Should I become a data scientist (or a business analyst)?

Kunal Jain Last Updated : 05 Mar, 2021
6 min read


One of the common queries I come across repeatedly on several forums is “Should I become a data scientist (or an analyst)?” The query takes various forms and factors, but here is a common real-life anecdote:

“I have been doing Sales for multiple BFSI giants for last 3 years, but I have stopped enjoying my role. After reading about Business Analytics and machine learning, my interest in this area has grown. Should I make a switch and learn data science? If so, How do I do this?


When I reflect back on how I took the decision, I realized – I happened to be lucky! The decision was relatively easier for me. Why? I knew the industries/roles, I would not enjoy – these included roles in Sales, roles in Physical engineering, and a few others. I was open to roles in data science in retail banks and investment banks and luckily ended up with Capital One.

Today, after spending ~8 years in the industry, it is far easier for me to guide and mentor people on whether Analytics is the right role for them or not. So, I thought, I’ll try and put my thoughts in a framework and share it with the audience of this blog. The aim of this post is to help those people who are sitting on the fence and thinking about which job/role is right for them. So, if you are someone deliberating a move in data science or are wondering whether you are a right fit with this industry, here is a neat framework that might help.

The role of a mentor in building a career is priceless. Being from the industry, the mentor can help you navigate your learning path so that you don’t fall into traps. Certified AI & ML BlackBelt Plus Program comes with 100+ hours of live-course, 100+hours of self-paced video, 18+ real-life projects, and the most important – 1:1 mentorship so that you can focus on becoming an industry-ready professional with the relevant guidance. 🙂



I have put a framework in the form of a very simple test. This test is based on the attributes every analyst should possess. You should score yourself against each of the questions (out of the score mentioned after the question) and then add your scores. A good analyst should score more than 70 and anyone scoring below 50 should seriously re-consider a decision to be a data scientist.


Should I become a Data Scientist or a Business Analyst


Test Questions:

  • Do you love number crunching and logical problem solving – i.e. puzzles, probabilities, and statistics? (score out of 20)

By love I don’t mean like, I don’t mean you don’t mind numbers – I mean, do you have an obsession with numbers! Do you love doing guess-estimates at any time of the day – I have done those estimates while I am taking a shower, while I am driving, while I am watching a movie, or even when I am swimming (and lost my count of laps)! I know my friend Tavish does these calculations in his mind too – while he is driving or while he is playing badminton. If you want me to space out of a discussion, just ask me a really hard logical problem!


5 – dread mathematics & statistics, but can face to some extent

10 – Comfortable with mathematics and statistics, but need calculators and excel to work on problems. Don’t mind attempting puzzles

15 – Love crunching numbers and solving logical puzzles anywhere

20 – Can’t live without number crunching and logical puzzles – an obsession!

  • Do you enjoy working/handling unstructured problems? (score out of 20)

An analyst will inevitably be tested against unstructured and amorphous business problems. And it is how you solve these unstructured problems, that decides how good or bad an analyst you are. My first project in my first role stated: “In last few months, we have seen a high increase in high-risk customers of type X. You need to come up with a data-based strategy to measure, control, and improve this situation.

Even the business did not have a clear definition of these customers. Can you handle this kind of ambiguity and provide a direction on your own? Do you enjoy these situations or you would rather be comfortable in a more defined role?


5 – Have tried these problems in past – but not my cup of tea!

10 – A score of 10 would mean, you like solving these problems once in a while (say 3 – 6 months)

15+ – You prefer unstructured problems over-structured. You don’t enjoy someone else structuring problems for you.

  • Do you enjoy deep research and can spend hours slicing and dicing data? (score out of 20)

Going back to the first project I faced, it took me 3 months to understand the business, have multiple discussions with stakeholders, brings them on the same page, and then mine the data to bring out solutions. You need an outlook of a researcher to be a good business analyst. When was the last time you spent hours and hours immersed in solving a problem? Can you do that again and again?


