Fractal & Analytics Vidhya set a New GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ Title

Sakshi Raheja Last Updated : 18 Jul, 2022
5 min read

With immense pleasure and pride, we are happy to announce that Fractal and Analytics Vidhya together have set a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title of ‘Most Viewers of an Artificial Intelligence programming lesson live stream on a bespoke platform’ at 1729.

About 1729

A category-defining event on a virtual platform for 3 days. The event was a massive success as we had 40 eminent global AI speakers from across the globe covering power talks focused on the potential of AI, workshops to build solutions along with mentors, and deep-dive sessions where the audience watched and learned from experts. The keynote speakers also addressed the real issues in careers and businesses and how AI will shape the future.


Speakers at 1729

Some of the eminent industrial leaders who took different sessions at the event were:  

Speakers at 1729 | Guinness Word Records™

D Sculley took an exciting session, ‘It takes a village to raise AI,’ wherein he spoke about the power of community and how we can together achieve dramatically deeper levels of empirical rigor and stress testing than could ever be performed by an individual or isolated group. In this talk, we will show some of the ways this is already being done by millions of passionate data scientists and machine learning practitioners — both novices and experts — and sketch out some of the opportunities ahead.

Another session that gauged the most attention at the event was ‘Career Choices in AI and Analytics.’ In this session, Aamod Sathe shared his thoughts on how to think about your careers. Aamod is a veteran of the analytics/AI industry and currently leads analytics for Meta’s Reality Labs, helping build the Metaverse. For obvious reasons, metaverse had to take all the attention, and we certainly had valuable discussions around it. 

A robust panel discussion occurred on Day 2 of the event wherein Kunal Jain Ajoy Singh, Tavish Srivastava, and Dipanjan Sarkar. The conversation happened around the vision of Artificial Intelligence towards 2030

Setting a Guinness Word Records™

The Guinness Word Records™ title was achieved in a session conducted by the Kaggle Grandmaster, Rohan Rao, and Sudalai Rajkumar at the peak of 1842 participants who attended the session on ‘how to build an Artificial Intelligence model.’ 

The session had an enriching discussion on how AI has progressed over the years and where we are right now. Also, How AI helps predictiveness, scale, progress, and innovation in the world. 

Highlights of the session 

  • AI Applications: Did you wonder how artificial intelligence influences our everyday lives? Well, AI is practically in every domain of our lives. 
  • Technology: Most familiar example is the usage of Google Maps. How you navigate the route from place A to B. We all know the app helps us detect the shortest route to your destination and save time. 
  • Nature: AI models are used in everyday weather forecasting in every country. It’s wonderful how we can check the weather and pack our clothes for a vacation. 
  • Health Care: AI is widely used in health care to perform advanced robotic surgeries, which is a good combination of artificial intelligence combined with human input to perform highly advanced surgeries with high accuracy.
  • Security: One of the most common examples is mobile phones that use phone unlock applications and facial recognition algorithms running in the backend.
  • Language: Various websites use AI to convert their content, articles, e-books, and documents from one language to another.  
  • How to solve a task using AI (Workflow)?: The base of any AI workflow is the business objective which leads to the approach to solving the problem, known as hypothesis generation, and leads to finding and researching the correct data for the problem, which is the crux of everything you do. Then comes another important point: EDA is used to analyze the data and refine it, then we process the data, structure it and clean it, which also includes feature engineering. Then finally, we build different models, do some experimenting and evaluate which one works fine. Then finally, we deploy our best model after getting an acceptable amount of accuracy, which becomes the implementation of the solution. We can get feedback from our model, which can then be used to improve our approach.
  •  Live coding session by Sudalai Rajkumar for AI workflow: The problem statement used in the coding session is: The data scientist at BigMart has collected 2013 sales data for 1559 products across 10 stores in different cities. Also, specific attributes of each product and store have been defined. The aim is to build a predictive model and predict the sales of each product at a particular outlet. The dataset is available on the Analytics vidhya datahack platform.
  • Interactive Q&A session with the AI enthusiasts: One of the million dollar questions that any fresher would like is ‘How to start a career and make our way into the industry?’


Sudalai Rajkumar said There is no shortcut. Lots of data, and lots of information to gather as it is a very field, we feel like giving up most of the time, but we should not. It is important to overcome the overwhelming feeling and keep hustling.

Rohan Rao said The only shortcut is the long cut. Continue practicing, continue trying. Sometimes you will fail but iteratively perform the cycle, and your skills will improve.

Hear from the Visionaries

Srikanth Velamakanni, Co-Founder, Group Chief Executive & Vice-Chairman of Fractal, said, “1729 was conceptualized to honor Srinivasa Ramanujan and recognize the potential of mathematics, engineering, and AI in India. 1729 focuses on early-stage AI aspirants to inspire them on what ‘You & AI’ can do together, and how they can imagine, innovate, and create an impact for business, society, and themselves.” 

Srikanth Velamakanni | Guinness Word Records™

Kunal Jain, Founder & CEO of Analytics Vidhya, said, “1729 was envisaged as a category-defining AI event. It is very heartening to see the exhilarating response we got from our community. The learner’s desire to learn in 1729 stands out. Thousands of people learned about the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning from the best leaders & experts in the field. I think breaking a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title will inspire all the learners to dream bigger and create a larger impact for the future.”

Kunal Jain | Guinness Word Records™

To Summarize

1729 has created a ripple effect in the world of AI as the event attracted over 15,000+ registrations. The global AI leaders and attendees believe that these three days have been most valuable in creating value on a virtual platform. The event successfully delivered 11 keynote sessions, power talks, and 23 deep-dive sessions and workshops by prominent industrial leaders like D. Sculley; Aamod Sathe; Rajat Monga; Rohini Srivathsa; Eric Weber; Dr. Sarabjot Singh, and many more.

The attendees were mesmerized by the learnings at the event and robustly engaged with leaders, with more than 10,000 messages exchanged. Some of the attendees regretted that they didn’t buy the tickets and couldn’t have full access to the event. However, they are eagerly waiting for this event to happen again. The AI enthusiasts gave a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 87 when asked how likely they would recommend 1729 to others. 

Facilitation Ceremony

We are sure you would love to watch the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title facilitation ceremony. Let’s take a look

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