.0
dtype: float64
Apply dropna
0    100.0
1    250.0
3    350.0
4    400.0
5    500.0
7    950.0
dtype: float64
Apply notnull
0    100.0
1    250.0
3    350.0
4    400.0
5    500.0
7    950.0
dtype: float64

(iii) Filtering the NA from dataframe

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import nan as NA


         0          1      2
0      100        101    102
1      Raj       John    NaN
2      NaN        NaN    NaN
3  Chennai  Bangalore  Delhi

(iv) Cleaning NA



         0          1      2
0      100        101    102
3  Chennai  Bangalore  Delhi

So far we have discussed filtering the missing data, but cleaning is not only the solution. in a real-time scenario, we can not remove just like that without the opinion from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Need to fill in the data. there are various techniques are there. Let’s will discuss, a few of them in this article.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import nan as NA




(v) Fill in the data from the previous row

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import nan as NA


        0          1      2
0      Raj       John    Jay
1      100        101    102
2      NaN        NaN    NaN
3  Chennai  Bangalore  Delhi

Will see this from a dataframe point of view.

(vi) Removing Duplicates rows from the dataframe, just using drop_duplicates

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import nan as NA


       0          1
0    Raj    Chennai
1   John    Chennai
2    Jey  Bangalore
3  Mohan      Delhi
4    Raj    Channai

(vii) Finding duplicates


0    False
1    False
2    False
3    False
4     True
dtype: bool

   0  1

(viii) Replacing Values

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import nan as NA
0RajChennai 0
1JohnChennai 2
2JeyBangalore 0
3MohanDelhi 0

With mean() in a dataset, Consider that the given auto-mpg has null values in the horsepower column,  and some junk data (like ? ).




So, the horsepower column has 19 null values, let’s handle this now.

df_cars.horsepower = df_cars.horsepower.str.replace('?','NaN').astype(float)
df_cars.horsepower = df_cars.horsepower.astype(int)
print("          After Cleaning and type convertion in the Data Set")
After cleaning

Null values are replaced by mean of the horsepower column.




Yes! We did it! awsome. Now we could consider the horsepower column is clean and error-free.

Data Transforming

(I) Filtering Outliers: In simple terms, we can analyze the data distribution identify the outliers, and remove them from the dataset to avoid overfitting or underfitting during model evaluation. Mathematically finding the outliers really challenging process, surely will use visualization techniques will support ease and understanding better.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.display import display
import statsmodels as sm
from scipy import stats
df_cars = pd.read_csv("auto-mpg.csv")
df_cars.horsepower = df_cars.horsepower.str.replace('?','NaN').astype(float)
df_cars.horsepower = df_cars.horsepower.astype(int)
Data Transforming | Data Handling Techniques
Image Source: Author

We could observe that there is an outlier (dots)
after the scale of 200 for the horsepower feature. Let’s remove the outliers
using mathematical ways.

z_scores = stats.zscore(df_cars["horsepower"])
abs_z_scores = np.abs(z_scores)