5 – You want a change every few hours. You can’t work on a single problem for the entire day

10 – You can work on a research problem – but need some side work to help you out of boredom

15 – You feel the side work is distracting you from making progress on the key problem you are working on. Would be happy if they are taken away

20 – Can’t stand distractions

  • Do you enjoy building and presenting evidence-based stories? (score out of 20)

A data scientist needs to be a fluid presenter. What is the use of all the hard work, if he is not able to influence his stakeholders? Communicating with data and presenting stories backed by data is one of the most important elements in the life of a data scientist. Imagine being part of companies like Google and Amazon – you have all the data you need (probably more than that) for the domain you are working on, but you need to convert it into a meaningful story, present it to the stakeholders and influence them to take the right decision!


5 – You struggle to communicate my mathematical thoughts to the audience

10 – You can manage telling stories with a lot of practice. Can’t think of doing this on the fly!

15+ – Any time, anywhere!

  • Do you always find yourself questioning people’s assumptions and are always curious to know ‘Why”? (score out of 10)

This is probably the best part and the most fun part! Here is a quote a read somewhere on Linkedin: Arguing with an Engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig: After a few hours, you realize the pig likes it. Similarly, asking why comes naturally to a good data scientist. Some of the best data scientists would stop anyone and ask for a rationale if they are not clear – Why did you ask this question? What was your thought process? Why do you assume so? are just a few examples of these questions!


5 – You only ask questions when they are critical to be asked

8+ – You can’t stand the anxiety of not understanding something! Jumping to ask questions!

  • Do you enjoy problem-solving and thrive on intellectual challenges? (score out of 10)

Analysts require a knack for problem-solving. Most of the problems businesses would face would be unique to them and it would take a smart solver to solve them. Solutions, which work for one organization may not work for another – you need to be someone who quickly develops a deep understanding of a problem and then come out with innovative ways to solve these problems


3 – You don’t mind thinking about solving problems – but you struggle.

6 – You can solve problems at times

9 / 10 – You just love the process of intellectual thinking


End Notes:

What is my score? I would score somewhere between 80 – 85 on this test. It is your turn now. Do take the test and let me know, how much do you score? Also, do let me know if you think the test was helpful or otherwise.

Please note that like all subjective questions, there are no right or wrong answers here. You might score low on the test, but still, be the best analyst/data scientist out there. However, the test should help most people facing confusion. If you still remain confused after reading this article, please feel free to share your confusion/query through the comments below. It will help you clear the confusion and it will help me improve this framework.

Did you like this framework? We at Analytics Vidhya follow an analytical approach to problem-solving. If you want to become a data scientist with this analytical mindset, check out the Certified AI & ML BlackBelt Plus Program which offers 100+ hours of live-course, 100+hours of self-paced video, 18+ real-life projects, and the most important – 1:1 mentorship. The course is carefully crafted by experts so that you can become an industry-ready professional! 

Now that you know that you can / can not become a data scientist, you might be asking “How do I become a data scientist?”. Here’s the Roadmap – 

Kunal Jain is the Founder and CEO of Analytics Vidhya, one of the world's leading communities of AI professionals.

With over 17 years of experience in the field, Kunal has been instrumental in shaping the global AI landscape. His expertise spans diverse markets, from developed economies like the UK to emerging ones like India, where he has successfully led and delivered complex data-driven solutions. As a recognized thought leader, Kunal has empowered countless individuals to realize their AI ambitions through his visionary approach to AI education and community building.

Before founding Analytics Vidhya, Kunal earned both his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from IIT Bombay and held key roles at Capital One and Aviva Life Insurance across multiple geographies. His passion lies at the intersection of analytics, AI, and fostering a thriving community of data science professionals.

Responses From Readers



I got 60


Hey Bro, Thanks for a wonderful article and this gave me a chance to introspect myself. Thanks for the great article! All these days I was like a cat sitting on a wall. Through this article I have made my decision stronger to be a Business Analyst armored with analytical tool (SAS) + being a Business Analyst for the last 11+ years across various domains. Once again thanks for this article and I shall promise by doing a noble cause of sharing this article with all the persons who are still sitting like a CAT on the WALL. By the way, I have got 72 marks! Regards, Sudhi.

