A Beginner’s Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on Text Data (Amazon Case Study)

Abhishek Last Updated : 19 Jul, 2022
11 min read

The Importance of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

There are no shortcuts in a machine learning project lifecycle. We can’t simply skip to the model building stage after gathering the data. We need to plan our approach in a structured manner and the exploratory data analytics (EDA) stage plays a huge part in that.

I can say this with the benefit of hindsight having personally gone through this situation plenty of times.

In my early days in this field, I couldn’t wait to dive into machine learning algorithms but that often left my end result hanging in the balance. I discovered, through personal experience and the advice of my mentors, the importance of spending time exploring and understanding my data.

featured image

I found this to be true even for text data in Natural Language Processing (NLP) projects. We need to perform investigative and detective analysis of our data to see if we can unearth any insights. Trust me, you will appreciate the EDA stage the more you work on text data.

And there’s no shortage of text data, is there? We have data being generated from tweets, digital media platforms, blogs, and a whole host of other sources. As a data scientist and an NLP enthusiast, it’s important to analyze all this text data to help your organization make data-driven decisions.

And exploratory data analysis ties all of this together. I would venture to say it’s a critical cog in your NLP project – a stage you simply cannot afford to skip.

Exploratory Data Analysis is the process of exploring data, generating insights, testing hypotheses, checking assumptions and revealing underlying hidden patterns in the data.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss how to perform exploratory data analysis on text data using Python through a real-world example. And if you’re new to the brilliant but vast world of NLP or data visualization, you can browse through the below resources:


Table of Contents


Understanding the Problem Statement

The first step in any machine learning project is understanding the problem. So that’s what we’ll aim to do here.

I’m a big fan of Amazon’s product lineup. Here, I have taken a dataset containing reviews of various products manufactured by Amazon, like Kindle, Fire TV, Echo, etc. You can download the dataset here.

amazon echo dot

The dataset has about 34,000+ rows, each containing review text, username, product name, rating, and other information for each product. Our objective is to use this data, explore it, and generate insights from it.

exploratory data analysis text dataset

Let’s get the ball rolling and explore this dataset using different techniques and generate insights from it.


Basic Text Data Pre-processing

Before jumping to the exploration stage, we need to perform basic data pre-processing steps like null value imputation and removal of unwanted data. So, let’s start by importing libraries and reading our dataset:

exploratory data analysis text dataset shape of data

The dataset contains 34,660 rows and 21 columns. But we only need information such as product name, review text, user recommendation (binary), and the number of people that found a review helpful. Therefore, I am dropping other columns and reducing the dataset to only four columns, i.e., ‘name’, ‘reviews.text’, ‘reviews.doRecommend’, and ‘reviews.numHelpful’:

amazon review corpus data

Let’s see if there are any null values present in our dataset:

amazon review data null values

There are a few null values in the dataset. So, let’s drop these null values and proceed further:

no null values amazon data

I am only considering those products that have at least 500 reviews. I am doing this to make sure that I have a sufficient number of reviews for each product. Here, we will use lambda functions with filter() to filter our dataset.

If you want to know more about lambda functions, then you can read this article: What are Lambda Functions? A Quick Guide to Lambda Functions in Python. I highly recommend doing that because I’ll be using lambda functions quite a bit later in this article.

number of products

Now, we are left with eight products. Also,  the ‘reviews.doRecommend’ column contains values in the form of True-False and’ reviews.numHelpful’ contains floating-point numbers, which is not possible. Therefore, I am converting these columns into integers:

That’s it! We are finished with the basic data-preprocessing part. Let’s move to the next section – cleaning text data.


Cleaning Text Data in Python

Generally, text data contains a lot of noise either in the form of symbols or in the form of punctuations and stopwords. Therefore, it becomes necessary to clean the text, not just for making it more understandable but also for getting better insights.

In this section, we’ll perform text cleaning on the columns containing textual data. If you want to learn in-depth about text cleaning in Python, you can read this fantastic article: Steps for effective text data cleaning (with a case study using Python). It explains various techniques of text cleaning with implementation in python.

Here, we have four columns in our dataset out of which two columns (‘name’, ‘reviews.text’) contain textual data. So, let’s start with the ‘name’ column first and take a look at the text present in this column:

exploratory data analysis text data product list

Take a close look at the title of products. Some product names contain repeating names separated by three consecutive commas (,,,). So, let’s clean the name of the products:

Now, it’s time to move on to the second column – reviews.text’. This column contains product reviews from different users, which are longer in length, and our complete analysis will be based on this data. Therefore, it becomes necessary to clean this thoroughly. The best way of determining data cleaning steps is by taking a look at some product reviews from the dataset:

exploratory data analysis text reviews

Here, you can see that we have some contractions like “It’s”, numbers like “3” and punctuations like “,”, “!” and “.” present in the reviews. We’ll handle these by performing the below operations:

  • Expand contractions
  • Lowercase the reviews
  • Remove digits and words containing digits
  • Remove punctuations

So, let’s start by expanding contractions.