[0.67155703 1.5895576  1.19612879 1.19612879 0.93384291 2.455101
 3.03212994 2.900987   3.16327288 2.2452723  1.72070054 1.45841466
 1.19612879 3.16327288 0.24644355 0.24644355 0.19398637 0.50872943
 0.43004366 1.53164436 0.45627225 0.37758649 0.24644355 0.22567103
 0.37758649 2.900987   2.50755818 2.76984406 2.32395806 0.43004366
 0.37758649 0.24644355 0.01038626 0.11530061 0.01584233 0.11530061
 0.43004366 0.11530061 1.5895576  1.85184348 1.27481455 1.19612879
 1.98298642 1.72070054 1.85184348 0.14698527 0.84970107 0.11530061
 0.43004366 0.48250084 0.37758649 0.90215825 0.74478672 1.03330119
 0.92838683 1.16444413 0.90215825 0.24644355 0.63987237 1.32181565
 0.37758649 0.48250084 1.5895576  1.85184348 1.19612879 1.27481455
 1.19612879 2.71738688 1.32727172 1.45841466 2.2452723  0.19398637
 1.19612879 0.67155703 0.93384291 1.19612879 0.19944245 0.74478672
 0.45627225 0.92838683 0.48250084 0.32512931 0.19398637 0.63987237
 0.43004366 1.85184348 1.19612879 1.06498585 0.85515714 1.19612879
 2.455101   1.19612879 1.40595749 1.19612879 2.900987   3.16327288
 1.85184348 0.01584233 0.11530061 0.11530061 0.43004366 0.24644355
 1.53164436 1.19612879 1.64201478 1.72070054 1.98298642 0.11530061
 0.43004366 0.84970107 0.27267214 0.37758649 0.50872943 0.06829951
 0.37758649 1.06498585 3.29441582 1.45295859 0.77101531 0.3513579
 0.19944245 1.19612879 0.14698527 0.46172832 1.98298642 0.24644355
 0.01038626 0.11530061 0.11530061 0.98084401 0.63987237 1.03330119
 0.77101531 0.11530061 0.14698527 0.01584233 0.93384291 1.19612879
 1.19612879 0.93384291 1.19612879 0.5611866  0.98084401 0.69232954
 1.37427283 1.13821554 0.77101531 0.77101531 0.77101531 0.19398637
 0.29890072 0.98084401 0.24644355 0.01584233 0.84970107 0.84970107
 1.72070054 1.06498585 1.19612879 1.14367161 0.14698527 0.01584233
 0.14698527 0.24644355 0.14698527 0.14698527 0.64532844 0.77101531
 0.5611866  0.11530061 0.69232954 0.22021496 0.87592966 0.19398637
 0.19398637 0.90215825 0.37758649 0.24644355 0.43004366 0.16775779
 0.27812821 1.34804424 0.48250084 0.61364378 0.32512931 0.66610096
 0.5611866  0.93384291 1.19612879 0.40927115 1.24858596 0.11530061
 0.01584233 0.61364378 0.37758649 1.37427283 1.16444413 0.90215825
 1.34804424 0.11530061 0.69232954 0.14698527 0.24644355 0.87592966
 0.90215825 0.77101531 0.84970107 0.06284343 1.19612879 0.43004366
 0.09452809 0.40927115 1.98298642 1.06498585 0.67155703 1.19612879
 0.95461542 0.63987237 1.2169013  0.22021496 0.90215825 1.06498585
 0.14698527 1.06498585 0.67155703 0.14698527 0.01584233 0.11530061
 0.16775779 1.98298642 1.72070054 2.2452723  1.1699002  0.69232954
 0.43004366 0.77101531 0.40381508 1.08575836 0.5611866  0.98084401
 0.69232954 0.19398637 0.14698527 0.14698527 1.47918718 1.0070726
 1.37427283 0.90215825 1.16444413 0.14698527 0.93384291 0.90761432
 0.01584233 0.24644355 0.50872943 0.43004366 0.11530061 0.37758649
 0.01584233 0.50872943 0.14698527 0.40927115 1.06498585 1.5895576
 0.90761432 0.93384291 0.95461542 0.24644355 0.19398637 0.77101531
 0.24644355 0.01584233 0.50872943 0.19398637 0.03661485 0.54041409
 0.27812821 0.75024279 0.87592966 0.95461542 0.27812821 0.50872943
 0.43004366 0.37758649 0.14698527 0.67155703 0.64532844 0.88138573
 0.80269997 1.32727172 0.98630008 0.54041409 1.19612879 0.87592966
 1.03330119 0.63987237 0.63987237 0.71855813 0.54041409 0.87592966
 0.37758649 0.90215825 0.90215825 1.03330119 0.92838683 0.37758649
 0.27812821 0.27812821 0.37758649 0.74478672 1.16444413 0.90215825
 1.03330119 0.37758649 0.43004366 0.37758649 0.37758649 0.69232954
 0.37758649 0.77101531 0.32512931 0.77101531 1.03330119 0.01584233
 1.03330119 1.47918718 1.47918718 0.98084401 0.98084401 0.98084401
 0.01038626 0.98084401 1.11198695 0.7240142  0.11530061 0.43004366
 0.01038626 0.84970107 0.53495802 0.53495802 0.32512931 0.14698527
 0.53495802 1.2169013  1.05952977 1.16444413 0.98084401 1.03330119
 1.11198695 0.95461542 1.08575836 1.03330119 1.03330119 0.79724389
 0.01038626 0.77101531 0.77101531 0.11530061 0.79724389 0.63987237
 0.74478672 0.3043568  0.40927115 0.14698527 0.01584233 0.43004366
 0.50872943 0.43004366 0.43004366 0.43004366 0.50872943 0.53495802
 0.37758649 0.32512931 0.01038626 0.79724389 0.95461542 0.95461542
 1.08575836 0.90215825 0.43004366 0.77101531 0.90215825 0.98084401
 0.98084401 0.98084401 0.14698527 0.50872943 0.32512931 0.19944245
 0.22021496 0.53495802 0.37758649 0.48250084 1.37427283 0.53495802
 0.66610096 0.58741519 0.69232954]

I can understand that this is really all, that’s fine let’s set up a threshold and continue.