Jayana Natalia Charles
Jayana Natalia Charles

Mine is 60.....


Does it mean if I score low than 70 I can still consider to be in a business analyst role rather not pursuing a data scientist role.


17+9+16+12+7+8=69 .. I have just started my career with Analytics after having given lots of thought to it. Whether I have made the right decision or not only time(may be 3-5 years) can tell .. but yes, scoring 69 gives me a feeling that.. yes I am on the right track.. :) :)


I am planning to shift to analytics after 14 years of experience across IT enable/IT/Health care/Engineering industry, I scored 73, though ‘m comfortable with mathematics and statistics, but need calculators and excel to work on problems, but I love solving strategic and number puzzles. So is doing mind/mental calculation an important criteria for an analytics? Will this be a hindrance in shifting to analytics world?


I too am between and 80-85. I don't mind working within structures. I find the tradeoff between skepticism and working within the confines of expectations to have a reasonable business purpose. Also, sometimes the monotony of side work is often the break I need to "clear the fog" after long periods of intellectual thinking. Also as an analyst, I tend to only focus on critical issues because there is just not enough time in the day to focus on everything. Great quiz. I enjoyed it.


I got 78 What does this mean?


Hi Team, i'm changing my carrer to data analyst.. what is the best option to change ..i have littlt bit knowledge in microstartegy.. let me help me on this..


12+10+12+18+6+6=64 I am putting lots of effort to learn every granular thing in the business problems and learning the art of analytics from every possible way. Kunal I would really like to appreciate for creating such a great framework. You are a real Data scientist who can put real life situation into such innovative and logical framework.


Hi Kunal, I belive I have reached the right place. I want to ask something regarding mid career switch. I am working in an international BPO Finance & accounts domain totally I have 8+ years Exp (5.5L CTC per Annum)…..have a great interest in Analytics I am 32 years of age..though I think age is just a number but dont know what recruiters think. I have done BCom & Master of Foreign Trade, I would like to move to an analytics field. Planning to join Analytics foundation course with SAS Could you please advise me will recruiters will consider my profile for entry level Analyics job? I have spoke to One of Trainer in Analytics Training centre, he said my profile will not match with Industry requirement., Now im in dilema, whether to join or not to join. Please advise. Thanks and Regards, Ramachandra


Dear Kunal: I m becoming fan of urs reading ur articles in various forums. I m puzzled while thinking of being a 'Data Scientist". Recently I got chance and enrolled in ISB CBA 2015 program. Before the enrollment, I talked with a few persons at home and abroad but no one could answer to my satisfaction. Let me share a brief of my personal profile. I am running 34, working in a Bangladeshi leading bank as senior manager in R&D, having overall experience of almost 12 years. I love number crunching, advance user of EXCEL but limited knowledge about SPSS/STAT. Currently m drawing BDT 18L (INR 14 equivalent) per annum. Now I m really confused about my mid-age career shift/job prospect after investing BDT 12L+ (INR 9.5L+). By the way, I scored 72. In such quandary pls. help me out.. Thanks in advance. Ashique from BD


Hi Kunal, I have 3 years of prior work experience in IT industry and currently I am pursuing my MBA. I am getting a score of 69 but I am interested in the field of analytics. However, I am not able to decide whether switching to analytics/data scientist track after an MBA will be right choice? Does data scientist's work is more dominated by technical work or functional and whether opting for an analytics profile will be right option? Please advise Thanks


My score was 73 - what should I do? I love data, using Excel to its limits with the amount of data I am using, but don't know SQL/R/SAS. I think Tableau is amazing but yet to use it, however I am pretty sure I can learn fast. Is this obstacle difficult to overcome?