Expand Contractions

Contractions are the shortened versions of words like don’t for do not and how’ll for how will. These are used to reduce the speaking and writing time of words. We need to expand these contractions for a better analysis of the reviews.

Here, I have created a dictionary of common English contractions that I will use for mapping the contractions to their expanded forms:

Here, the expand_contractions function uses regular expressions to map the contractions in the text to their expanded forms from the dictionary. I will be using regular expressions a lot in the upcoming sections. Therefore, I highly recommend you to read the following articles on regular expressions:

Now that we have expanded the contractions, it’s time to lowercase the words.


Lowercase the reviews

In NLP, models treat words like Goat and goat differently, even if they are the same. Therefore, to overcome this problem, we lowercase the words. Here, I am using the lower() function available in Python for converting text to lowercase:


Remove digits and words containing digits

Next, we need to remove numbers and words containing digits from the reviews. I am doing this because digits and words containing digits do not give much importance to the main words. To do this, I am using regular expressions with lambda functions.


Remove Punctuations

Punctuations are the marks in English like commas, hyphens, full stops, etc. These are important for English grammar but not for text analysis. Therefore, they need to be removed:

Here, string.punctuations function contains all the punctuations and we use regular expressions to search them in the text and remove them. Finally, we still have some extra spaces present in the data. Let’s remove them:

Let’s how our text looks after cleaning:

exploratory data analysis text dataset cleaned

Great! We have cleaned the text data and are just one section away from the EDA stage!


Preparing Text Data for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

We have already cleaned our data and have our corpus ready, but there are still some steps left to be done before EDA. In this section, we’ll create a Document Term Matrix that we’ll later use in our analysis.

Now, you might be wondering what is a Document Term Matrix and why do we have to create one?

A Document Term Matrix provides the frequency of a word in a corpus (collection of documents), which in this case are reviews. It helps in analyzing the occurrence of words in different documents in a corpus. The following figure is an example of a document term matrix:

document term matrix

In this section, we’ll do the following things:

  • Stopwords Removal
  • Lemmatization
  • Create Document Term Matrix

Stopwords are the most common words of a language like ‘I’, ‘this’, ‘is’, ‘in’ which do not add much value to the meaning of a document. These values are removed to decrease the dataset size and increase focus on meaningful words.

Lemmatization is a systematic process of reducing a token to its lemma. It uses vocabulary, word structure, part of speech tags, and grammar relations to convert a word to its base form. You can read more about stopwords removal and lemmatization in this article: NLP Essentials: Removing Stopwords and Performing Text Normalization using NLTK and spaCy in Python.

We’ll use SpaCy for the removal of stopwords and lemmatization. It is a library for advanced Natural Language Processing in Python and Cython.

We have removed stopwords and lemmatized our reviews successfully. Let’s group them according to the products:

exploratory data analysis text reviews lemmatized

It’s time to create a Document Term Matrix. You can read more about the document term matrix here.

exploratory data analysis text document term matrix

Finally, we have completed all the procedures required before starting our analysis, and we have our dataset present in the exact format needed for the exploration stage.


Exploratory Data Analysis on Amazon Product Reviews using Python

Yes – it’s finally time for Exploratory Data Analysis! It is a crucial part of any data science project because that’s where you get to know more about the data. In this phase, you can reveal hidden patterns in the data and generate insights from it.

So, let’s start by looking at the common words present in the reviews for each product. For this, I will use the document term matrix created earlier with word clouds for plotting these words. Word clouds are the visual representations of the frequency of different words present in a document. It gives importance to the more frequent words which are bigger in size compared to other less frequent words.

Word clouds can be generated using the wordcloud library. So, let’s plot word clouds for each product:

exploratory data analysis text wordcloud

Here, we can see that LOVE, USE, BUY, GREAT, and EASY are the most frequently occurring words for almost every product. This means that users are loving products from Amazon and found purchasing them a great decision. They also found them easy to use.

That’s a quick way to generate insights from text data, isn’t it?

Now, let’s say Amazon wants to dig deeper into this and wants to know which products they should improve. We can find the answer to this question by doing a sentiment analysis of the reviews for each product. Sentiment analysis is the analysis of how much a piece of text is positive and opinionated. If you want to know more about sentiment analysis, here you go: Comprehensive Hands-on Guide to Twitter Sentiment Analysis with dataset and code.

