Understanding SQL Not Equal Operator

Ayushi Trivedi Last Updated : 10 Jun, 2024
5 min read


In SQL, comparison operators are crucial for querying databases. They help compare values and filter data based on conditions. The SQL Not Equal operator is one of the most used. It excludes specific data from query results, making it vital for database management. This operator refines data retrieval, ensuring you get relevant information. Whether dealing with numbers, text, or dates, the Not Equal operator is indispensable.


  • Understand the syntax and usage of the SQL Not Equal (<>) operator.
  • Learn how to effectively filter data using the SQL Not Equal operator.
  • Explore scenarios where the SQL Not Equal operator is advantageous in database queries.
  • Understand the impact of NULL values on comparisons with the SQL Not Equal operator.
  • Discover best practices for optimizing performance when using the SQL Not Equal operator in SQL queries.
Understanding SQL Not Equal Operator

SQL Not Equal Operator Syntax

The SQL not equal operator (<>) is used to compare values and retrieve records where a specified column is not equal to a particular value. It is commonly used in SQL queries to filter data based on inequality conditions.

Standard Syntax: <>

The standard syntax for the SQL Not Equal operator is <>. This follows the ISO standard. It is widely recommended for consistency and compatibility across different SQL databases.


SELECT * FROM customers WHERE age <> 30;

This query selects all customers whose age is not 30.

Alternate Syntax: !=

An alternative syntax for the Not Equal operator is !=. While this is also common, it doesn’t follow the ISO standard. However, it functions the same way as <>.


SELECT * FROM customers WHERE age != 30;

This query also selects all customers whose age is not 30.

Usage Scenarios

Let us no explore some usage scenarios of SQL Not Equal.

Filtering Data with SQL Not Equal

The Not Equal operator is perfect for filtering data. You can use it to exclude specific values from your query results.


SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department <> 'HR';

This query retrieves all employees who are not in the HR department.

Excluding Specific Records

You can use the Not Equal operator to exclude specific records. This is useful when you need to remove certain data from your results.


SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_status <> 'Cancelled';

This query returns all orders except those that are canceled.

Combining with Other Conditions

The Not Equal operator works well with other conditions. You can combine it with other operators to refine your queries further.


SELECT * FROM products WHERE price <> 100 AND stock > 50;

This query selects all products that do not cost 100 and have more than 50 in stock.

Performance Considerations

We will now look into some performance considerations of SQL Not Equal operator.

Comparison with Equality Operator

The Not Equal operator performs differently compared to the Equality operator. While both are useful, they impact performance in various ways.

Impact on Query Performance

Using the Not Equal operator can sometimes slow down queries. This is because it requires the database engine to check each record to see if it meets the exclusion criteria.


SELECT * FROM sales WHERE region <> 'East';

This query may take longer than an equality comparison because it must evaluate each record.

Best Practices for Optimal Performance

To optimize performance, consider the following best practices:

  • Use Indexes: Ensure the columns used with the Not Equal operator are indexed.
  • Combine Conditions Wisely: Combine Not Equal with other conditions to reduce the number of records evaluated.
  • Limit Results: Use the LIMIT clause to restrict the number of returned records if possible.


SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE status <> 'Failed' AND amount > 50 LIMIT 100;

This query is optimized by limiting the results and combining conditions.

SQL Not Equal Operator and NULL Values

The not equal operator in SQL compares values where a column is not equal to a specific value, but handling NULL values is crucial as comparisons will not return true.

Handling NULL Values in Comparisons

The Not Equal operator handles NULL values uniquely. Comparisons involving NULL values do not return true or false but rather NULL.


SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department <> NULL;

This query will not return any results because NULL comparisons do not work as expected.

Impact on Query Results

When dealing with NULL values, it’s crucial to handle them explicitly. Use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL operators to manage NULL comparisons.


SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department IS NOT NULL AND department <> 'Sales';

This query retrieves all employees with a non-null department that is not ‘Sales’.

Real-World Use Cases

The SQL Not Equal operator is widely used in various real-world applications. For instance, in e-commerce platforms, it helps exclude certain product categories from sales reports. It’s also useful in customer relationship management (CRM) systems to filter out inactive customers from marketing campaigns. Additionally, it can help in finance applications to exclude specific transaction types when generating financial statements.

In healthcare databases, the Not Equal operator can exclude certain patient records, such as those not requiring follow-up. In education management systems, it can help filter out students who are not enrolled in specific courses.

Common Scenarios in Data Analysis

In data analysis, the SQL Not Equal operator is crucial for refining datasets. Analysts often use it to exclude outliers or irrelevant data points from their analyses. For example, when analyzing sales data, excluding orders from test markets ensures the accuracy of results.

In survey analysis, it helps exclude incomplete or invalid responses, leading to cleaner data. In social media analysis, it can filter out posts or comments from bots or spam accounts, providing more accurate insights.

The Not Equal operator also helps in comparing performance metrics by excluding specific time periods or data sources. This leads to more focused and relevant analyses.


The SQL Not Equal operator is a crucial tool for filtering and refining data in SQL queries. It allows users to exclude specific values, leading to more precise and relevant results. Whether used in e-commerce, healthcare, or data analysis, mastering this operator enhances data management and analysis capabilities. By understanding its syntax, usage scenarios, and performance considerations, you can efficiently handle complex data conditions and make informed decisions.

Frequent Asked Questions

Q1. What is the SQL Not Equal operator?

A. The SQL Not Equal operator (<>) is used to compare values and retrieve records where a specified column is not equal to a particular value.

Q2. What are some best practices for optimizing performance when using the Not Equal operator?

A. To optimize performance, consider indexing columns used with the Not Equal operator, combining conditions wisely, and limiting the number of returned records using the LIMIT clause.

Q3. In which real-world applications is the SQL Not Equal operator commonly used?

A. The SQL Not Equal operator is widely used in e-commerce for excluding specific product categories, in CRM systems for filtering out inactive customers, and in data analysis for refining datasets by excluding outliers.

My name is Ayushi Trivedi. I am a B. Tech graduate. I have 3 years of experience working as an educator and content editor. I have worked with various python libraries, like numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, scikit, imblearn, linear regression and many more. I am also an author. My first book named #turning25 has been published and is available on amazon and flipkart. Here, I am technical content editor at Analytics Vidhya. I feel proud and happy to be AVian. I have a great team to work with. I love building the bridge between the technology and the learner.

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