Hey Kunal, That was an impressing article. This is first time I'm reading your blog, I stumbled upon via Google Alert. You've sliced all the skills pretty intelligently. The only thing I'd like to add is Programming skills. Do you think they need to be part of the skills, to measure for. I got 73. I love number crunching, business analysis, mathematics, statistics and story telling about data. But my biggest fear is programming. The reason is: I tried learning C++, couple of time, in the past but couldn't get it. And drew a decision that programming is not my cup of tea. Sometimes I think that might be a wrong decision or may be right. For data science I need to learn at least SQL, R and Python. Which makes me feel bit nervous. Right now I'm on fence of making a decision if I should go for data science career or not. Please help me making the decision. Your views would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Sheila Greenfield
Sheila Greenfield

I got 67. I don't know what the 8+ means? How do I determine if I take the extra 2 points to maximum of 10? Very good to have this framework. Thanks

Shlomit Jacobson
Shlomit Jacobson

Hi, Thanks for the article, I found it very useful for clarifying what are the qualities I will need If I decide to chose this direction. I got 89 (13+18+20+18+10+10=89).

Ravi Shaw
Ravi Shaw

Hi Kunal, Thank you for the great article! Currently I am working with an Utility client and having good knowledge in Base SAS, SQL and advance excel. I want to be a business analyst. Could you please guide me. Regards Ravi Shaw


Hi Kunal, I score between 54. Which area do i consider. i had 7 years of exp and looking to change in big data and analytics space. Please advice and let me know some good training course for big data and analytics . Thanks! Dinesh K

Mukesh Rathi
Mukesh Rathi

Hi Kunal, Thanks for this framework it really helpful, I am also new to this industry but feel excited.


I'm around 85 and feel like a philosopher trapped into an engineer body... obsessing about automating problem solving... and looking for like minded people to share the quest

Vivek Kumar Singh
Vivek Kumar Singh

Hi Kunal, i have gone through the is really helpful.


Answering the questions could perhaps be a bit biased if you already know the interpretation of the score? I have a high motivation to play around with Machine Learning tools, but perhaps not necessarily the right mindset to become a Data scientist with a score of 52... :-s

Mike C
Mike C

Contemplating from devops programming back to something more math-ish/analytical. I'm at 70 or perhaps a bit more, but I'm giving myself bonus points for wondering while taking the quiz whether and how you validated it... ;-) Thanks for this!


Hi! Got an 80, but here's my problem: (!!) I got a 5 each on question 1 and 4, and max score on the rest - Essentially I LOVE scrutinizing stuff, can be a PAIN in the way I ask questions to get to the depth of something, love to spend HOURS in figuring out stuff........but - I'm just not comfortable numerically!! Sure I can look at numbers and come up with insights, pretty valid ones too, but it takes time and effort and I'm not as intuitive as many freshers I know! So what should I do?

Anish Baruah
Anish Baruah

I a 3rd year Engineering student from a reputed college in Bangalore. I would really appreciate a reply from Kunal Jain as to what I should be doing while still in college to be a better analyst. I wish to pursue an analytics degree from the US right after my graduation. Thanks.


Hi Kunal, Thanks for this article !! I scored 73(Just crossed the boundary ) .I already have decided to shift my career to analytics. I know the statistical tool like SAS and R (Tested my expertise on article written by Tavish ,scored 16/20 in SAS and R ,didn't attempted Python ).I have done one project on Kaggle .But still its hard for me to get a interview call . Because without any interview I cant show any one one what I know .I have 2+ yrs of experience in Business Analysis and Business Process .Can you suggest me in how to go ahead .your previous suggestion helped me a lot . Thanks, Nitesh

Chaitanya Prabhu
Chaitanya Prabhu

Good framework to check the preparedness for the Analytics Field. My score 70...Presently i am doing Foundation course in Analytics. Hope to imporve the score in future. Thanks Chaitanya Prabhu KH


Very interesting post! Thank you for your insight regarding the attributes which make a person more or less likely to enjoy the field of data science. I have transitioned from a finance/accounting track within the healthcare industry into data analysis in same. This framework has helped focus my thoughts about what skillsets I need to invest time into strengthening to support my transition. I scored a 75.