Here, in this case, checking only the polarity, i.e., how much a text is positive or negative, is sufficient. We can check the polarity of a review using the TextBlob library in Python:

Let’s take a look at some of the most positive and negative reviews from the customers:

three positive reviews

three negative reviews

Let’s plot polarities of reviews for each product and compare them. A bar graph is best suited for this purpose:

exploratory data analysis text polarity plot

You can see that according to the polarity of reviews, Amazon needs to improve Fire Kids Edition Tablet and Kindle Voyage E-reader. Let’s also take a look at the number of reviewers who recommended a particular product. For this, we can take the percentage of reviewers and plot that:

exploratory data analysis text recommendation percentage plot

Here, we can see that the Fire Kids Edition Tablet has the lowest recommendation percentage. It’s reviews also have the lowest polarity. So, we can say that the polarity of reviews affects the chances of a product getting recommended.

Another thing that we can look at is the readability of reviews upvoted as helpful by others. The readability of a text document can be checked using various readability indices like Flesch Reading Ease, Dale Chall Readability Score, and Gunning Fog Index.

For this, we can use the textstat library in Python. Textstat is typically used for determining readability, complexity, and grade level of a particular corpus. Each of these indices works on a different methodology for determining the readability level of a document.

readability test textstat

There is very little difference in the Dale Chall Score and the Flesch Reading Score for helpful and not helpful reviews. But there is a considerable amount of variation in the Gunning Fog Index.

Still, we cannot tell the difference in the readability of the two. The textstat library has a solution for this as well. It provides the text_standard() function. that uses various readability checking formulas, combines the result and returns the grade of education required to understand a particular document completely.

readability grade textstat

Interesting. Both upvoted and not upvoted reviews are easily understandable by anyone who has completed the 5th or 6th grade in school.

Let’s take a look at the reading time of reviews upvoted as helpful and non-helpful. An average adult reads about 250 words per minute. We can also calculate the reading time of a document using the textstat library. It provides the reading_time() function, which takes a piece of text as an argument and returns the reading time for it in seconds.

exploratory data analysis text reading time

Surprisingly, the reading time of upvoted reviews is twice that of not upvoted reviews. It means that people usually find longer reviews helpful.


What’s the Conclusion from the EDA on Text Data?

Let’s take a look at the inferences drawn from the above analysis:

  1. Customers love products from Amazon. They find them a great purchase and easy to use
  2. Amazon needs to work on the Fire Kids Edition Tablet because it has the most negative reviews. It is also the least recommended product
  3. The majority of reviews are written in simple English and are easily understandable by anyone who has 5th or 6th grade of school
  4. The reading time of helpful reviews is twice that of non-helpful reviews which means people find longer reviews helpful


What’s Next?

You need to understand that there is no fixed way of doing exploratory data analysis. It is entirely dependent on the data you have, the problem statement that you have to solve, and domain knowledge. One set of procedures that work flawlessly on one data might not work on another data. The only way to master this aspect is by analyzing different datasets from various domains.

If you found this article informative, then please share it with your network and comment below with your queries and feedback. I have listed some insightful and comprehensive articles and courses related to Natural Language Processing below.



Responses From Readers



Great article, I am a data analyst and trying to get hands on Python. Loved the simplicity and direct approach to a problem. Thank you


variables like product_polarity_sorted, recommend_percentage, etc. are not defined, so it's giving error while running

Sanjay Dasgupta
Sanjay Dasgupta

Thank you for a great article with example code. The provided code appears to use some variables that are not defined (i.e. "product_polarity_sorted" and "recommend_percentage"). Unless these have been deliberately left out as exercises for the reader, it would be nice to see the missing code too :-) Thanks again!

Sachchidanand Kumar
Sachchidanand Kumar

Really Nice work Abhishek. I appreciate your and your team effort in jotting down these algorithms in such a precise and simplistic approach.


good article , though more helpful if example provided in R


Amazing blog! I am using this in my work. One quick question! We could identify the text standard, like the education level required of the reader to understand the text. I am guessing lower the education requirement, the better it is. Also is there a way to improve the readability ?

Romil shah
Romil shah

Hey Abhishek - Great article. When I am trying this out I am getting error when grouping by Lemmatized and name into df_grouped. The error reads "unhashable type: 'list' ". Any idea why is this happening?

Venkat Alagarsamy
Venkat Alagarsamy

I see millions of code is written when there are low-code easy to use EDA tools like QuickDA is available.

Akhila Manchala
Akhila Manchala

Hi abhishek, I `m facing issue with one of line of code above , did little change and trying to group, but couldn`t get it, could you pls help me out in that.. Thanks Akhila


Excellent article ! Well constructed and clearly explained. I would definitely recommend this to others. Keep continuing the awesome work and all the best.

Challapalli Jhansi Rani
Challapalli Jhansi Rani

Excellent article. Its veryful for the begineers


Awesome article easy understanding language for beginners. Thank you.


Nice article easy understanding language for beginners. Thank you.


Hi Abhi, I would like to connect with you. Thanks, sam


Your clear explanations and step-by-step instructions have been incredibly valuable in helping me navigate this complex topic. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into creating this guide and making it accessible to people like me who are just starting out. Your work is making a real difference in the lives of learners like me, and I am truly grateful for your contribution to the community. Thank you again for all that you do!

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