filtered_entries = (abs_z_scores < 1.5)
new_df = df_cars[filtered_entries]
mpg  cylinders  displacement  horsepower  weight  acceleration  
0    18.0          8         307.0         130    3504          12.0   
2    18.0          8         318.0         150    3436          11.0   
3    16.0          8         304.0         150    3433          12.0   
4    17.0          8         302.0         140    3449          10.5   
11   14.0          8         340.0         160    3609           8.0   
..    ...        ...           ...         ...     ...           ...   
394  44.0          4          97.0          52    2130          24.6   
395  32.0          4         135.0          84    2295          11.6   
396  28.0          4         120.0          79    2625          18.6   
397  31.0          4         119.0          82    2720          19.4   
398   NaN          4         250.0          78    2500          18.5   

     model_year  origin                       name  
0          70.0     1.0  chevrolet chevelle malibu  
2          70.0     1.0         plymouth satellite  
3          70.0     1.0              amc rebel sst  
4          70.0     1.0                ford torino  
11         70.0     1.0         plymouth 'cuda 340  
..          ...     ...                        ...  
394        82.0     2.0                  vw pickup  
395        82.0     1.0              dodge rampage  
396        82.0     1.0                ford ranger  
397        82.0     1.0                 chevy s-10  
398         NaN     NaN                        NaN  

[360 rows x 9 columns]

Now, the box plot is very clear and has no more
outliers. Think about the power of python libraries here.

(II) Converting Type: We Will analyze the given dataset columns type, this is an essential activity before we do feature engineering and test training.

df_cars = pd.read_csv("auto-mpg.csv")
print("          Info Of the Data Set")


Image Source: Author

1. we could observe that the features and its data type, along with count Null
2. horsepower and name features are, Object in the given data set

How to transform this into a meaningful way for our analysis. using simple astype.

df_cars.horsepower = df_cars.horsepower.str.replace('?','NaN').astype(float)
df_cars.horsepower = df_cars.horsepower.astype(int)
print("          After Cleaning and type convertion in the Data Set")



1. we could observe that the features and its data type, along with count Null
2. we could observe that horsepower is now int type.

(III) Create Dummy Variables: In a real-time scenario, we have to handle the categorical variable in intelligent ways so that we could accommodate them in the process of converting them into dummy variables and make use of them as independent variables. Let’s see the sample here.

Dummy Variable
Image Source: Author

Let’s convert them into a Categorical variable

df_cars['origin'] = df_cars['origin'].replace({1: 'america', 2: 'europe', 3: 'asia'})
Data Handling Techniques
Image Source: Author
cData = pd.get_dummies(df_cars, columns=['origin'])
Data Handling Techniques
Image Source: Author

(III) String Transforming: In some situations, we have to deal with string values in the given dataset and as data scientists, we are responsible for streamlining them for data analysis. Here is one classical sample most commonly facing.

pattern = ‘chevroelt|chevy|chevrolet’

mask = df_cars[‘name’].str.contains(pattern, case=False, na=False)
String transformation
Image Source: Author

Observe here that Chevrolet in different spellings, So during classification modeling this would give you headache and challenging your patience, Now follow me, how we can handle this.

# Correct name 
df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('chevroelt|chevrolet|chevy','chevrolet')
df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('maxda|mazda','mazda')
df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('mercedes|mercedes-benz|mercedes benz','mercedes')
df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('toyota|toyouta','toyota')
df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('vokswagen|volkswagen|vw','volkswagen')

The above code will streamline the brand names and your modeling will give perform better than earlier.

Let’s see how to string transformation works here.

pattern = 'chevrolet'
mask = df_cars['name'].str.contains(pattern, case=False, na=False)
Data Handling Techniques
Image Source: Author

Hope you love this, Yes! I can understand.

Read more articles on our website about data handling techniques. Click here.


This is a long journey, so far we covered the possible and most frequent techniques in Data Handling techniques right from data collection, cleaning, and wrangling aspects, still, many more techniques are there and usage is dependent on the cases, With respect to Data Science, the data handling is a vital role and 60-65% of effort would require to fine-tune our data for modeling, So remember all these features we had discussed over here certainly help you a lot, Let me say break and will connect with you all on something interesting topics. Hope you liked my article on data handling techniques.

Thanks for your time, Good Luck! See you all soon. – Shanthababu

The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion. 

Shanthababu has 20+ years of experience in Information Technology (IT). Expertise in ML & Data
Architect and Program Delivery. Analytics and AIML Solutions Lead, Data Architecting, Modelling,
Data Quality, Data Governance, Data Privacy and Data Integration, Data Platform, Data analysis
and Data Science program.

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