I got 85-90. This is not much of a surprise since I'm a theoretical physicist :) After research work in University, I would now like to work in data science out of academia, so I'm trying to find my way in the world out there. Any suggestion? Elena

Cory C.
Cory C.

I am a University Student in Statistics (Minors in Computer Science and Business). Got a 76. Starting to think this is the field I should go into! Thanks for the test! Cory


Thanks Kunal, for making this quiz. I've been doing a lot of research and am getting started in the field. 20+10+15+20+10+10=85 I'm hoping with my background in electrical engineering and mathematics that I seem like an ideal candidate. I know this is the field for me and your quiz confirmed it. I must admit I sat awhile analyzing the quiz. It's a habit. Question is would I need to get another degree in an analytic field such as operation research, management science, or something like that. I love math so I'm wanting to get my master's in mathematics but if getting it in operation research or management will improve my chances? So can math help me as an analyst/data scientist?

Sumit Savani
Sumit Savani

Hi Kunal, That was an interesting framework. The self assessment gave me an understanding of which areas I am strong and also gave me reassurance that I am on the right track. I am working as Operations & supply chain consultant at IBM, currently focused on developing the technical foothold required for executing the Business analytics through R and SPSS. I was just wondering what is the depth of understanding that is required and the dependency on other technical languages like python/Hadoop which I usually hear from the guys who are already there, as being a non IT professional I don't have any base in these languages.


Greetings, Kunal! Got 75 from your test. Currently employed as system analyst in software development company. Work with the same systems and same problems all over and over again burning me out, I've got tired of all this routine and decided to shift career next year to data scientist/BA. Started searching the web for relevant sources of information and found your blog. Thank you for it! It's like to find a stash full of gold! Your articles is so helpful, especially about skills and tools I need to master to achieve competence in BA/ data science. Thanks again!


sir I have scored 76. I am currently in my final year from an NIT and I am already been placed at one of the KPOs. Sir i would like to know more about my future prospects as M&A analyst?. that is the profile I have been offered.


65 I guess it is a good start as a new data analyst Thank you for the article! Yizhe

Jing An
Jing An

I'm definitely 85-90. Feel like this is exactly what I want to do.


Hi Kunal, My score is 71 and I have done graduation in Mathematics and I have done MCA also. I have 5.2 years exp in operation with Infosys. After that I have 3 years of gap. I have practiced Hadoop framework with Hortonworks. Now I am learning Python and Machine Learning. Please suggest me, am I going right..??? Need ur suggestion. Its urgent.

Rajesh Subudhi
Rajesh Subudhi

Hi Kunal, First of all Thanks to you & your entire team in starting and continuously adding new article to this website. Recently joined a 50hrs session on Business Analytics from EduPristine. From one our faculty get to know about your website and since then I am reading articles published by you & Tavish. I am working as a Business Analyst in an IT firm with around 10 years of experience. I have worked for some of the ERP & BI projects as Requirement Analyst. Now I have set my mind to shift to Analytics side. And I find the above framework a right tool to judge whether one should shift to Analytics or not. Thanks for creating this framework. I am sure all the new entrants to Analytics like me will find this framework/tool useful and give a true reflection of their interest. I can say its a Psychometric test to know your Interest for Business Analytics. BTW I scored 69. Rajesh

Elina Jeskanen
Elina Jeskanen

100 points! - And note that the most important aspects are, enthusiasm about data, asking and identifying questions, solving problems with business value and last but not least communicating results! Totally agree!

Santosh sharma
Santosh sharma

Hey kunal I got 63, does it mean I can pursue career in analytics? I have done in electronics and comm. Engg. But I don't have any working experience. Plz guide me.


Hello. I got around 60...I have a bachelor degree as engineer so I'm decent with numbers, but does one needs to know and understand all the mathematics behind predictive analytics or just the main principles of how to use and when to use it? The math behind machine learning it could be pretty advanced and not just crunching numbers and curiosity... So, using R for example, do I just need when to choose linear discriminant analysis over linear regression and how to write this in R and how to interpret it? Or more than that? I see the advance of technology as exponential and soon enough all this will be done more reliable by a machine instead of a person and just the best of data scientists will be able to continue in the job. The gray area will not exist anymore. What do you think? Thanks


Hello,, As for as I know data scientist and business analyst are two different career paths.How can we generalize the above steps to both the fields?I am doing MBA right now and I am confused in choosing my career between these two options.Please help me to choose the right one which suits my nature.I am an INTP personality as per the MBTI test.And also mention which one leads to BI career.


Hi Kunal, Thanks for this Blog !! My score is 58 and still an unable to decide what should i opt for .. i am working as a Business analyst from past 4 years. Key Roles and responsibilities: Requirement gathering, documentation SRS FRS, bridge between technical team and client, UAT, .. But now a days as i am looking into the market. Org. demanding technology driven business analyst (pl correct if i am wrong). Which is more imp Domain Business Analyst OR Technology Business Analyst? If technology Business analyst are good for long run than for which technology i should opt. Like SQL, SAS, Macros, analytics , etc Please enlighten me what should i do in terms of growth and knowledge. Thanks


i scored 15+15+20+15+8+9=82


Hi Kunal, I got 72 acore. I have done MTech and data mining, text mining was my domain for research. My research work is published by IEEE XPLORE and Springer Scientometrics journal. I am working with MNC as a role of Support with 6 months of experience. Now I have got an opportunity of a role of Analyst analytics from other company. Should I go for it ? I want to be Data Scientist, so is it possoble to get this after some experience in Analyst role? Please Reply.

Kamal Tanwar
Kamal Tanwar

What exactly is a structured problem? Can anyone give an example?

Parmanand sahu
Parmanand sahu

I must say..good framework and I scored around 72.This blog is torching the light in dark sea for future analyst. Your blog is exactly what is relevant to indian directly hit the bulls eye each time you write. But I must point it out as soren said there is quite gap between eligibility for business analyst and data scientist. It's more like what it is engineering to science. A business analyst should be able to coorelate and use the front end of tools where as data scientist play with advance mathematical stuff to bring out such algorithms. I want to thanks again for the framework and keep the good work going and guiding us.


This is good framework. I got the score of 70 .. After working in database development for 12+ years, I am thinking to be data scientist/analyst. Please let me know if any suggestions


Thanks for posting this. Very helpful. I scored 85. Perhaps it's time for a career change for me. :D


Hi Kunal, I scored 85 here. Thanks for such a very good information and test framework. I am software developer with 4 years of experience in JAVA. So I am in confusion that weather switch data scientist career will be good for me or not? What should I do ? I am tired from CRUD operation/ same type of work and web development work in my current job, so want something more interesting work. Thanks


Hi Kunal, I am an MBA graduate into International Business wants to start my career as a Business Analyst. Your blog gave me a clear picture of what exactly are the capabilities or skills a BA should possess. Could you please suggest me on how to start my training with or which technologies(IT or non-IT) should I start learning initially and step-wise to become successful in my career? Regards Ambrish


my score is 90 ^_^ it`s an amazing test I `m goin` to start data science course but I was not sure that it `s ideal for me , now I am 100% sure thank you for creating the test it helped me to discover the use of my unusable skills ,


hey I'm from information science background and a fresher, next month will be going to join company. I got only 46.. is it very less and I shouldn't go for data scientist???

Pravesh Chourey
Pravesh Chourey

Hiii Kunal, Thanks for sharing this article. i am working as a technical support engineer for two years in a product based software development firm where i have multiple tasks to perform like interaction with customer during the implementation, installation and deployment , technical and functional support, software demo and presentation by understanding the functional requirements of customer etc. i started my career as software programmer where i worked on HTML ,CSS, ,SQL etc.some what i like to work on data and numbers also but at this point i am quite confuse between data science and business analyst career. i scored 56 in above test but still i am quite confuse. so i will appreciate your suggestions and tips to guide me to move on my career into right direction. Thank you so much


Hi, Kunal, I scored 73. I come from a legal background. I am an attorney and considering a career shift. I love solving problems and logical thinking, My everyday work is simply to solve problems and present solutions, either to clients or management in my firm. Additionally, I love math. I have always scored A+ in math. However, it is rusty now since it has been 20+ years since I studied math in high school. Finally, I used to program with V.Basic up until high school. Plus, I used to work as a hardware troubleshooter while in college. Thoughts? Thanks in advance. Mido

Ashish Silla
Ashish Silla

Hi Kunal, I Have scored around 60 ( 10+15+18+10+8+9). I have done my MBA in Operations and joined Infosys (June, 2016) as Business Analyst. Recently, with my increasing interest towards analytics i have tried to move to a role related to analytics internally and currently ended up as a Tableau Resource where my role is to develop dashboards. But right now i am not sure of how to make a step ahead. I have taken a course on R in UDEMY and also finished Introduction to ML by Andrew N.G. in Coursera. I have a therotical knowledge of advanced statistics (like Regression, Hypothesis testing) and very basic knowledge on programming languages like SQL and Octave. When i look at Job Descriptions of Data Scientists, they are more of technical like Hadoop, SAS, BIG DATA, Advanced/Unstructured SQL languages and so on. I get terrified by those advanced requirements. Ca you help me in guiding a path to take and skills to learn. It would be a great help to me. Thanks in Advance.


Hi Kunal, I am working in QA. I want to become data scientist. My score is way too less 45. Can i stll move from my QA career to Data scientist. Please advise. Thanks,

Ajay Ramaseshan
Ajay Ramaseshan

Hi Kunal, I got a score of 10+5+10+10+7+5 = 47. I know that s quite a low score compared to the many other scores that were posted, so I am not sure if I am downplaying myself, or this is really who I am. A little bit background about myself. I hold a Masters Degree in Machine Learning and Data Mining from Finland, and have been working in analytics industry in India for the last 3 years. I find unstructured problems that is ambiguity in business problems difficult to handle, and structured thinking tough, And I dont have great storytelling (telling stories from data and presenting insights) skills. These are the areas where I scored the lowest. Can you please give me tips to improve these weak areas? Regards, Ajay

Jonathan B.
Jonathan B.

Thank you for the article! I am a chemistry major/mathematics minor and scored a 78. I'm in statistics and really love it a lot, especially the word (unstructured) problems. That's neat that you're at IIT. Although I'm a student in Mississippi (USA), I had the opportunity to visit IIT Guwahati last summer and meet with a professor for theoretical chemistry research. I very much enjoyed my time there in India! Thanks again for taking your time to write this.


mine is 74. It looks quite good. I diving in


Nice article. Great approach. False equivalency. Data Science is not = "Business Analyst"


Even after 4 years of time This test stands good. Thanks It has helped me .


Working as Business Analyst in BFSI sector. I am not from coding background. But yes I have had learnt statistics at University level. I am interested but not sure if data scientist is correct path for me. Would like to know and learn how, why, when and where, data scientist skills is utilised in BFSI. Please suggest My score is 45.


Hi Kunal. I scored 64. What does this mean ? Where do I stand ? I am pursuing executive MBA from Symbiosis and working in a private firm. I wish to transition my career towards business analytics / data science. Where do I start ? Your reply will be highly appreciated. Thanks, Mandar.

Aman Nigam
Aman Nigam

Hi Kunal, Loved all that you have shared, this detailed information about becoming a data scientist will really help many students , especially the test questions. We at Tucareers also offer free psychological and aptitude career tests to help individuals make the right choices at any stage of life. Tucareers helps students and professionals make the right career decision through our researched based unique career guidance framework. Thanks for Sharing.


Excellent article. Very articulate and well written. I've got 83 on the score.

Dai Software
Dai Software
Debasish Bhowmick
Debasish Bhowmick

I m at age of 56 years.i am doing data science. Will it help me to get job after 57 years of age.i feel this subject interesting

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